
In 1040 AD, Fan Zhongyan wrote a acacia that has been passed down through the ages, for whom was it written?

The poem "Su Mu Cha Nostalgia" is one of the representative works of fan Zhongyan, a famous minister of the Northern Song Dynasty. In the famous singing section of Wang Shifu's "Records of the West Chamber" of the Ming Dynasty, "Farewell to the Long Pavilion", the first sentence is used from the first sentence of this word, but the word "leaf" is changed to "flower".

"The Tale of the West Chamber" tells the love story of Zhang Sheng and Cui Yingying, only because the content involves free love, and men and women elope. Therefore, in ancient times, it was listed as a "forbidden book". Despised by Taoists.

In 1040 AD, Fan Zhongyan wrote a acacia that has been passed down through the ages, for whom was it written?

Fan Zhongyan's "Su Mu Sha Nostalgia" also involves the affair between men and women, and because it does not specifically describe the details of men and women's acquaintance and love, it is respected by the upper class literati.

"Su MuCha Nostalgia" and "The Tale of the West Chamber", in the eyes of the ancients, are elegant and vulgar, and they are thousands of miles away. But who can know that behind "Su Mu Cha Nostalgia", there is even a hidden passage about Fan Zhongyan's affair.

I. Appreciation of "Su Mu Cha Nostalgia"

"Su MuCha Nostalgia" - Northern Song Dynasty Fan Zhongyun

Blue clouds, yellow leaves, autumn colors and waves, cold smoke on the waves. The mountains reflect the slanting sun and the water, and the herbs are merciless, and they are even more outside the slanting sun.

Dark souls, reminiscents, night and night unless, good dreams leave people to sleep. Mingyue Lou rested alone, and the wine fell into the intestines, turning into tears of lovesickness.

Fan Zhongyan's poem, in general, is considered to be a work of writing about the love of the journey. In some interpretations, it is considered to be writing "nostalgia", but this is actually a misunderstanding.

The first half of this poem, through the lyricism of the scenery, through the meticulous and beautiful description of these scenes in the autumn, achieves the purpose of writing "autumn heart" with "autumn color".

The "Fangcao" in the text is a classic of "Chu Ci Zhao Hermit", a metaphor for "leaving people". "The grass is ruthless, and it is more outside the oblique sun", which means that the author's thoughts about "leaving people" have exceeded the scope of the oblique sun and exceeded the boundaries that his eyes can reach.

In 1040 AD, Fan Zhongyan wrote a acacia that has been passed down through the ages, for whom was it written?

The preceding "autumn color" and the painting "autumn heart" indicate that the author's heart is actually "detached from sorrow". Then, after entering the second half, the author begins to explain why the "detachment" in his heart is born.

After reading the last two sentences of this poem, everyone suddenly realized that it was because of "lovesickness". So, who is this person who made Fan Zhongsi feel "lovesickness"?

Fan Zhongyan had three wives in his lifetime, the first was the Li clan, the second was the Nie clan (one said Cao shi), and the third was the Zhang clan. Lady Li died in the third year of Jingyou (1036 AD) at Poyang Commandery, and her second wife Nie Shi (曹氏) entered the gate around 1042 AD.

However, "Su Mucha Nostalgia" was created in 1040 AD. In other words, the person who caused Fan Zhong to shed tears in the words was probably not the dead Li Shi, nor the stepmother Nie Shi (Cao Shi).

Fan Zhongyan was a talented Wang Zuozhi who was both literate and martial, and he spent his whole life loyally for the country and knew everything. Therefore, after his death, his posthumous title was "Wenzheng", becoming the first "Wenzheng Gong" in Chinese history.

Zhu Xi, a famous theorist of the Southern Song Dynasty, praised Fan Zhongyan as "the first-class figure between heaven and earth", while Wang Anshi said that he was "a teacher of a lifetime, from beginning to end, with no flaws in his name". It can be seen that Fan Wenzhenggong in the future generations has become another "saint" respected by theoreticians.

In 1040 AD, Fan Zhongyan wrote a acacia that has been passed down through the ages, for whom was it written?

But who would have thought that in the third year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1036 AD), that is, the same year that Fan Zhongyan originally died with Li Shi, the "perfect person" who was "famous and flawless" in the eyes of this Taoist scholar made a "case of affairs and public affairs".

According to relevant historical records, in the third year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1036 AD), Fan Zhongyan was demoted to Poyang Dangzhi Prefecture because of his disagreement with the chancellor.

At that time, Fan Zhongyan took his original partner Li Shi with him. According to the Fan Family, Li finally died in Poyang. Fan Zhongyan built a house behind the lobby of the mansion and named it Qingshuo Xuan.

In the Southern Song Dynasty's Records of Nengjiazhai Manhua, Xixi Congyu, and Records of Blowing Swords, it is mentioned that there was a little in Fan Zhongyan's mansion at that time, who was still young, and Fan Zhongyan liked it very much.

Later, Fan Zhongyan was transferred away from Poyang, and he also wrote a poem called Huaiqing Shuotang, and asked a person named Wei Jian to help transfer it to the Little, which reads as follows:

The flowers in front of the Qingshuo Hall were planted by themselves, and they were moved to the officials and never bloomed.

Year after year, I remembered the hatred, and the spring wind pipe hooked up.

The poem varies from version to edition, with individual words, but the general meaning is the same. It is all said that there is a small flower growing in the Qingshuo Hall, and since he moved to Poyang, it has not flowered.

In 1040 AD, Fan Zhongyan wrote a acacia that has been passed down through the ages, for whom was it written?

Now after leaving Poyang, year after year, I missed this little flower in the Qingshuo Hall, and the result turned out to be "away from hatred", so I could only ask Tuo Chunfeng to help manage it.

The word "pipe hook" in the last sentence of this poem means "management" in ancient Chinese. Therefore, some versions write the word in the poem as "pipe sentence", which is actually wrong.

Because the founding emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty was called Zhao Shuo, in order to avoid the name of the emperor, in some versions, the "pipe hook" was changed to "gandang", but the meaning was the same.

Ancient people wrote poetry, often using "flowers" as a metaphor for "beauty". Therefore, as soon as this poem came out, the wild historians at that time unanimously believed that Fan Zhongyan's poem was written for this little.

It is not known who the surname of this little is. It is recorded in the Xixi CongYu that after Fan Zhongyan left Poyang, he entrusted his friend Wei Jian to help take care of the little prostitute. Later, he returned to the capital, sent her a box of "cotton rouge", and inscribed a poem on the box:

There are beautiful people in Gangnam, and they look fond of each other.

How to comfort the lovesickness, give Ru a good color.

Yao Kuan, the author of "Xixi Congyu", after speaking this gossip, said conclusively that this poem written by Fan Zhongyan is still in the home of a scholar in Poyang.

In 1040 AD, Fan Zhongyan wrote a acacia that has been passed down through the ages, for whom was it written?

During the Southern Song Dynasty alone, there were at least three or four influential wild histories that mentioned Fan Zhongyan's affair. The heroine of the story, Little Beard, may be only twelve or thirteen years old.

So when the Ming and Qing dynasties flourished, Confucians believed that this was a slander against Fan Wenzheng. Many Ming and Qing scholars have pointed out that the little prostitute in the story does not exist and is far-fetched.

Moreover, scholars in the Ming and Qing dynasties believe that Fan Zhongyan's poem is simply writing about the flowers and plants he likes. In modern times, some scholars believe that Fan Zhongyun is also a human being, and he also has seven passions and six desires.

Moreover, those gentlemen and literati of the early Song Dynasty were also very normal in having prostitutes. And it is precisely because Fan Zhongyan has had this kind of personal experience of love that he can write the "lovesickness" in "Su MuCha Nostalgia" so well.


It was once thought that the singing section "Farewell to the Long Pavilion" in "The Tale of the West Chamber" changed the "Biyun Tian, Yellow Leaf Land" in Fan Zhongyan's "Su Mu Cha Nostalgia" to "Biyun Tian, Yellow Flower Land", which was a metaphor for "falling flowers are ruthless, and the flowing water is intentional".

In 1040 AD, Fan Zhongyan wrote a acacia that has been passed down through the ages, for whom was it written?

Later, it was pointed out that this may only be because the author of the "West Chamber" changed the lyrics to a song, which needed to be in line with ping. Ancient Taoists looked down on the "Record of the West Chamber", saying that it was just a novel about "obscene running", which was not as elegant as the Song Ci, but dared to plunder the beauty of the Song Ci.

However, they didn't know that behind this "elegant word", there was even a period of affair that did not lose the "West Chamber". Although Fan Zhongyan is "a generation of meritorious and high-ranking Song rooms" and "the first-class figures in heaven and earth", he is also a person after all.

If a person has seven passions and six desires, he has the freedom to fall in love. However, the only thing that makes people feel sad is that the year fan Zhongyan fell in love with xiao Qi prostitute happened to be the same year that his original match, Li Shi, died.

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