
The Jin Dynasty created the "Shame of Jingkang" and looked at how the Southern Song Dynasty retaliated, leaving only 100,000 of the 7 million Jin people

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

In August of the seventh year of Xuanhe, the third year of the Jin Tianhui (1125), the famous Jin Dynasty generals Completed Yan Zongwang and Completed Yan Zonghan used Zhang Jue's incident as a reason to attack the Song. In October, Emperor Yan set out from Pingzhou to attack Yanshan Province. Song Yizhou surrendered Han Minyi and then won a victory at the Gubeikou of the Baihe River. The surrender of Guo Yaoshi by the Song dynasty caused the defense of Yanshan Province to collapse.

Yan Zonghan led an army to attack Taiyuan from Datong, and then conquered Shuozhou and Daizhou, and then besieged Taiyuan, and later Yan Zongwang had already made peace with Song before he quit his army. In the first month of the first year of Jing Kang (1126), Emperor Yanzongwang crossed the Yellow River, attacked Xiazhou again, and besieged Beijing, but was resisted by Li Gang and the city was not breached. In February, Yan Zongwang threatened Zhao Zhuo and Zhang Bangchang as hostages and ceded the three towns of Taiyuan, Zhongshan, and Hejian to negotiate peace.

The Jin Dynasty created the "Shame of Jingkang" and looked at how the Southern Song Dynasty retaliated, leaving only 100,000 of the 7 million Jin people

At this time, Yan Zongwang was on the East Road of Jinguo, and the first siege of Kaifeng did not yield any results, and Yan Zongwang decided to retreat, and the elite troops of the Western Army led by the seed division left Kaifeng, and the Song Qin Sect sent 100,000 troops to "escort" them, and the surrender faction sent people to set up a large banner on the yellow river, and the army was not allowed to bypass the banner to chase the Jin army, otherwise all of them would be executed.

Master Dao also suggested that Song Qinzong gather a large army on both sides of the Yellow River to prevent the Jin army from crossing the river again. Although Song Qinzong agreed, he was suppressed by the surrender faction, who believed that the Jin army would not come here, the military expenditure was wasted again, and the seed master Dao was killed by anger. In August, Fenjing sent Yan Zonghan and Yan Zongwang to attack the Song for the second time.

The Jin Dynasty created the "Shame of Jingkang" and looked at how the Southern Song Dynasty retaliated, leaving only 100,000 of the 7 million Jin people

Yan Zonghan set out from Datong and attacked Xiashui and Taiyuan. After Yan Zongwang set out from Baozhou, he captured Xiongzhou, Zhongshan, Xinle, and Jingxing, taking the Tianwei army, and Ke zhending, which was the route of the first stage of the attack. In the second stage, Yan Zonghan captured weishengjun and Longde province. Yan Zongwang attacked Linhe County, Daming County, Deqing Army, Kaide Province, huaizhou, and attacked the capital city.

During the second siege of Kaifeng, Emperor Yanzongwang led 80,000 people, the main generals Yan Yanmu, Yan Chang, and Liu Yanzong remained in the army, and only Guo Yaoshi remained in Yanjing. Finished Yan Lou and Finished Yan Xiyin took turns to go to Tongguan outer overseers to stop the Song Dynasty's Western Army Qin Wang. In the first year of Jing Kang (1126), Emperor Yanzongwang and Emperor Qinzong of Song destroyed the city and captured two emperors, Emperor Huizong of Song and Emperor Qinzong of Song.

The Jin Dynasty created the "Shame of Jingkang" and looked at how the Southern Song Dynasty retaliated, leaving only 100,000 of the 7 million Jin people

In the second year of Jing Kang (1127), after the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty and the large-scale raiding of the Jin army, Zhang Bangchang was made emperor, with the state name of Dachu, and Yan Zongwang imprisoned Emperor Huizong of Song, Empress Zheng, the prince, the emperor's grandson, and the horse all the way north of Huazhou. After Yan Zonghan imprisoned Song Qinzong, Empress Zhu, Crown Prince, and Zongfu to the northern district of Zhengzhou. All the people and horses returned to the north with more than 100,000 people, which is the "shame of Jingkang" in history.

The Jin Dynasty created the "Shame of Jingkang" and looked at how the Southern Song Dynasty retaliated, leaving only 100,000 of the 7 million Jin people

Leading the army to destroy the city, Yan Zongwang and Yan Zonghan did not expect that more than a hundred years later, when the Jin Kingdom declined, the Southern Song Dynasty also began to retaliate madly! After the establishment of the Jin Dynasty, he was afraid of the Mongol invasion of him, so he implemented the "policy of reducing the number of Ding", and the Jin Dynasty and Mongolia became feuds. By the time of King Wei Shao of the Jin Dynasty, the strength of the Jin Kingdom was not as good as before. Genghis Khan saw the weakness of the Jin Dynasty and launched the "Battle of Wild Fox Ridge" against the Jin Dynasty. ”

The Jin Dynasty created the "Shame of Jingkang" and looked at how the Southern Song Dynasty retaliated, leaving only 100,000 of the 7 million Jin people

At the Battle of Wild Fox Ridge, King Wei Shao was assassinated and succeeded by Emperor Xuanzong of Jin. Jin Xuanzong also fought with the Mongols many times, and as a result, he also lost the land in the north. Jin Xuanzong had never fought in Mongolia and wanted to find trouble for the Southern Song Dynasty. The jin dynasty's army was defeated by Yu Jie and others. The Southern Song Dynasty then allied with the Mongols against the Jin Dynasty, and the Battle of Caizhou occurred.

The famous Southern Song Dynasty general Meng Jue led tens of thousands of elite troops, carrying grain for a year, and joined the Mongol army in the city of Caizhou, where Emperor Jin Aizong lived. Although the Jin army had a strong city as a support, after all, the strength was weak, the army was scattered, and there was a shortage of grain and grass. When the Jin Dynasty fell, the existence of Han Jurchens plummeted from 7 million to 100,000, and the Jin people almost reached the point of extinction.

The Jin Dynasty created the "Shame of Jingkang" and looked at how the Southern Song Dynasty retaliated, leaving only 100,000 of the 7 million Jin people

In the Battle of Caizhou, Jin Aizong's "monarch dies" integrity was revered by successive generations. After being captured by the Song army and taken to Lin'an, Zhang Tiangang, a minister of the Jin Dynasty, angrily rebuked the Song dynasty monarchs, saying: "The rise and fall of the country is nothing. My death of Jin, how is it better than the Second Emperor of Ru? In the "History of Jin", the Yuan Dynasty prime minister Also had to praise the person of Jin Aizong, commenting that "a simple life is born, the figure survives in death, and the unfinished is dead, but the mourning is also mournful." Although, in the "Rites", 'the death of the monarch is the society', the mourning sect is not ashamed".

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