
China's most famous three skirts, sky-high prices!

The long river of history is running endlessly, there are calm waves, there are also waves, let Xiaobian take you into history and understand history.

In ancient times, women wore skirts the most, and whether it was winter or summer, skirts were the unchanging choice for women. Skirts can show women the virtues of gentleness and gentleness, and can also best reflect the traditional Chinese culture and characteristics. Therefore, ancient women not only loved skirts, but also wore a lot of classic models, which was amazing.

China's most famous three skirts, sky-high prices!

"Skirt suit" is the most classic dress for ancient women, during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, Zhongshan Kingdom began to popular a clothing style, that is: skirt. 襦, is a kind of tight narrow sleeves, the length of only up to the waist of the short top; Skirts that are often worn with plackets are made of multiple pieces of cloth, and most of them are woven with checkered patterns.

If we want to talk about the most famous and valuable skirt in history, I am afraid we cannot do without these three:

The most legendary fairy dress

The Liuxian skirt is the skirt worn by Zhao Feiyan, the second empress of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Xiao, and it is a crepe style that is said to be the most legendary of the three skirts. Perhaps because it is recorded in the "Feiyan Wai biography", and the "Feiyan Wai biography" was praised by the Ming Dynasty thinker Hu Yinglin as the "first of the legend".

It is rumored that one day, Zhao Feiyan wore a purple dress of Yunying and took a thousand-person boat with Emperor Liu Xiao to play in the Tailiu Pool. As soon as the two empresses were happy, Zhao Feiyan began to dance to make Liu Xiao more cheerful, and suddenly a fierce wind blew on the lake, blowing Zhao Feiyan into the sky, and everyone was stunned at the moment.

Fortunately, the palace maid on the side pulled Zhao Feiyan's skirt in time, so that this slender Zhao Feiyan really became a flying swallow in the sky, but it was a pity that beautiful gorgeous skirt. Because, under the pull of the palace women, the skirt was pulled out of many crepe pleats.

China's most famous three skirts, sky-high prices!

But this has also become the most unfortunate thing, because there are so many crepe pleated skirts, which have unexpectedly become more beautiful, and even let the concubines and palace women compete to follow suit. Since then, this "lingering skirt" has been famous in history.

The most popular pomegranate skirt

The "pomegranate skirt" is regarded as the most popular of the three skirts, and it is worn by Yang Yuhuan, the most favored Yang Guifei of Tang Xuanzong Li Longji. Pomegranate skirt, as the name suggests, its color is red. This skirt has appeared during the Southern Dynasty, the style is narrow and wide, because the color is bright red, once worn, it is quite eye-catching.

The great poet Bai Juyi called it "Blood Colored Luo Skirt" in the "Pipa Line". It is said that young women nowadays especially like this red dress, and the poet Wan Chu said in the "Five Days of Seeing prostitutes": "Mei Dai won the color of Xuan grass, and the red dress was jealous of killing pomegranate flowers." The meaning of the verse is: the red dress, let the pomegranate flower see, extremely jealous.

China's most famous three skirts, sky-high prices!

One day, Emperor Tang Ming set up a banquet to entertain the courtiers, and joyfully invited Yang Guifei to dance and cheer. However, when Princess Yang Guifei said to Emperor Tang Ming: "Most of the courtiers look at the concubines sideways, and they are not respectful and courteous, and I am not willing to dance for them." ”

Emperor Tang Ming also felt aggrieved for Yang Guifei, and he immediately ordered that civilian officials and military generals should be treated with courtesy when they saw Yang Guifei, and if there were anyone who refused to bow down, they would be severely punished for the crime of deceiving the king. When the courtiers heard the emperor's will, they were quite helpless. After this, when the courtiers saw Yang Guifei walking in a pomegranate dress, they all knelt down and saluted.

This is the allusion to "kneeling under the skirt of a pomegranate". To this day, this sentence has long become a metaphor for men's fascination with women.

The most valuable bird skirt

The last "bird skirt" is also a skirt. It was worn by Princess Anle, the daughter of Emperor Zhongzong of Tang and Empress Wei. Princess Anle was favored by her parents and was known as the first beauty of the Tang Dynasty.

China's most famous three skirts, sky-high prices!

According to the New Book of Tang Dynasty Chronicle 24 five elements one, Princess Anle made Shang Fang he hundred birds to weave two skirts, which are regarded as one color, and the poop is regarded as one color, the day is one color, the shadow is one color, and the shape of the hundred birds is seen, and it is after one offering. The princess also uses the hair of a hundred beasts as a face, and Wei Hou collects bird feathers for it, all of which have the shape of birds and beasts, and the labor cost is huge.

When the princess first came out, Yizhou offered a monofilament biluo cage skirt, wisps of gold for flowers and birds, as thin as silk hair, as large as rice, eyes, nose and nails are prepared, and the scrutinizers can see it. All serve the demon also. Self-made hair skirts, noble lords and rich families have many effects, and the hair and feathers of the strange birds and beasts in the rivers and mountains have been exhausted.

The "bird skirt", also known as the "wool skirt", is made by the court master using the feathers of the birds. Its cost is huge, and it is a sky-high skirt. So, what are its characteristics that can live up to its name?

You see, the "bird skirt", as the name suggests, it is made of the feathers of hundreds of birds. Just imagine, a skirt can show the image of a hundred kinds of birds and finches, let people have a variety of associations, how gorgeous! Moreover, historical data also say that from which point of view, the "bird skirt" has different colors: it is one color to look at, and it is another color to look at from the side. In the sun, in the dark, it is all different colors.

However, there was not only one bird skirt with such a beautiful scenery, at that time, "Shangfang" woven a total of two bird skirts, and Princess Anle gave the other skirt to her mother Wei Hou. When the bird skirt became popular, the women of the powerful families followed suit, causing the hair and all of the exotic beasts to be plucked out for a while.

In addition, the most regrettable thing is that Princess Anle, who can wear a unique bird dress in the history of Chinese clothing, does not know how to enjoy the blessings of the foot, because she does not observe the way of women, is arrogant, and launches a coup d'état with her mother Wei Hou, and finally ends up being beheaded, at the age of twenty-five, and is disobedient to the Shuren.

Well, today's sharing ends here, and we'll see you next time

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