
Why did Guo Shengtong become the only deposed queen in history who did not enter the Cold Palace? This cattle man said 7 words to break the mystery

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

Liu Xiu, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, was a brilliant emperor who relied on his own strength to turn the tide and regain the Han Dynasty that had been cut off by Wang Mang. At the same time, Liu Xiu was also an infatuated emperor, and he only loved one woman in his life as a good story.

Why did Guo Shengtong become the only deposed queen in history who did not enter the Cold Palace? This cattle man said 7 words to break the mystery

Liu Xiu's favorite woman is named Yin Lihua. Yin Lihua, belonging to the typical rich second generation, she herself not only looks like a country and a city, but also gentle and virtuous, and when she was a pavilion girl, she had already made a name for herself in Xinye.

At that time, Liu Xiu, who was also in Nanyang, belonged to the fallen people, he was a descendant of Han Gaozu, who lost his parents at the age of nine and became an orphan, and was fostered in the family of his uncle Liu Liang. When Liu Xiu was twenty-five years old, his brother-in-law Deng Chen led him to visit Yin Lihua's brother Yin Zhi, and as a result, he "met" Yin Lihua, who was watering the peony flowers in the courtyard, and Liu Xiu fell in love with this beautiful girl who was nearly ten years younger than himself at first sight, and from then on issued a love declaration of "marrying a wife and being Yin Lihua".

Why did Guo Shengtong become the only deposed queen in history who did not enter the Cold Palace? This cattle man said 7 words to break the mystery

However, as a cloth cloth, it seems that the desire to marry the yin lihua of "Bai Fumei" seems to be a mirage, but the opportunity has come unexpectedly.

In 22 AD, Liu Xiu and his eldest brother Liu Ji raised an army against Wang Mang's new dynasty in Nanyang, and Yin Lihua's half-brother Yin Zhi also joined the rebellion.

Why did Guo Shengtong become the only deposed queen in history who did not enter the Cold Palace? This cattle man said 7 words to break the mystery

A year later, Liu Xuan, whose prestige was growing, was killed by the later emperor Liu Xuan on charges of "false accusations". After Liu Xiu, who was leading the troops, heard the bad news, he judged the situation and made a decision not to mourn, but to take the initiative to return to Wancheng to apologize to Liu Xuan, in order to save himself and Liu Jiajun.

Liu Xiu's active confession of mistakes made Liu Xuan feel guilty, so he "forgave" Liu Xiu.

Yin Zhi, who had been fighting with Liu Xiu, admired Liu Xiu's behavior and thought that he would be a person who could become a freshman in the future, so he persuaded his family to marry his sister Yin Lihua to Liu Xiu.

So the 28-year-old Liu Xiu married Yin Lihua, who was only 19 years old, as she wished, and realized the love declaration of "marrying a wife and getting Yin Lihua".

Three months later, Liu Xuan moved the capital to Luoyang, and made Liu Xiu a lieutenant colonel, arriving in Luoluo first and making a front stand for himself. The fate of the trip is uncertain, so only a small number of people can accompany him. For the safety of his wife, Liu Xiu had to send someone to send Yin Lihua back to nanyang's hometown. From the new marriage to the parting, in just three short months, the two were separated.

Yin Lihua, who returned to her hometown, lived in fear with her family and stayed at home for nearly three years, until Liu Xiuding was in Luoyang, and sent fu jun, a servant, to take her to Luoyang. However, what awaited her in Luoyang was already human, and Liu Xiu not only had one more woman, but also had a child. The woman's name was Guo Shengtong, and Liu Xiu married his niece Guo Shengtong during his campaign in Hebei to help Liu Yang the Prince of Zhending's 100,000-strong army.

Facing Yin Lihua and Guo Shengtong, Liu Xiu was embarrassed. One is a deeply loved wife with hair, the other is a partner who has a child and has a journey partner with a hundred thousand troops behind him, and The helpless Liu Xiu had to make them noble for the time being, but in his heart, he always went to his wife.

In 26 AD, Guo Guiren's uncle Liu Yang was killed for rebellion, and Liu Xiu took this opportunity to establish her as his successor in the name of Yin's "grace and wideness" and "mother Yimei". Unexpectedly, Yin Lihua refused this great good deed, and said: "The friendship during the tribulation must not be forgotten, not to mention that Guo Guiren has already given birth to a child for you." Insisted on refusing to accept the empress's canonization. Forced to do so, Liu Xiu had no choice but to make Guo Shengtong empress, and Yin Lihua was a nobleman.

As the original match, but willing to be a "concubine", which made Liu Xiu feel very guilty, so he always tried to make up for his debt to Yin Lihua. Soon after Empress Liguo, he offered to make Yin Lihua's brothers marquises, but she again refused.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Xiu pampered Yin Lihua even more with Qian. At that time, the Eastern Han Dynasty had not yet been completely pacified, and in order to be more with Yin Lihua, Liu Xiu took Yin Lihua with him every time he went out on a campaign. In 28 AD, during Liu Xiu's campaign against Peng, Yin Lihua gave birth to her and Liu Xiu's first child, the later Han Ming Emperor Liu Zhuang.

Yin Lihua had a son, which was a great joy, but for Empress Guo, it caused great anxiety. Due to her loss of favor and excessive worries, Empress Guo, who had not adjusted her mentality, repeatedly expressed her dissatisfaction and resentment in front of Liu Xiu, while Yin Lihua acted reasonable and always silently gave in to avoid the intensification of contradictions.

In 41 AD, emperor Guangwu finally decided to depose Guo Shengtong as empress dowager and install the noble yin lihua as empress.

After Guo Shengtong was deposed, he was renamed "Empress Dowager Zhongshan" and lived with his son, becoming the only deposed queen in Chinese history who did not enter the cold palace and was respected.

In this regard, the old minister Fifth Lun, who had personally experienced the Jianwu and Yongping dynasties and was extremely familiar with Empress Yin, broke through a mysterious sentence in the above book, 7 words "Empress Lie's friendship loves heaven." It means that the Yin Queen is kind by nature and does not want to hurt others.

In the seventh year of Yongping (64 AD), Yin Lihua died, with the title of "Empress Lie", and was buried with emperor Guangwu in the original mausoleum.

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