
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life

author:Kangkang Entertainment Article


Zhang Linghe, Zhao Jinmai starring in the new plot of the TV series "Hua Nian" can be said to be more and more exciting, compared with the previous life, the plot of this life has changed a lot, the Qin family was framed by the Shangguan family and the Su family and other families, saying that they collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country and greedy for military salaries, and this also led to the Qin family almost collapsed, in this case, Li Rong listened to Pei Wenxuan's words, applied for the establishment of the Supervision Division, and surrendered to Li Ming, standing on the opposite side of the family, the purpose is to protect the Qin family, Of course, she also retreated to help the Shangguan family.

It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life

Li Rong in the previous life was the strongest family, because of her monstrous power, and finally became the princess of the prison country, the power leaned towards the government and the opposition, and she was stronger than the official family, but the only thing she lacked was her brain, although she was not stupid, and even had some cleverness, but from what Pei Wenxuan said to her in this life, it is not difficult to know that Li Rong can't see through people's hearts at all, and behind the power is people's hearts, Su Rongqing beside her has followed her for seventeen years, deceived her for seventeen years, and even made her stand on the opposite side of Pei Wenxuan and Li Chuan, She doesn't know yet.

It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life

In this life, Pei Wenxuan is by her side, but what she didn't expect is that this person is still like in her previous life, she still loves Su Rongqing and ignores Pei Wenxuan's love, but these are not the most important, the most important thing is that Li Rong is really blind and confident in people's calculations, for example, she wants to help the Qin family wash away her grievances, but she thought that Su Rongqing would help her, but she never thought that Su Rongqing was also a child of the family, and it was impossible to betray the Su family to help her, the princess.

It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life

In fact, there are a lot of similar things, after Li Rong established the Inspectorate Division, there is no doubt that the interests of the family have been touched, and the family's assassination of Li Rong also followed, Li Rong thought that no one dared to assassinate if she was a princess, but it was too much to take it for granted, fortunately, Su Rongqing rescued her in time, and in the end, although the two fell off the cliff, they both survived, and it was only at this time that Li Rong learned the truth of the previous life from Su Rongqing's mouth.

It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life

Although Li Rong knew that the person who poisoned her in her previous life was Su Rongqing because of Pei Wenxuan's speculation, she didn't expect that there were three murderers who really killed herself, and Su Rongqing was just the most direct link, it turned out that Li Rong was used by Su Rongqing and stood on the opposite side of Li Chuan, and she, like Su Rongqing and Shangguan Ya, supported Li Xin as the crown prince, but she didn't expect that what she supported was not the royal blood at all, but the blood of the Shangguan family and the Su family, which is why Li Chuan tried his best to oppose Li Xin as the crown prince.

It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life

That's right, Li Xin is not Li Chuan's son, but the child born after Su Ronghua and Shangguan Ya fell in love, at that time, Li Chuan only doted on Qin Zhenzhen, and it was impossible to spoil Shangguan Ya, so Shangguan Ya greened Li Chuan, had a relationship with Su Ronghua, and gave birth to a son, and then Su Ronghua poisoned Qin Zhenzhen for his son and Shangguan Ya, plus the neutral Su family supported Li Xin, Li Chuan completely angered Li Chuan after knowing the truth, Li Chuan forced the queen mother to death, so that Shangguan Xu died tragically, and then destroyed the entire Su family, which was vented his anger.

It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life

And I didn't expect Li Rong to actually support Li Xin, not only that, but under Su Rongqing's bewitchment, he specifically opposed him and became the largest family, so Li Chuan secretly asked people to poison Li Rong with fragrant beauties, Li Chuan in his previous life can be said to have been completely forced into a monster by Li Rong and others, he was persecuted by Li Ming, the Queen Mother and Li Rong, etc., plus Qin Zhenzhen's tragic death, which completely made him crazy, he not only killed his mother and uncle, but also poisoned his sister Li Rong. Shangguan Ya and Su Rongqing knew the truth, so they made a plan, and finally let Xiangmeiren's poison attack, and then killed Pei Wenxuan with the help of Li Rong, and they finally became the winners of the previous life.

It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life
It wasn't until Su Rongqing told the truth about his previous life that Li Rong discovered that Li Chuan was crazy in his previous life

It was only at this time that Li Rong knew the truth of the previous life, and realized how crazy his own brother Li Chuan was, and in this life, because of Qin Zhenzhen's "fake death", Li Chuan has also changed a little, but fortunately, Li Chuan is not as brutal as in the previous life. Li Rong didn't know how stupid she was until this time, she was tricked around, stood on the opposite side of her younger brother, and became an enemy of the imperial power.

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