
Anhui Northern Anhui Regional Food Culture Collection Noodles and soups are characteristics Anhui Northern Anhui Regional Food Culture Collections Noodles and soups are characteristic

author:Map of Huaibei cuisine

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Anhui Northern Anhui Regional Food Culture Collection Noodles and soups are characteristics Anhui Northern Anhui Regional Food Culture Collections Noodles and soups are characteristic

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The northern Anhui region refers to the areas of Suxian and Fuyang and Huaibei City north of the Huai River. The food customs in this area are very different from those in central Anhui and southern Anhui, but there are similarities along the Huaihuai area such as Bengbu and Huainan.

Staple food - northern Anhui is the production of wheat, corn, sorghum, potatoes, beans and other miscellaneous grains, so the masses in this area to noodles, miscellaneous grains as the daily staple food, generally what to eat, vary with the season. In the wheat harvest season, there is a saying in northern Anhui that "the rollers are loud, the tweezers are hot", and the masses mainly eat wheat noodle products every day, including steamed buns, pancakes, pancakes, oil cakes and so on. Flapjacks are the favorite food of the masses, and there are many ways to make them. During the season of harvesting grains, eat more grain products. At present, the daily diet structure of the masses in northern Anhui has changed, and the rural grains and rice are eaten at the same time, which is a manifestation of the improvement of the living standards of the masses.

Meals are served three times a day. In general, the countryside is two thin and one dry, such as: breakfast is red taro soup or mixed batter, thin porridge, lunch eat dry steamed buns, bean noodle soup, dinner eat potato knotty soup. There are also two meals, dry and thin, such as: Lixin County in the morning to eat steamed bread or rolls, flatbread, drink thin porridge (red taro porridge, noodles, knotty soup, etc.), eat noodles or steamed buns at noon, at night when it is dark, people sleep, no longer eat. In recent years, the agricultural harvest in northern Anhui has developed, and the folk saying goes: "Harvest a lake of wheat in summer, harvest a lake of cotton in autumn, eat fine white noodles, and spend side money." "It shows the improvement of the lives of farmers in this area." Now most of the grains such as sweet potatoes have become feed or wine raw materials.

Vegetables and vegetables - because the daily staple food dumplings, vegetable boxes and other foods in northern Anhui are wrapped in fresh meat fillings and vegetable fillings, there is no need to use other dishes to accompany the meal, that is, noodles, knotty soups and other streams of food, but also with green vegetables, oil, salt and other seasonings, no separate dishes can also be full of food. Coarse foods such as large buns, pancakes, rolls, flour dumplings, and flatbreads should also be prepared with salt, ginger, five-spice powder, soy sauce and other ingredients, and after frying, frying or kang, more fragrant and delicious, with hot sauce, garlic, green onions and other meals. In recent years, the problem of food and clothing for the masses has been solved, daily dishes have also been correspondingly improved, and many people in the countryside have planted common seasonal vegetables in the fields, so that the masses also have a variety of dishes on their daily tables, and they are no longer satisfied with eating only grain. The table of the urban people is also more exquisite, not only vegetables, but also pigs, beef, mutton and poultry eggs. White beef, fried beef, belly Sanyo, beef trotter flower, charred fried lamb, dried moss lamb shredded lamb, mutton soup, red grilled lamb trotters, etc., are all traditional famous dishes with unique flavors. Among the famous dishes in Huaibei, some are imported from other places, retaining the flavor of the outside world, and then processing locally, and also have different characteristics. Rusu County Fu LiJi roast chicken, originated from Shandong Dezhou five-spiced boneless grilled chicken, changed to thirteen flavor spices, first boiled at high temperature, and then returned to crisp over low heat. The finished meat is rotten and silky, and the chewed bone has a lingering fragrance.

The people in northern Anhui usually eat noodles and like to use soup. This kind of soup is often a few dishes stewed into a pot, the condiments are very small, put in a small amount of starch hook, both as a dish to eat, but also noodles, and a large amount, often with a scoop into the bowl, bowl by bowl to drink, the masses call it "drinking soup". Some families even drink soup instead of eating. When people meet each other, they often ask, "Have you ever drunk soup?" Some of the wealthier families are also very particular about drinking soup, which is also a pot of chowder soup, but it is put in chicken, fungus, nasturtium, eggs, etc., and the quality is very high.

The local people are also good at processing pickled vegetables according to different seasons. For example: pickled duck eggs before the Qingming Dynasty, pickled spring vegetables in summer, bean sauce and tofu milk in the rainy season, kimchi and spicy sauce after white dew, pickled winter vegetables in winter, and waxed all kinds of wax flavors (meat, fish, chicken, duck, goose, etc.) during the winter solstice. Some of these side foods, such as Taihe's ham and tofu milk, and curd bamboo on the skull, can also supply the needs of markets inside and outside the province. During the vegetable season, farmers like to make a variety of dried vegetables, and dried moss made from local specialties is well-known in and outside the province.

Snacks and dim sum - there are many kinds of dim sum, ranging from exquisitely crafted and uniquely flavored dim sum to popular dim sum with rich nutrition and relatively simple production. There are: Mengcheng oil shortbread, dog meat buns, chicken shredded rolls, heavy oil twist flowers, pan incense cakes, crystal bean sand cakes, small crisps, bergamot crisps, mung bean pancakes, piercing bread, pastry dumplings, corn dumplings, Gaozhuang steamed buns, beef buns, lion's head, etc. In addition to the above-mentioned traditional famous points, there are also some popular daily snacks, such as Mandarin duck dumplings, four joy dumplings, begonia flower rolls, red curls, sand butterfly buns, spring rolls, cat ears, three-ding crisp box, noodle bubbles, chrysanthemum crisp, swallow crisp, lotus puff pastry, diamond horn crisp, walnut crisp, pine cone crisp, screw crisp, pomegranate crisp, lamb pot sticker, five-spice small oil cake, three-layer ruyi roll, powder bun, etc. These snacks are mainly made of flour, beef and mutton and pork plate oil as ingredients, and the taste is more greasy.

Drinks - In the past, in the countryside of northern Anhui, ordinary people did not drink tea but drank boiled or raw water. Only wealthy families entertained their guests for tea. More people drink tea in urban areas. Alcohol is not a daily drink, but it is a must for entertaining guests during festivals or banquets. In some places, drinking has become popular, and "no wine is not a table", which is inseparable from the abundant wine in Fuyang and Suxian.