
Chang Ninggui was a princess and was often abused by the donkey horse, so why did the emperor's father Zhu Di ignore it

In the feudal dynasty society, after the noble princess got married, the horse did not dare to be sloppy. However, Princess Changning was an exception, not only was she often abused by the horse, but as a father, Ming Chengzu Zhu Di did not support her, what was going on?

Chang Ninggui was a princess and was often abused by the donkey horse, so why did the emperor's father Zhu Di ignore it

(Princess Changning stills)

Duke Changning was born in 1386, when Zhu Di was still the king of the clan. However, because she is the youngest daughter, she has been very favored by Zhu Di since childhood.

In 1399, the recently succeeded Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunjiao, in order to strengthen the centralization of power, began to cut down the power of the king of the domain. Zhu Di, who already had the intention of seizing the throne, took the opportunity to raise the banner of "Qing Jun's Side" and launched the Battle of Jingnan.

In 1402, Zhu Di captured the capital of Nanjing, and Zhu Yunjiao disappeared into the fire of the imperial palace.

The country could not be left without a monarch for a day, and the courtiers "repeatedly persuaded" Zhu Di to ascend the throne and become emperor.

Zhu Di "repeatedly resigned" and finally ascended to the throne of God "as a last resort".

After Zhu Di became emperor, due to the improper seizure of the throne, in order to consolidate the imperial power in his hands and to stabilize the domestic situation, he at the beginning of the succession, he appeased the clan kings who had been suppressed by Zhu Yunjiao, and restored the old system of clan kings. At the same time, in order to strengthen the family relationship with Wang Muxin, a foreign surname who guarded Yunnan, he specially betrothed Princess Xu of Changning to Mu Xin and made Mu Xin a lieutenant of the horse.

According to the "Mu Ma Xiang Zan", Mu Xin was born in "Houmen Huaxuan, Royal Yiqi." Honest and discreet. Zi and Wen Wu, Zhile Shu Poetry. Huanghuang Xunye, illuminating Dingyi. There is a crown, and there is a great suit. Yun Yi Gentleman, whose gentleness is like jade", is a personable literary and martial talent.

Therefore, after Mu Xin became a donkey, Zhu Di attached great importance to him. It is mentioned many times in the Records of Emperor Taizong of Ming that Mu Xin was ordered by Zhu Di many times to offer gifts and congratulations on the birthdays and major festivals of the king of the domain. It can be seen that Zhu Di is still quite kind to Mu Xin's son-in-law.

Chang Ninggui was a princess and was often abused by the donkey horse, so why did the emperor's father Zhu Di ignore it

(Mu Xin stills)

Mu Xin was also quite filial to Zhu Di, and in the "Records of the Nine Dynasties and Wilds", it is also recorded that he once sent two beautiful singers to Zhu Di.

These two singers are very good at pleasing Zhu Di, so they are very popular with Zhu Di. After Zhu Di dispersed the dynasty, he often summoned them to perform songs and dances to kill time.

But somehow, one day, Mu Xin actually killed the two singers with a copper cone.

It is said that Mu Xin's approach is to commit a crime. However, although Zhu Di was not happy, he did not punish him, and the matter was actually not resolved.

When Mu Xin saw this, he became more and more bold, and even gradually became rude to Princess Changning.

According to the "History of Ming", although Princess Changning was favored by Zhu Di from a young age, she was well educated and was even more "cautious and courteous" in her actions and speech.

However, Princess Changning was not accustomed to Mu Xin's arrogance, so it was inevitable that she would persuade him.

Who knows, Mu Xin not only did not listen, but instead spoke evilly to each other, not considering her identity as a princess at all. Speaking of excessive, he also took the initiative to hand foot to Chang Ninggong.

Princess Changning, who was beaten and angry, complained to Zhu Di with her grievances, hoping that Zhu Di could restrain Mu Xin well.

Who knew that after Zhu Di heard this, not only did he not get angry, but he also advised Princess Changning to be a wife and be more patient.

Chang Ninggui was a princess and was often abused by the donkey horse, so why did the emperor's father Zhu Di ignore it

(Zhu Di stills)

Princess Changning did not find comfort here in Zhu Di, so she had to return to Mu Xin's side in a grievous manner.

After that, Mu Xin intensified, often looking for flowers outside and asking for willows. Back at home, Princess Changning would be punched and kicked if she was a little dissatisfied with him.

Princess Changning, who endured the scolding, eventually became depressed and died of illness at the age of 22.

After The death of Princess Changning, Zhu Di still did not embarrass Mu Xin, what was going on?

It turned out that Mu Xin's father, Mu Ying, was Zhu Yuanzhang's adopted son, and although Mu Ying was said to be an adopted son, he was raised by Empress Ma, comparable to her own son.

Coupled with Mu Ying's bravery and good fighting, he was extremely loyal to Zhu Yuanzhang. He was not only a founding father, but also an immortal talent who pacified the world. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang treated him as if he were his own. After the world was initially determined, he was made the Marquis of Xiping and the town guarded Yunnan. After his death, the grief-stricken Zhu Yuanzhang posthumously honored him as the King of Qianning and buried him heavily.

Although Mu Xin is said to be the second-generation head of the Mu King's Mansion, the Mu family is already powerful in Yunnan and is deeply loved by the local people. Therefore, Zhu Di knew that He could only co-opt Mu Xin and could not suppress him. This is also why he will marry his most beloved little daughter to Mu Xin in exchange for the support of the Mu family.

Therefore, even if Mu Xin killed his two favorite singers, and the domestic violence Princess Changning caused her to die early, Zhu Di could only turn a blind eye. Because compared with his Jiangshan, the life and death of Princess Changning was also insignificant.

(Reference historical materials: "Records of the Nine Dynasties and Wilds", "Records of Ming Chengzu", "History of Ming", "Mu Horse Statue Zan")

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