
Li Qingzhao was not the best female poet of the Song Dynasty? | weekend study

Li Qingzhao was not the best female poet of the Song Dynasty? | weekend study


Li Qingzhao was not the best female poet of the Song Dynasty? | weekend study

Generally speaking, when it comes to female writers in the Song Dynasty, everyone usually thinks of Li Qingzhao immediately.

Indeed, Li Qingzhao's words are extremely compassionate and moving, the depiction of psychological feelings is delicate and nuanced, and the portrayal of scenes has also reached the realm of scene fusion, that is, writing scenes is equivalent to writing love, love is in the scene, and delicate emotions can be considered from the presentation of scenes.

Try to ask the curtain people, but the begonias are still the same. Know it or not, know it or not, it should be green fat red thin. - "Like a Dream Order"

Things are people and things are not things, and tears flow first. It is said that sungai spring is still good, and it is also intended to pan a light boat. I am only afraid of the Shuangxi grasshopper boat, and I can't carry many worries. - "Wuling Spring"

Searching, cold and cold, miserable and miserable, when it is warm and cold, it is the most difficult to rest. - "Slow Sound"

They are all popular phrases.

However, Li Qingzhao's words are only about fifty or so, far less than the more than three hundred and forty surviving poems in Su Dongpo.

She wrote even fewer poems, leaving only fifteen complete works, and the content was not outstanding, which was much inferior to the performance of words.

"Poetry" and "words" are two different genres, and the talents required to compose poems and fill in words are also different.

Comparatively speaking, words are a very feminine genre.

At the earliest beginning of development, it was mainly to write about the theme of beauty and love, coupled with the rhythm of singing, the length of the sentence, so it was particularly beautiful and feminine, and it was very different from the "poetry" used by the literati to lyrically speak.

The ancients once compared the characteristics of these two literary genres, and there is a saying that "poetry is beautiful".

Poetry with neat sentences appears solemn and elegant, biased towards masculinity; while words are feminine and feminine, which does provide insight into the difference between poetry and words.

From this point of view, Li Qingzhao is certainly the most outstanding female lyricist, but to be precise, the laurel of "female poet" should go to Zhu Shuzhen of the Southern Song Dynasty.


Li Qingzhao was not the best female poet of the Song Dynasty? | weekend study

Zhu Shuzhen is one of the most abundant female writers who have survived since the Tang and Song dynasties, not to mention the thirty-three words, in terms of poetry alone, Zhu Shuzhen's eighteen volumes of the Broken Intestine Collection contain three hundred and thirty-seven poems, both of which are superior to Li Qingzhao in terms of quality and quantity.

In particular, For the gender treatment of women in male society who are subordinate to the second sex, Zhu Shu really has a much more thorough understanding, and we can even say that Zhu Shu is really the earliest feminist in the tradition.


Because she has a "feminist consciousness".

First look at one of the clouds of "Self-Blame TWO":

The woman is guilty of making Wencheng, that Can Yongyue be more yinfeng?

Grinding through the iron brick is not my business, but the embroidery of the gold needle is a merit.

The woman is guilty of being honest

The first sentence, "Women are guilty of being honest with literature", points out the unfairness of women being excluded from the career of articles. It turns out that women's writing is a sin that must be blamed!

"Writing" is not just about writing articles and writing poems.

At the time of the Han and Wei dynasties, the Wei Emperor Cao Pi's "Treatise on Canonical Treatises" already believed:

Cover the article, the great cause of the country, the grand event of immortality. The years of life sometimes end, the glory and happiness stop at the body, and the two will reach the constant period, not as endless as the article.

It can be seen that the article is an eternal cause, which can transcend time and transcend glory and wealth.

In this way, the gender norm of "women being honest and sinful" not only deprives women of the opportunity to write lyrically, but also deprives them of eternal value.

Therefore, even legitimate articles cannot be touched, let alone poetry and literature that wait for it?

That Kan Yong Yue is more chanting

In the second sentence, since the song of the yinfeng and the moon is regarded as a second-rate work, it is even more forbidden for women to engage in creation, so it is said that "the song of the moon is more yinfeng".

Even if it is a little harsher, many literati are worried that such a "Wing Yue More Yin Style" will corrupt women's hearts and make her debauched and not abide by women's morality.

Grinding through the iron brick is not my business, but the embroidery of the gold needle is a merit

Under such a view, Zhu Shuzhen clearly felt the heavy social pressure, so he sighed three or four times: "Grinding through the iron brick is not my business, but the embroidery and folding needle has merit." ”

The "grinding through the iron stone" that represents hard work and reading is not a woman's business, so whose business is it?

Of course it's a man's business, and it's a man's business.

Unfortunately, in the ancient situation where men and women were different, women did not even have the opportunity to accept tempering and hardship. Or it should be said that women do not have the opportunity to endure hardships, but that their hardships must be used in housework.

Zhu Shuzhen said sadly, "Embroidery folding gold needles but meritorious", female reds who are committed to weaving needles are women's business!

Three from the "four virtues" of the four virtues, including the "women's red", diligent embroidery and sewing and even breaking the golden needle, that can be regarded as an incomparably glorious credit.

However, Zhu Shuzhen's interest and talent are not doing housework but writing articles, and her hand likes to hold a pen instead of a needle.

Because picking up a pen to depict the endless spiritual universe and the vast world, it is really very interesting to explore, where is the trivial needlework can be compared?


Li Qingzhao was not the best female poet of the Song Dynasty? | weekend study

The path pursued by a gentleman is the knowledge of the world and the knowledge of the people through the world, which cannot be done with bare hands and ingenuity.

What's more, only after receiving advanced education and obtaining extensive knowledge and knowledge can it be possible to get a gold list title, where is the needle and thread in the boudoir?

In the late Tang Dynasty, a talented woman Yu Xuanji had already expressed similar feelings.

She said in the poem "You Chongzhen Guan Nan Lou Sees the New and the First Inscription":

Yunfeng is full of spring sunshine, and the silver hook finger of the calendar is born.

Self-hatred covers the verses, and raises his head to envy the middle of the list.

This is the spring season, when Yu Xuanji went to the Chongzhen Temple to visit, he just happened to witness the list of the imperial examination in the South Building, and he felt a poem.

The "Chongzhen Temple" is located on Suzaku Street in Chang'an City.

At this time, it was the spring of the list, and the candidates rushed here to find out if there was their own name on the list. The young girl Yu Xuanji also crowded into the crowd, browsing those Zhao Qiansun Li who had nothing to do with her.

She saw "The Silver Hook of the Calendar Is Born Under the Fingers", and the "Silver Hook" of the Calendar In the Purpose of the Inscription, that is, the strong and powerful calligraphy characters.

Fingers holding a brush write silver hook-like handwriting one by one. Everyone on this list is a new recruit, and from then on, a new page will be opened in life.

Unfortunately, Yu Xuanji can never taste such a taste, she is destined to be a bystander outside the list, enviously looking up at this list, watching the people on the list after a burst of joy, walking on the road of life.

Because she is a woman, she can only turn around and walk back to the family!

So Yu Xuanji was hated by envy, and in the second half of the poem, the pen turned sharply, saying that she "hated herself for hiding her verses and raising her head to envy the middle of the list", hating that her poetic talent was covered up by the Ayara clothes worn by women, even if her full of talent was no less than that of those who were lifted in the middle.

From this poem, it can be clearly seen that Yu Xuanji has a soul that is not willing to be limited by gender, and this kind of "hatred" of "self-hatred and cover-up verses" is not the melancholy of ordinary female writers who "feel sad in spring and autumn".

BOOK information

"Ou Lijuan Reading Ancient Poems"

Ou Lijuan / author

Beijing United Publishing Company

United Tianchang / Producer

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