
Zhu Shuzhen, a female lyricist of the Southern Song Dynasty, was confiscated for "not keeping the way of women" the copyright of "people about dusk"?

Recently, the popular "Our Marriage", "Two Conjectures of Marriage", "Meet the Season" and many other marriage and love TV series have cut into the marriage and love state of modern people from different angles.

Probably the most discussed thing is: What can marriage bring to a woman?

There is obviously no unified standard for the answer to this topic, but in Zhu Shuzhen's view, I will never settle for a loveless marriage.

Zhu Shuzhen, a strange woman during the Southern Song Dynasty, is said to be the niece of Zhu Xi, a master of science.

Talent is not lost to Li Qingzhao, and looks outstanding, eyebrows like willow tips, double pupils cut water, skin like gelatin, waist branches to support the wind, it can be said that the authentic white rich beauty.....

Although her fame is not as high as Li Qingzhao's, her talent is far better than Li Qingzhao' and she is listed alongside Li Qingzhao as the "double wall of the word altar" of the Song Dynasty.

Like Li Qingzhao, Zhu Shuzhen was born in a family of officials and eunuchs, with a favorable family environment and a good education.

Zhu Shuzhen, a female lyricist of the Southern Song Dynasty, was confiscated for "not keeping the way of women" the copyright of "people about dusk"?

The two have very similar life interests, and even they have the same pursuit of marriage.

But Zhu Shuzhen's fate is completely different from Li Qingzhao's, and she ends up miserable, lonely, and depressed.

The reason why the fates of the two are completely different, some people say that it is because: Li Qingzhao married a good husband, but Zhu Shuzhen married a layman who did not have a common topic, so she was depressed all her life, and her poems always carried heavy sorrow, so her poetry collection was called "Broken Intestine Collection".

On the other hand, Li Qingzhao is quite different from his style of words.

In the delicacy, Li Ci is refreshing and novel, Zhu Ci is soft and delicate; between mourning, Li Ci is introverted and deep, and Zhu Ci is frank and agitated.

But this talented woman in the history of the Southern Song Dynasty left only a few words to the world: Qiantang people, birth and death unknown, born into a family of ordinary officials, good poetry, 20 years old according to the words of her parents to marry a vulgar official.

As a result, Zhu Shuzhen spent most of her life in lonely monologues, and the lines of her writings were filled with the sound of hairpins washed by tears, and each line was full of loneliness.

In fact, Zhu Shuzhen was also a woman who used her life to fight against the times.

The talented Zhu Shuzhen, proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, should have lived a brilliant life, but he had no choice but to be born at the wrong time, and his fate had long been arranged.

The lover who likes himself and understands himself cannot stay with him after all. Her parents still got into a marriage they thought was right for her.

She opposed and fought, but to no avail, and finally married a man she didn't like.

After marriage, Zhu Shuzhen also holds the idea of "getting married first and then falling in love", trying to love her husband and trying to manage the marriage, hoping that the two can understand each other and have similar interests, but it backfires.

Soon, she wrote "Sorrowful" out of disappointment:

"Gulls, herons, mandarin ducks make a pool, and you must know that the wings are not dependent on each other." Dongjun is not mainly with flowers, so why should he take care of the branches? "The complaint.

Zhu Shuzhen, who slowly became more estranged from her husband, was full of feelings that no one could tell, and could only be pinned on poetry.

Her work is almost all about spring, which is bright, warm, vibrant and hopeful. But in Zhu Shuzhen's eyes, spring is indeed short and easy to wither.

"Butterfly Loves Flowers and Sends Spring"

Outside the building, there are thousands of wisps of Yang, want to tie the youth, less live in the spring and go. Like the willows fluttering before spring, with the wind and where to look?

When the green mountains and rivers smelled Du Yu, they were ruthless, and Mo was also sad. Sending wine to spring is silent, but it rains in the dusk.

Her dissatisfaction with marriage was also written into her works.

"Boat Trip is a Thing"

The sails are high and the wind is smooth as a flight, and the sky is wide and the waves are far and low. The scenery and water are changed everywhere, and who cuts it into the new poem?

How sad is it to live under the same roof as your husband and not be able to talk?

Zhu Shuzhen, a female lyricist of the Southern Song Dynasty, was confiscated for "not keeping the way of women" the copyright of "people about dusk"?

Although she could not choose her own marriage, she did not give up the pursuit of love. Under the pressure of ethics and morality, she has no hesitation and dares to advocate a female active love philosophy.

Her words profoundly express her life experience of fighting and challenging fate.

In "Qingping Le Summer Day Tour Lake", the brave description of the party with the lover, breaking through the shackles of etiquette, and pursuing love are unique among ancient women.

Annoyed by the smoke, leave me to hold on. Hand in hand with Lotus Lake on the road, a yellow plum drizzle. Petite is not afraid of people guessing, and sleeps in clothes. The most is the time to carry it, come back to the lazy makeup table.

The etiquette of the Song Dynasty was extremely strict, and the concept of chastity was strong, and women were not allowed to love freely, let alone express it in articles.

And at that time, the literary world was dominated by men, and women's writing was not encouraged, let alone supported.

Zhu Shuzhen's works also depict without scruples, boldly write about love desires, and generously express their pursuit of love, which is a typical example of "not keeping women's morality" in the eyes of the world, which was intolerable to the social environment at that time.

As a result, most of Zhu Shuzhen's works could not be preserved, because her parents thought that she had lost the face of her family by living apart from her husband, so they burned her works on fire.

It is also this prejudice from society that has led to the works of many female literati not being viewed as mainstream. Men's monopoly on literature reached its peak in the Tang and Song dynasties.

For the dispute over the ownership of the song "The head of the willow on the moon, people about after dusk", some people say that it is Ouyang Xiu's work, some people say that it is her work, and both sides have their own opinions, and there is still no conclusion.

It is nothing more than that in the ancient society where the relationship between men and women was extremely unequal, no one was willing to understand the rich spiritual world of women in ancient China, and "women without talent is morality" was enshrined as a moral standard, so it was not recognized as Zhu Shuzhen's work.

But it has to be said that when most women can only be confined to the family and boudoir, enduring the misfortune of marriage and the frustration of life, Zhu Shuzhen is like a lightning bolt, shining in the long night, releasing a dazzling brilliance.

Zhu Shuzhen, a female lyricist of the Southern Song Dynasty, was confiscated for "not keeping the way of women" the copyright of "people about dusk"?

She described life with her own true feelings, and also carried out a strong resistance to the feudal forces at that time, reflecting the awakening of her female consciousness.

A "Broken Intestines Collection" integrates her blood and tears, and it is also a female lament she sang in her life yearning for love, marital freedom and autonomy.

With her unique female perspective and bold words, Zhu Shuzhen shows us a female image who resists feudal etiquette, pursues individual freedom, and fights to the death, and her awakening is dissatisfaction with the patriarchal society at that time.

Although Zhu Shuzhen's life is lonely, it is very transparent, and her charm, delusion, sorrow and absoluteness are deeply engraved in timeless and exquisite poetry. He also told future generations that in fact, life is short, instead of blindly wronging yourself and pleasing the world, it is better to learn to please yourself and live independently. Only in this way can we live ourselves, enjoy the gift of time, and have a better life.

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