
Read poems written by ancient talented women and pay tribute to the legendary goddesses

Is a woman's talentless virtue?

Even in ancient times,

There are still such a group of women,

With extraordinary knowledge,

The literary style of the pearls,

Accomplish the feat of leaving a name for eternity...

01 "The First Talented Woman in Ancient Times"

Li Qingzhao

Born as a master, dead as a ghost.

Still thinking about Xiang Yu, he refused to cross Jiangdong.

Li Qingzhao, a female lyricist of the Southern Song Dynasty, known as "Yi'an Jushi", a representative of the euphemistic word school, is a rare talented woman in ancient China, she is good at books and paintings, she is familiar with jinshi, and her lyrics are even more unique, known as "a large number of lyricists".

Read poems written by ancient talented women and pay tribute to the legendary goddesses

Infographic: Ban Zhao's older brother Ban Chao. Draft: Ni Wenbing

02 "China's First Female Historian"

Ban Zhao

Rich and poor, you must not ask for it.

I am walking on the road, in order to be shy.

Ban Zhao, a Ji, the word Huiban. Eastern Han Dynasty historian, daughter of historian Ban Biao, sister of Ban Gu and Ban Chao. In addition to sorting out and continuing to write the Book of Han, he was also an outstanding literary scholar.

Read poems written by ancient talented women and pay tribute to the legendary goddesses

Data map: Xiangru County, located in the ancient city of Peng'an, Sichuan. Photo by Wang Zemin

03 "Dare to Love and Dare to Hate"

Zhuo Wenjun

Miserable and miserable, there is no need to cry when marrying.

May there be one heart, and the white head will not be separated.

Zhuo Wenjun, a talented woman of the Han Dynasty, and the famous literati Sima Xiang a love story has been passed down to this day, and many masterpieces have been handed down.

Read poems written by ancient talented women and pay tribute to the legendary goddesses

Xie Daoyun. Draft: Zhang Jianyuan

04 "The Talent of Wing Chun Does Not Let The Eyebrows Be Raised"

Xie Daoyun

"Not as if the willows were raised by the wind"

Xie Daoyun, a famous talented woman in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was born in the Xie family of the Jin Dynasty Wang and Xie families, and her husband was Wang Ningzhi, the son of the famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi.

There is a famous story recorded in the "New Language of the World": Uncle Xie An discussed with his descendants on a snowy day, "What is the snow like?" Nephew Xie Lang said that "the salt in the air can be imitated", and the intelligent and eloquent Xie Daoyun replied that "the willow is not raised by the wind", and this famous verse of Yongxue has been passed down through the ages, and later generations praised the woman who can write poetry and good writing as "Yong Shu Cai".

Read poems written by ancient talented women and pay tribute to the legendary goddesses

Data map: Tomb of Shangguan Wan'er, Shaanxi. Photo by Zhang Yuan

05 "Prime Minister"

Shangguan Wan'er

At the beginning of the Cave Court under the leaves, Sijun Wanliyu.

The dew incense was cold, and the moon fell on the screen.

Want to play Jiangnan qu, covet the Jibei Book.

There is no other intention in the book, but I have been away for a long time.

Shangguan Wan'er, also known as Shangguan Zhaorong, a female official, poet, and imperial concubine of the Tang Dynasty, who has been in charge of the palace system for many years, has the name of "Prime Minister of the Towel", and has a prominent position in the political arena and the literary world.

Read poems written by ancient talented women and pay tribute to the legendary goddesses

The picture shows a corner of the Wenji Building surrounded by green trees. Photo by Dong Fei

06 "Witnesses of the Tragedies of the Times"

Cai Wenji

Exile becomes contemptuous, and often fears that it will be re-donated.

When life is geometric, I have sorrow all the years.

Cai Wenji, the daughter of Cai Yong, was a knowledgeable and skillful musician, and was an outstanding writer, musician and poet of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In the early years, he returned home bereaved, and then suffered chaos, and was taken captive by the Xiongnu king to northern Saibei, where he lived for twelve years, until Cao Cao redeemed him with heavy money and was able to return to the Central Plains.

Read poems written by ancient talented women and pay tribute to the legendary goddesses

Infographic: Bronze chimes. Photo by Lu Zhining

07 "Legendary Girls' School Book"

Xue Tao

There is frost in the water country at night, and the cold mountains of the moon are all green.

Whoever speaks thousands of miles from this night is as far away from the dream as the guan sai long.

Xue Tao, zi Hongdu, Dong Xiaoyin rhythm, eight or nine years old can poetry, his father died and his family was poor, he fell into music at the age of sixteen, and he did not marry for life after he left the music book. Later generations called kabuki "school book" from her.

On juhuanhua creek, he made his own peach-red small colored notes to write poems. Later generations imitated it, called "Xue Tao Note".

Read poems written by ancient talented women and pay tribute to the legendary goddesses

Zhu Shuzhen. Draft: Yu Zhenghao

08 "A Lifetime of Love for a Broken Intestine"

Zhu Shuzhen

The earth flowers can be white and red, and the late festival can still love this work.

It is better to hold the incense branches and grow old, rather than dance with the yellow leaves in the autumn wind.

Zhu Shuzhen, a famous female lyricist of the Southern Song Dynasty, is one of the most abundant female writers who have survived since the Tang and Song dynasties.

She was born in a family of eunuchs and had a depressed love affair all her life. The husband was a grammar official, because of the incompatibility of interests, the husband and wife were not harmonious, and eventually died of depression and early death. After Zhu Shuzhen passed away, his parents burned his manuscript before his death. The extant "Collected Poems of Broken Intestines" and "Broken Intestines Words" have been handed down, and they are the remaining articles after the disaster.

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They sang with poetry

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Face these epic "goddesses"

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(Source: China News Network Author: Wang Shiyao)

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