
Playful and beautiful, spring in the eyes of female lyricists

Late spring is gentle, and the flowers are dark and fragrant. Qingming passed, unable to look back, cloud lock Zhu Lou.

The noon window sleeps with a warbler sound, where to call spring sorrow? In the shadow of the green poplar, beside the begonia pavilion, the red apricot tip.

This song is the song Dynasty female lyricist Zhu Shuzhen's masterpiece "Eye Beauty", she uses women's unique tenderness and slightly playful sentences to make people feel the beauty of spring.

Zhu Shuzhen was born in a family of official eunuchs, studied poetry from an early age, and was known as a talented woman. Zhu Shuzhen's life experience is rare in the main history, and mostly appears in the notes of the wild history. According to this part of the information, she and Li Qingzhao lived in the same period, met people unladylike, and divorced from her husband. After the Jingkang Rebellion, Zhu Shuzhen crossed south, living in hardship and his whereabouts unknown.

Playful and beautiful, spring in the eyes of female lyricists

This song "Eye Beauty" is difficult to verify the background of creation, from the content point of view, full of youthful atmosphere, should be Zhu Shuzhen's early works. Look at the words she uses, "delay", "gentle", "flow", can make people taste the taste of affectionate style.

Warm sunshine, wind and warm sun. The soft spring breeze blows across the face and also blows the willows. The garden is full of flowers, and the stone path is flanked by the fragrance of flowers, and the fragrance is like running water, which lasts for a long time. Qingming has passed, and gusts of spring rain have fallen. Rain like smoke surrounds the attic, adding a touch of sadness. This sadness is spring sorrow, which may not make people feel uncomfortable, but will only make people feel that spring is beautiful, do not live on their feet.

Playful and beautiful, spring in the eyes of female lyricists

Zhu Shuzhen slept at noon, and the chirping of the yellow warbler outside the window woke her up. Because of the spring, there is spring sorrow, and it is aroused by the sound of birds. In the face of bright spring colors and intoxicating spring rain, Zhu Shuzhen suddenly found that this was not spring sorrow, this was intoxication.

The scenery in front of you is lined with green willows, the begonias are red and charming, and the red apricot blossoms are blooming. Even if she remembers the past when she sees these scenes, it still makes her intoxicated. Such a beautiful day, if only it had been there all along.

Playful and beautiful, spring in the eyes of female lyricists

From the content of "Eye Beauty", Zhu Shu really hopes to leave all the beautiful things in spring. She has a little bit of melancholy in the opening, and as the content unfolds, there are more advanced themes. She sang the praises of spring, sang of beauty, and forgot her frustration. This kind of writing pattern is obviously higher than the sad spring and sad autumn. She used the sensitivity and intuition unique to women to write the playful and beautiful side of spring.

Zhu Shuzhen put aside small love and described the spring scenery, so that the whole song transcended personal emotions and had the common feelings of most people facing spring. From personality to commonality, from individual to group, Zhu Shuzhen has completed the sublimation of creation. When she filled in the words, she let go of herself and entered the realm of shallow meaning.

Playful and beautiful, spring in the eyes of female lyricists

The relaxed and sincere writing style, like the wind and rain of spring, is full of emotion. Whenever I read this song "Eye Beauty", it seems that a young girl appears in front of her eyes, expressing her love in the spring wind and rain and spring flowers.

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