
What are the achievements of successive dynasties in fighting foreign nationalities?

1. Qin Dynasty

The Qin Dynasty was a dynasty recorded in the history books without defeat against the Northern Xiongnu. Although the Great Wall has long been used as a barrier by generals such as Meng Kuo to defend the border for a long time, even the defense has never been defeated.

What are the achievements of successive dynasties in fighting foreign nationalities?

2. Han Dynasty

At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the newborn Han Dynasty adopted the policy of "ruling by doing nothing and recuperating", and used peace and kinship as a bargaining chip for the Xiongnu who repeatedly violated the territory in the north. But even so, there was still the "Siege of Baideng" and the defeat of the Han Dynasty in attacking the Xiongnu Yanran Mountain and then failing.

The Siege of Baideng can be said to be the first time that the Han people have failed and humiliated themselves at the hands of ethnic minorities. When Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, pursued and killed Han Wangxin, Yu Baideng was besieged for seven days and seven nights, and Han Wangxin colluded with the Xiongnu to capture Taiyuan County, and finally Liu Bang adopted Chen Ping's strategy to escape.

What are the achievements of successive dynasties in fighting foreign nationalities?

The situation of being suppressed and beaten by the Xiongnu did not change until the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, when Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi created a new pattern of strong Han.

3. The Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Wei and Jin Dynasties

The Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties period can be said to be the most humiliating period of the Central Plains Han people, many foreign wars failed, and then experienced the Five Hu Chaohua, ethnic minorities entered the Central Plains many times, causing a large number of Northern Han people to begin to move south, which also enabled the South to be developed and developed.

What are the achievements of successive dynasties in fighting foreign nationalities?

4. Sui Dynasty

Although the Sui Dynasty experienced a short time, it had many combat experiences. First, the Sui Emperor conquered Goguryeo three times, failing miserably at the cost of millions of soldiers and civilians, and then experiencing many peasant uprisings.

At this time, the Eastern Turks took advantage of the chaos to besiege the Sui Dynasty's Yanmen Pass, and 39 of the 41 cities in the Yanmen area were captured, and finally it was because of princess Yicheng who was close to him.

What are the achievements of successive dynasties in fighting foreign nationalities?

Sui Dynasty Emperor

5. Tang Dynasty

The Tang Dynasty, known as the Tang Dynasty, had failed in foreign wars against the Tubo DafeiChuan, the Battle of Daluo and so on, but there were also many dazzling achievements such as the destruction of Goguryeo in the early Tang Dynasty and the destruction of the Turks in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, but it was also the last such dazzling dynasty in China.

What are the achievements of successive dynasties in fighting foreign nationalities?

6. Song Dynasty

The Song Dynasty needless to say, since the failure of the Northern Expedition of the two brothers of the Zhao family in the early Song Dynasty to reclaim Youyun Sixteen Prefectures, the Song Dynasty has been in the passive defense stage for a long time, and there is a shame of Jing Kang after the Jin Dynasty broke through the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Entering the period of the small imperial court of the Southern Song Dynasty, after the early Yue Fei and other generals who advocated the Northern Expedition to recover the lost land died one after another, the Southern Song Dynasty once again turned to a complete defense. It was not until the end of the Southern Song Dynasty that the shame of Jingkang was washed away by the alliance with the Mongols for gold, but soon after the Mongol army moved south, the Song Dynasty perished after the Battle of Yashan.

What are the achievements of successive dynasties in fighting foreign nationalities?

Battle of Yashan Sea

7. Yuan Dynasty

The Yuan dynasty was a great unified dynasty of ethnic minorities, and in addition to the route of the Western Expedition on the Western Front, the Yuan Dynasty also attacked Japan, but all ended in failure.

What are the achievements of successive dynasties in fighting foreign nationalities?

VIII. Ming Dynasty

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang's Northern Expedition recovered the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun that had been lost for hundreds of years; after Zhu Yuanzhang's death, Zhu Di's Northern Expedition was also regarded as "sealing the wolf juxu".

During the Zhuqizhen period, the change of Tumu Fort damaged nearly half a million people in the three major battalions of the Beijing Division in the early Ming Dynasty; during the Chenghua year, Chenghua Ploughing Court blockaded and swept the gem land; during the Wanli year, the Wanli Korean War ended in Japan's defeat.

What are the achievements of successive dynasties in fighting foreign nationalities?

The Transformation of the Civil Fort

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty repeatedly failed to fight against the Qing soldiers, but there were also victories such as Zheng's successful recovery of Taiwan, and soon thereafter entered the qing dynasty.

9. Qing Dynasty

During the Kangxi Dynasty, he was victorious in battle with Tsarist Russia, but the Kangxi Emperor signed a victorious "unequal treaty" "Treaty of Yaohun"; in the late Qing Dynasty, the Opium War, the Sino-Japanese War, and so on were defeated, but there were also victories such as Zuo Zongtang's reconquest of Xinjiang and Feng Zicai's Nanguan Victory.

What are the achievements of successive dynasties in fighting foreign nationalities?

Opium war

In short, in fact, no dynasty has been able to win all the time, only a strong dynasty, but no invincible dynasty.

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