
Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

author:Wang Guagua

Recently, a group photo of Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei spread on the Internet, and this photo quickly aroused everyone's onlookers and discussions.

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

Speaking of the two, they have been inseparable since they got married, where there is Wang Xiaofei, there is Ma Xiaomei.

It stands to reason that during the period when the two were in love, their relationship was so stable that they wanted to have children at any time. After all, they are all so young, and they are not bad for money, raising a child is simply a breeze.

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

But until now, Ma Xiaomei's stomach has not moved, and Zhang Lan, who wants to be a grandmother, is often asked questions by netizens, and she has been asked several times without a good face.

All means are used to get pregnant

In a photo that went viral recently, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei sat together, and a little girl came over to talk to Wang Xiaofei, who looked very cute through the back, and was a beautiful and sweet little princess.

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

Wang Xiaofei's eyes were full of love when she looked at the child, and Ma Xiaomei on the side also had a doting smile on her face, looking at the child intently.

Some netizens said that although Wang Xiaofei is dedicated to her career, she likes children very much. In private, he is a proper "daughter slave", he likes his daughter very much, and Xiao Yue'er is what he brought up from childhood.

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

In addition, it is also because the two children have lived in Taiwan since they were children, and there are few opportunities to meet them, and they are busy with work, so they did not give the two children enough fatherly love.

Now that he is married to Xiaomei, he also hopes to have a child as soon as possible and be by his side. But it has been almost a year since the two of them realized it, and Xiaomei has not moved.

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

Although Mr. Wang said "not in a hurry", Xiaomei still minded it in her heart. After all, it is the wish of many girls to be able to give birth to a baby for their beloved, and Xiaomei is no exception.

Therefore, Xiaomei also wants to get pregnant very much, wants to surprise Wang Xiaofei, and at the same time satisfies her mother-in-law Zhang Lan's wish to be a grandmother.

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

Seek secret recipes in private, ask God to worship Buddha

However, the more you want, the more you can't get it. Maybe the two of them were too anxious, so they always didn't achieve the desired result.

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

Some netizens said: Don't look at the two of them on the surface, they don't care on the surface, in fact, they are doing everything possible to seek various secret recipes in private, tossing around with Western medicine and Chinese medicine, asking God and worshiping Buddha everywhere, and if it doesn't work, take the tube.

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

After all, everything is good for them, and if they want money and money, they will have a child. For Wang Xiaofei, it is even more so, failing to get custody of the two children is the biggest pain in his heart.

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

After 3 years of divorce, he finally chose to start over, and he was approved by his mother, but he failed to do so.

Some netizens commented on this: When the moon is full, it is a loss, they are too high-profile, too full of spring, how can people do everything well? It's better to keep a low profile.

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

This netizen is right, Wang Xiaofei is now a bumper harvest in career and love, branches have opened one after another, and the assets under her name are also growing, if she ushers in a new life, wouldn't it be too eye-catching?

For example, Da S, she is now living a mess with a bald head who is nearly 60 years old, and her quality of life has seriously declined, if Mr. Wang gets married and has children, won't Da S be angry to death?

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father


But pregnancy doesn't have to be. Don't look at Ma Xiaomei's stomach now, maybe in the near future, she will be able to successfully get pregnant, this kind of thing can't be rushed.

Ma Xiaomei tried every possible way to get pregnant, begged God to worship Buddha and seek various secret recipes, and Wang Xiaofei was waiting to be a father

Besides, she is so young now, it is the best time to have children. As long as the two do not give up on each other, encourage and support each other, sooner or later they will welcome their own children.

In fact, the most important thing about pregnancy is to relax, if you keep feeling nervous, your body will also feel pressure. What do you think?

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