
In Chinese history, there are 5 emperors who are both literate and martial, one is more powerful than the other, do you understand?

Wen has Tai Chi to secure the world, and Wu has eight poles to determine Qiankun. Who were the emperors of the ancient world? This article is for everyone to take stock of the 5 emperors of both culture and martial arts, they can be said to be really 1 than 1 powerful, see if you all understand?

In Chinese history, there are 5 emperors who are both literate and martial, one is more powerful than the other, do you understand?

1. Liu Xiu

Liu Xiu has Liu Xiu's royal blood, but by the time he was born, he was already in the middle of the family, and he was only a cloth cloth when he was born.

However, Liu Xiu is very talented, has been to Luoyang, went to Taixue, and has a good academic performance, but Liu Xiu dropped out of school for economic reasons. Despite this, compared with the young Liu Bang and the semi-illiterate Zhu Yuanzhang, Liu Xiu is definitely a very cultured emperor in Chinese history. Later, Nanyang raised an army, and the young Liu Xiu was promoted to the leader, which was also stained with culture.

Saying that Liu Xiu has culture is also reflected in the fact that many idioms are related to him, and are still widely used by us today, for example, like what the wind knows the grass, the east corner is lost, the harvest of mulberry elm, the aspirant can be accomplished, put aside, important, cut through thorns, equal, day after day, poor and strong, regret is beyond reach, danger is imminent, long wangshu, people have their own ambitions, happy and tireless, and so on. These idioms are all related to Liu Xiu!

There are warnings to others, encouragement to others, and philosophies of life! It's very wide-ranging!

It can be said that if it were not for the chaos in the world, this brother would be at least half a Sima Xiangxiang. However, when the time was also fateful, the crosser Wang Mang frequently reformed, making the people unhappy, and as a result, the world's Haojie rose up one after another, and Liu Xiu was also among them.

In Chinese history, there are 5 emperors who are both literate and martial, one is more powerful than the other, do you understand?

In the last year of the new dynasty, the world was in chaos, and Liu Xiu took advantage of the situation in his hometown of Nanyang County.

Liu Xiu was not only quite knowledgeable, but also very skilled in his own martial arts. After the uprising, due to the thin family foundation, Liu Xiu has always risked his life and personally charged the battle. In 23 AD, the rebel coalition army was besieged in Kunyang by Wang Mang's 400,000 troops, Liu Xiu took the risk of taking advantage of the night to break through to attract reinforcements, and later personally led 3,000 elites to bravely charge into tens of thousands of enemy troops, killing the commander of Wang Mang's army, and the defeat of the new Mang regime was decided!

Like other emperors, when establishing hegemony, there were always good generals and courtiers around them, for example, Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty and relied on Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Han Xin. But Liu Xiu had no advisers around him, nor did he have a fierce general, so he could only rely on himself! He is simply a combined version of Liu Bang, Han Xin, Xiao He, and Zhang Liang!

In 25 AD, Liu Xiu ascended the throne as emperor at Qianqiu pavilion in Southern Hebei Province, and in order to show that he was trying to revive the Han Dynasty, he still used "Han" as his national name, which was historically called "Eastern Han".

Since then, Liu Xiu has spent more than ten years successively quelling the separatist forces in Kwantung, Longyou, Western Shu and other places, ending the situation of the division of the princes. As a result, China, which has been divided and fought for many years since the end of the New Mang Dynasty, has once again been unified, and history has called it "Guangwu Zhongxing". Even Chairman Mao once commented that Liu Xiu was "the most learned, the most able to fight, and the most able to employ people."

In Chinese history, there are 5 emperors who are both literate and martial, one is more powerful than the other, do you understand?

2. Cao Pi

Cao Pi, together with Cao Cao and Cao Zhi, is known as the "Three Caos of Jian'an", and his Yan Ge Xing (燕歌行) is the earliest surviving literary poem in China. Cao Pi's Treatise on Classics is the first systematic treatise on literary criticism in the history of Chinese literature. Cao Pi proposed that "the article is the great cause of the country and the immortal prosperity". This means that literary creation is a great cause concerning the governance of the country, a great event that will never die. He raised the status of literature to unprecedented heights.

Cao Cao attached great importance to the cultivation of Cao Pi. When Cao Pi was a child, Cao Cao ordered several great talents of Jian'an's seven sons to accompany Cao Pi in poetry creation, which greatly improved Cao Pi's literary talent. Chen Shou's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" commented that he was "talented and literary, written into chapters, knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and talented and talented." It can be seen that it does have a relatively high literary level.

In Chinese history, there are 5 emperors who are both literate and martial, one is more powerful than the other, do you understand?

As for martial arts, Cao Pi is good at archery and archery. Cao Pi taught him archery when he was five years old, and Cao Pi learned to ride a horse when he was six years old.

Cao Pi claimed in the "Canonical Treatise and Self-Introduction" that "the bow is not bent, but the hole in the middle" can "harvest the zhanglu pill and the pheasant rabbit thirty" in one day.

In addition to bows and arrows, Cao Pi was also good at horseback riding. In the early years of Jian'an, Zhang Xiu rebelled, Cao Cao marched south, and only Cao Pi retreated completely, and Cao Pi recalled that he relied on horse kung fu to highlight the siege.

In addition, he also knows swordsmanship, and when he and Deng Zhan, a martial arts master who can "empty gloves and white blades", not only "three times his arms", but even once "cut off his jaw". Double-edged can make it impossible for the left and right to get close. In addition, Cao Pi also said that he "played chess" kung fu alone in the world.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms says that Cao Pi was "good at riding and shooting, good at fencing". However, objectively speaking, most of them are just hobbies, and there is no battlefield prestige deeds.

In Chinese history, there are 5 emperors who are both literate and martial, one is more powerful than the other, do you understand?

3. Yang Jian

During the reign of Emperor Yang Jian of Sui, he ended the great division and turmoil of 265 years since the end of the Jin Dynasty, and restored China to unity.

After the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, the Turks in the north invaded the Central Plains in a mighty way, and were defeated by the Sui Dynasty. Therefore, the Turkic khans willingly submitted to the Sui Dynasty and honored Yang Jian as a "sage khan", indicating eternal submission to the Great Sui.

This is the "martial" side of Emperor Wen of Sui, and the "Wen" side is reflected in his governance of the country, in addition to the political and economic reforms, in terms of talent selection, the imperial examination system as we know it was established during this period. Emperor Yang Jian of sui abolished the Jiupin Zhongzheng system since Cao Wei and created a precedent for the imperial examination system. In the selection of officials, the door valve is no longer the standard, but does not ask about the origin, and the meritocracy is the only thing.

The imperial examination system improved the previous employment system, completely breaking the blood lineage relationship and the monopoly of the clan; "Chao Wei Tian Shelang, Twilight Heavenly Son Hall", some of the lower and middle levels of society capable readers entered the upper layers of society and obtained the opportunity to display their talents.

However, the sui wen emperor period was only the beginning of the imperial examination system, and there were still many shortcomings, and when the Sui Emperor succeeded to the throne, the imperial examination system was improved, and it was already quite mature when it developed into the Tang Dynasty. The imperial examination system selected many talents for the imperial court.

In the eyes of Western historians, Emperor Wen of Sui was China's greatest monarch, and they commented on Yang Jian: "He successfully unified China, which had experienced hundreds of years of serious divisions, and one of his most important reforms was to select government officials through the imperial examination system, providing China with a batch of capable talents."

During the reign of Emperor Yang Jian of the Sui Dynasty, through a series of reforms, the state treasury was gradually enriched, the national strength gradually became stronger, the population of the Sui Dynasty increased significantly, the people were gradually rich in food and clothing, and the economic prosperity reached the highest peak in history. "In ancient and modern times, it is said that the rich of the national plan are like Sui", the country presents a prosperous situation, and history calls it "the rule of the emperor".

4. Li Shimin

When Li Yuan established the Tang Dynasty, his territory was only part of Shanxi and Shaanxi. For whatever reason, the Li Tang regime had to go on a foreign campaign, and the commander of the conquest was naturally Li Shimin.

In the process of unifying the whole country, Li Shimin went east and west to eliminate the separatist forces in various places, and often personally charged into the battlefield. He successively led his troops to pacify warlords such as Xue Rengao, Liu Wuzhou, Dou Jiande, and Wang Shichong.

Li Shimin also has a martial art, especially archery, is a real sharpshooter, thousands of people died under Li Shimin's arrows, Li Shimin once said to the fierce general Chi Jingde next to him, "You hold a spear, I hold a bow, who in the world fights with the front" such words.

In the ninth year of WuDe, Li Shimin launched the Xuanwumen Rebellion, and after the abdication of Li Yuan, the emperor of Tang Gaozu, Li Shimin took the throne and changed his name to Yuan Zhenguan. During Li Shimin's reign, he opened up territory to the outside world, attacked the Eastern Turks and Xue Yantuo, conquered Gaochang, Guizi, and Tuguhun, and established four towns in Anxi to guard the frontier area. In the fourth year of Zhenguan (630 AD), the various ministries of the northern and western regions of the desert jointly honored Li Shimin as the "Heavenly Khan", which means the co-ruler of the Tang And northwestern tribes.

Li Shimin's martial arts are not said, he also wrote many poems, such as "Yuan Day", "Drinking Horse Great Wall Cave Line", "Wangxue", etc., in addition, the construction of "Hongwenguan" is also a major feat during his reign.

Share Li Shimin's masterpiece "Drinking Horse Great Wall Cave Line" to everyone:

Drinking horse Great Wall Cave Line

The wind outside the plug is cut, and the ice of the river has frozen.

The Hanhai sea has a hundred heavy waves, and the yin mountains have thousands of miles of snow.

The flames are in danger, and the layers lead to high knots.

Leisurely rolling, drinking horses out of the Great Wall.

The cold sand even rode the tracks, and the sound of the side was broken.

Hu Chen Qing Yu Sai, Qiang Di Yun Jin Bao.

Absolutely indifferent, the car disciples Zhenyuan Kui.

The lieutenant regurgitated the dragon pile, and the general rotated the horse.

Yang Qi's atmosphere is quiet, and Ji Shigong is famous.

The desolate people are dressed in a suit, and the lingtai is triumphantly sung.

5. Zhao Kuangyin

In his early years, Zhao Kuangyin followed Later Zhou Shizong Chai Rong in the southern expedition to the northern war, acting as a pioneer many times, passing through the pass, attacking the city strategically, and making countless military achievements, after the establishment of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin unified the Central Plains by force and ended the chaotic world.

Zhao Kuangyin is well known as the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, and what many people don't know is that he is also very accomplished in martial arts, that is, he created a set of Taizu long fists.

Taizu Long Fist, according to legend, is a set of boxing techniques when Zhao Kuangyin was training in the military camp, this set of boxing methods synthesized the moves learned in the past, combined with the actual combat experience of soldiers fighting on the battlefield, and finally formed a set of thirty-two long fists, known in history as "Song Taizu Thirty-two Long Fists".

The whole set of martial arts is bold and unrestrained, majestic and beautiful, and is one of the six famous fists of our traditional martial arts. Not only in the Song Dynasty, but also in the Ming Dynasty, this set of martial arts was still very popular. Like the famous Qi Jia Quan, Taiji Quan, Hongdong Tong Back Tang Fist and other fists are all derived from the evolution of Taizu Long Fist, with the reputation of "the mother of a hundred fists", Qi Jiguang's eighteen-volume "Ji Xiao New Book" once listed Taizu Long Fist as the first.

This is wu, as for the text, Zhao Kuangyin's poem "Yong Chu Ri" is still OK, and the Song Dynasty he established "emphasizes literature and light martial arts", and the culture is unprecedentedly prosperous.

Sharing Zhao Kuangyin's "The First Day of Yong" to everyone, the whole poem is like this:

《First Day of 咏》

The sun is beginning to shine,

Thousands of mountains are like fire.

A round of heaven,

Repel the stars and the remnant moon.

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