
In the face of doubts, spoke out, and Jiang Ping chose to remain silent after the final and went out to work to earn tuition

author:Xiao Rong said

Jiang Ping, a secondary school student who ranked 12th in the global mathematics competition, was a blockbuster, and then many people jumped out to question her, thinking that she was only at the level of secondary school and could not answer such a difficult question.

In fact, everyone's potential is unlimited, as long as you love and focus, you can also make the impossible possible.

A reporter from interviewed Jiang Ping's neighbors.


From the short video, we can learn the truth about these aspects.

First: I have a very good academic performance since I was a child

It was the neighbor's uncle who said that she would go home to do her homework as soon as she got out of school, and the other children were playing outside, and she was the only one who stayed at home to do her homework.

She has had very good academic performance since she was a child, and she won the first place.

In the face of doubts, spoke out, and Jiang Ping chose to remain silent after the final and went out to work to earn tuition

Second: She was admitted to high school

In the high school entrance examination, she scored more than 600 points and has been admitted to high school, she chose to give up high school and chose a technical secondary school because of the exclusive scholarship in the middle school.

For this poor family, this is her best choice.

Before, some bloggers analyzed her that it was a pity not to go to high school, and said that her parents were not big.

Her father is 67 years old, and her mother has a serious illness that has drained the family's money.

For such a family, even survival is a problem, how can you expect her parents to have a big picture.

In the face of doubts, spoke out, and Jiang Ping chose to remain silent after the final and went out to work to earn tuition

When I saw Jiang Ping, I remembered my own study experience, from elementary school to junior high school, the tuition fees for each semester were paid at the end of the semester.

Every time I heard the teacher urging me to pay for tuition, I was scared and felt inferior, and I felt that my classmates were all looking at me.

When it came to the high school entrance examination, I was only admitted to an ordinary high school, because of 40 points in physical education, I only got 20 points, I was average in mathematics, and my Chinese scores were very good.

So my Chinese teacher advised me to go to high school because I wrote very well in essays.

Later, because the family was too poor, he could only choose to study secondary school.

After graduating from secondary school, I entered the society to work.

So I especially understand Jiang Ping's choice, poor families don't have a choice at all, and it's already good to have a secondary school.

If I had been in high school, I might have lived a different life.

Third: the children of the poor are in charge of the family at an early age

In addition to studying well, she is also very diligent, and often helps her neighbors to do things, and she often is reluctant to spend pocket money.

In the face of doubts, spoke out, and Jiang Ping chose to remain silent after the final and went out to work to earn tuition

Seeing the diligent Jiang Ping reminds me of when I was a child, when I came home from school every day, I went to the vegetable field to water and pour the vegetables as soon as possible, picked the vegetables, and took the vegetables to the well to wash.

After washing, I immediately started cooking and boiling water when I got home, and I didn't have time to do my homework until I ate.

Fourth: After the finals, Jiang Ping went to work for a summer job

After the finals, Jiang Ping chose to work outside for the summer like her sister, ready to use her own labor to earn tuition money.

She thinks that the tuition fees earned by her own part-time job are the most reliable.

Write to the end

During this time, many people questioned that Jiang Ping's results were fake, and now there are phoenix.coms who have spoken out, and many netizens have said that Jiang Ping's results are real, and we all believe her.

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