
What position is the "Erpin Grand Official" of the Qing Dynasty equivalent to now? You may not believe it when you say it

The ink of the imperial pen seal was not dried, and Jun En re-promised to worship Jin Luan. If you ask about dengke in your hometown, you are the old list official. ——Dong Deyuan

From ancient times to the present, the Chinese nation has left many valuable wealth. Chinese civilization is the only uninterrupted historical civilization among the four major civilizations in the world, which has preserved China's various systems, ideologies and cultures from slave society to feudal society.

These institutional ideas still affect the systems and ideas of modern society.

What position is the "Erpin Grand Official" of the Qing Dynasty equivalent to now? You may not believe it when you say it

The systems and ideas it has left behind have been inherited by us, taken from its essence, discarded by its dross, and integrated into our modern political and social life, which is our inheritance and development of precious wealth, and in the future, it will be passed on to the next generation.

Many of the systems of ancient China are no longer suitable for the development of today's society, but some systems are still preserved.

For example, the system of official selection still affects modern society, and our current college entrance examination system can be said to be the inheritance and continuation of the imperial examination system.

What position is the "Erpin Grand Official" of the Qing Dynasty equivalent to now? You may not believe it when you say it

In terms of the official hierarchy, the ancient official positions and the current state functionaries can still correspond one-to-one.

So during the Qing Dynasty, what position was equivalent to the current official position?

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the erpin official position is not as dazzling as the yipin official, in fact, the erpin official position and the modern vice-state position are also rare in the official field.

Qing Dynasty official selection system

The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in China and a political power established by ethnic minorities.

What position is the "Erpin Grand Official" of the Qing Dynasty equivalent to now? You may not believe it when you say it

It was established by Nurhaci, later renamed Daqing by Emperor Taiji, and after the death of Emperor Taiji, his son Fu Lin took the throne as the Shunzhi Emperor, and with the assistance of Dolgun, the Qing army entered the customs during the Shunzhi period, and the Qing Dynasty was established since then.

The Qing Dynasty belonged to the regime established by the Manchus, retaining the characteristics of many ethnic minorities, but from ancient times to the present, the number of Han people in the Central Plains was large, and ethnic integration became the trend of the times, and the integration of Manchu and Han was also in line with the historical trend of the time.

What position is the "Erpin Grand Official" of the Qing Dynasty equivalent to now? You may not believe it when you say it

In order to rule such a large number of Han Chinese, it is not enough to rely on the nomadic culture of ethnic minorities, so they must learn how to manage the country and learn the various systems that have been handed down through the dynasties.

The Qing Dynasty not only studied the various political and economic systems of the Han people, but also appointed Han people as officials, truly achieving the ultimate in national integration.

In the system of studying the Han Chinese, the most important thing is the appointment system of officials.

The real functioning of the national machinery depends on the officials under the system, otherwise the system will be useless. The Qing Dynasty followed the Ming Dynasty's system of electing officials and adopted the imperial examination system for the selection of officials.

What position is the "Erpin Grand Official" of the Qing Dynasty equivalent to now? You may not believe it when you say it

During the Ming Dynasty, the imperial examination system changed, began to limit the scope of candidates' answers, prohibited the speech of affairs and politics, and also created a system of eight shares to take soldiers, only allowing candidates to write according to the structure of the prescribed eight-strand text.

The purpose of restricting the candidate's mind is to strengthen the centralization of power.

The Qing Dynasty continued this system, and the main channel for selecting talents was the imperial examination. However, because the Qing Dynasty regime was established by the Manchus, they also opened a special appointment channel for the eight flags disciples, that is, the eight flags in the staff or royal family members to take the top position system, even if they do not have the ability, they can still obtain an official and a half position according to the identity of the eight flags, equivalent to a hereditary official position.

What position is the "Erpin Grand Official" of the Qing Dynasty equivalent to now? You may not believe it when you say it

In addition to the above two methods of taking office, there is also a system of being recommended as an official through senior officials, and Yuan Shikai entered the DPRK as an official through the recommendation of Li Hongzhang.

The official status of the Erpin Commander of the Qing Dynasty

Since the examination and other systems have become an important way and source of selection and promotion of talents, the state has established a perfect system of official ranks to divide the positions of officials.

The Qing Dynasty had a strict hierarchical system, so the status of official positions determined their status in the imperial court.

What position is the "Erpin Grand Official" of the Qing Dynasty equivalent to now? You may not believe it when you say it

The ranks of Qing dynasty officials were divided into nine pins and eighteen grades, with the highest official Juzheng Yipin and the lowest to nine pins.

The eighteen grades are because the official rank of each product has a distinction between positive and subordinate, for example, the highest official is a positive product, and the next level is not a positive second product, but a product from a product.

The Erpin official positions of the Qing Dynasty mainly included civilian Officials: Prince Shaoshi, Prince Shaofu, Prince Shaobao, General Manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Six Ministries Of Servants, and Cabinet Scholar; civilian foreign officials were: Governor of Provinces, Inspector of The Ranks, Governor of Hedao, Governor of Caoyun; Military Officials: Commander of the Forward Battalion of the Left and Right Wings, Commander of the Eight Banners Guard, and Luan Yi Envoy; And Military Foreign Officials: Deputy Governor and Commander of the General Army.

What position is the "Erpin Grand Official" of the Qing Dynasty equivalent to now? You may not believe it when you say it

This includes not only the central government, but also the local Erpin officials.

Among them, the most important position is the central civil official, of which the prince Shaoshi, the prince Shaofu, and the prince Shaobao are collectively called "three young", which is mainly an honorary official title, and this kind of official position is mainly to enjoy the official title, bring honor and status, and are not responsible for specific things.

The General Manager of the Ministry of internal affairs, the Six Ministries of Servants, and the Cabinet Scholar are official positions with real power, in charge of the management of the affairs of the palace, such as the General Manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is an institution that helps manage the affairs of the royal family; the Cabinet University Scholar is the Emperor's political adviser and staff, helping the Emperor in decision-making; the Six Ministries of The Servants are the assistants of the various Shangshu and help the Shangshu to handle political affairs.

And these two positions, such as the local governor and governor, are the official positions that are really in power at the local level.

Comparison of Qing Dynasty Erpin officials and today

The Erpin officials of the Qing Dynasty were divided into different official positions according to different positions and roles.

What position is the "Erpin Grand Official" of the Qing Dynasty equivalent to now? You may not believe it when you say it

"Three Youngsters" belong to the honorary title, so there is no discussion, and the main central official position of Erpin is the general manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the six departments of the waiter.

The general manager of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is equivalent to today's central general office level, the status belongs to the vice-state level, and the six ministries of waiters are mainly responsible for political affairs, which is of course an administrative organ, which is equivalent to the state councilor of the State Council today.

The local governors were mainly officials of the governors of the provinces, who in ancient times were mainly in charge of the local provincial level, in charge of all local affairs, equivalent to the secretaries of the provincial governments today.

At first, the inspector helped the emperor to inspect the economic development of the provinces, and later gradually became the chief executive at the local level, in charge of local administrative affairs, and his status was equivalent to that of the current provincial government secretary, belonging to the deputy state level.


The Qing Dynasty's strict hierarchical system and official selection system are largely a continuation of the previous dynasty, which reflects the peak of China's ancient political development.

It was precisely because of the continuous integration and development of Han culture and the absorption of innovation that the Qing Dynasty could become the most prosperous empire in ancient China.

What position is the "Erpin Grand Official" of the Qing Dynasty equivalent to now? You may not believe it when you say it

After more than two hundred years of history, the political and economic achievements it has reached belong to the highest peak of ancient China. It is these systems that have been continuously inherited that have made the Qing Dynasty successful and have become the most valuable institutional wealth in the ancient history of our country.

These surviving systems still have an important impact on our country today. In the minds of modern people, it is often felt that only a pin officer is a high-powered person, in fact, the Qing Dynasty official hierarchy system is also very perfect, and the status of the erpin officer is comparable to the vice-state level in today's society, which is beyond the imagination of many people.

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