
1 day countdown to the yo-yo experience day! The concept chassis/cabin is about to make its global debut

【Zhichepai News】A few days ago, Zhichepai learned from the official that Yo-Pao Technology will release two conceptual products of UP Super Chassis and UP SPACE Super Cabin through online conferences from 15:00 to 16:00 on January 11.

1 day countdown to the yo-yo experience day! The concept chassis/cabin is about to make its global debut

2022 Yo-Yo Experience Day

Youpao Technology is a new blood in the automotive industry, which was founded in Shanghai in early 2021. It is a new type of intelligent electric vehicle company, with a registered capital of 8.62 million yuan and the legal representative is Li Peng, and its business scope includes artificial intelligence theory and algorithm software development, Internet of Things technology research and development, and auto parts research and development.

According to the official introduction, Yo-Pao Technology is committed to building cars for the scene, which is characterized by upgrading the traditional "vehicle integrated development" to "upper and lower split development", redefining the logic, technical form and supply chain of automobile research and development, and saving 60% after having the basic model development costs, based on the UP super chassis, the same platform can save 50% in the development cycle of the model, and the same length cockpit space can be increased by 30%-60%.

It is worth mentioning that Yo-Run Technology reached a strategic cooperation with Bosch China on October 14 last year, and the two sides will carry out a series of technical cooperation in the field of integrated chassis to fully support the research and development of "UP Super Chassis". In addition, Boyuan Capital, a subsidiary of Bosch, also announced that it has completed the pre-A+ round of financing for leading investment in Yo-Run Technology.

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