
Tomorrow, May and March, "Don't do 4 days and months, don't be rich, and be safe", what does it mean?

author:Lemon tea

In traditional Chinese culture, the twenty-third day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar is considered a special day and is known as the "Death Day of the Moon". This traditional concept stems from the wisdom and folk customs of ancient China, which emphasizes that there are things that should be avoided on this day to ensure the peace and happiness of life. The old saying "if you don't do 4 days and months, you will be safe if you are not rich" is the embodiment of this concept. Blessed people, leave a sentence in the comment area: "One shun and one hundred shun, the Bodhisattva blesses", for themselves, for their children, and for the whole family to receive blessings.

Tomorrow, May and March, "Don't do 4 days and months, don't be rich, and be safe", what does it mean?

What is "Death Day"?

Each month of the lunar calendar has specific "death days", which are days that are considered inappropriate for certain activities. It is traditionally believed that during these days, people's activities can trigger bad luck and affect the peace and prosperity of families and individuals. The twenty-third day of May is one of them, which is considered to be a "moon death day".

Tomorrow, May and March, "Don't do 4 days and months, don't be rich, and be safe", what does it mean?

The meaning of "4 don'ts".

The "4 don'ts" in "4 Don'ts to Do Every Day and Moon" refer to four things that should be avoided on the day of May 23:

1. Don't marry

Tradition holds that the twenty-third day of May is not suitable for a wedding ceremony. Because bad luck on this day can have an unlucky impact on the newlyweds and affect their future lives.

2. Unportable house

On the twenty-third day of May, it is traditionally not advisable to move. This is because it is believed that moving can trigger bad luck and cause family upset.

3. Immovable soil and ground breaking

In an agrarian society, groundbreaking and groundbreaking are important links in construction and agricultural production. However, on the 23rd day of May, it is traditionally considered inappropriate to break ground or break ground so as not to cause unlucky events.

4. No contracts or important documents are signed

In business activities, it is crucial to sign contracts or important documents. However, on the day of May 23, it is traditionally considered inappropriate to sign any contract or important document, lest bad luck affect the validity of the document.

Tomorrow, May and March, "Don't do 4 days and months, don't be rich, and be safe", what does it mean?

The meaning of following traditional customs

Although the development of modern society has led to a change in many traditional beliefs, it still makes sense to follow these traditional customs. First of all, it shows respect for traditional culture. Secondly, avoiding these activities can reduce unnecessary risks to some extent and make life more peaceful.

Tomorrow, May and March, "Don't do 4 days and months, don't be rich, and be safe", what does it mean?

The proverb "If you don't do 4 days and months, you will be safe if you are not rich" reflects the wisdom of life and folk customs in traditional Chinese culture. On the special day of the 23rd day of the fifth lunar month, following these traditional customs and avoiding some activities can bring good luck and ensure peace and happiness in life. Although the development of modern society has changed many traditional concepts, there is still value in respecting traditional culture and maintaining the importance of traditional customs.

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