
| the New Year's performance season, the star mothers are taking the baby to watch "Cat Flying Dog Jumping" and laughing

Does your little one like to scribble?

If so, don't miss this great show!

A group of star mothers applauded the Spanish magic pen

"Cat Flying Dog Jump" will be released from January 14 to 15,

Staged at the Guangzhou Opera House.

| the New Year's performance season, the star mothers are taking the baby to watch "Cat Flying Dog Jumping" and laughing

How to draw with a magic pen, the small point is up to you!

Painters, paintings, and audiences interact multiple times, and turn the audience upside down!

Imaginary friends will also find you a stubble?

When the "greedy" painter Nacho enlightens all his works into reality

For a while the cat flew, the dog jumped, the crocodile chased the chicken and ran...

Inside and outside the painting, he is busy, and there are choreographers and directors on and off the stage

Even the air was bubbling with excitement!

Submerging the water overhead, the crocodile suddenly appeared,

And the oncoming roaring train...

Each time, Nacho used his imagination to defuse the danger.

“Everything will be OK!”

| the New Year's performance season, the star mothers are taking the baby to watch "Cat Flying Dog Jumping" and laughing

Cool Spanish "painters" do "animation" by hand on the spot, plus cats and dogs in the same frame are full of excitement, and they can also freely shuttle between the stage and the painting?!

Across the canvas can host the free fighting international championship, speaking of Xingtou can also cross to the painting "peacekeeping" a hand, this side of the box cat flying dog jump just flat, a turn of the head and a crocodile tracking, chicken running... Even the air was bubbling with excitement!

| the New Year's performance season, the star mothers are taking the baby to watch "Cat Flying Dog Jumping" and laughing

There is also a very "hi" interaction on the scene, and there is a amount of business -

One-fold interaction: the painter and the person in the painting – can the hammer outside the painting ring the gong in the painting? The painter has the final say! Cats have to slim their faces and not have a tail long enough? Dogs have the final say!

Double interaction: painter and viewer – cat and dog escape what to chase, flamingo or Ferrari? You decide!

Triple interaction: the painting, the painter and the viewer cross-interact – the painter is about to be knocked down by the train rushing out of the painting, save or not save? Everybody decides!

| the New Year's performance season, the star mothers are taking the baby to watch "Cat Flying Dog Jumping" and laughing

This is an animated drama that star mothers are recommending. In August 2016, "Cat Flying Dog Jumping" was invited by Sun Li to perform 12 consecutive performances in the Super Theater, and the word of mouth was bursting, and many stars such as Li Chen, Xiao Taohong, Xu Zheng, Dai Lele, Luo Haiqiong and so on took their cute babies to the Super Theater to watch the performance.

This time, the Spanish multimedia animation drama "Cat Flying Dog Jump" will be performed three times at the Experimental Theater of the Guangzhou Opera House from January 14 to 15, with the children of Guangzhou "turning stones into gold".

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Zhang Suqin

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Li Yani

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