
The bodyguard jumped into the river to save the prince, Zhu Yuanzhang: dressed up, promoted, took off his clothes and beheaded

The bodyguard jumped into the river to save the prince, Zhu Yuanzhang: dressed up, promoted, took off his clothes and beheaded

Remembering the history of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, everyone had to extend a thumbs up to praise a legend. Zhu Yuanzhang went from being a begging monk at the bottom of society who did not have enough to be fed, to a commander who was invincible all the way and ended the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, relying definitely not on good luck.

Later generations have mixed evaluations of Zhu Yuanzhang as a person. Some people say that he is too suspicious and always worried about the overthrow of his political power, so he always spares no effort to suppress the courtiers; some people say that he loves the people like a son, because he was born poor, so he can better understand the needs of ordinary people. No matter which way we say it, we cannot deny Zhu Yuanzhang's strategy and foresight as the king of a country.

His foresight was reflected in the Ming Dynasty under his rule. It is said that the Ming Dynasty in history never relied on sending female relatives and relatives to exchange peace, never cut off land to pay compensation, and never paid tribute to others, and it was Zhu Yuanzhang's wisdom and stubbornness that created the glory and integrity of the Ming Dynasty.

The bodyguard jumped into the river to save the prince, Zhu Yuanzhang: dressed up, promoted, took off his clothes and beheaded

The emperor was also very intelligent in his daily life, it is said that once the crown prince Zhu Biao fell into the water, the guards all went to the rescue, and Zhu Yuanzhang, who rushed to see his son unharmed, said such a sentence: The well-dressed guards rewarded and promoted officials, and the guards who undressed to save people were all pressed down and beheaded. Why?

Why did Prince Zhu Biao fall into the water

Although Zhu Yuanzhang was a majestic, legendary tyrannical emperor, he was also an ordinary person with a family. Zhu Yuanzhang was still very considerate of tenderness for his wife Empress Ma and Crown Prince Zhu Biao.

Zhu Biao was born in 1355 AD, when Zhu Yuanzhang was fighting everywhere, the Ming Dynasty had not yet been established, it is said that zhu Biao was just born, Zhu Yuanzhang attacked nanjing for a long time, Zhu Yuanzhang believed that this was the luck brought to him by his son, and therefore placed high hopes on Zhu Biao.

The bodyguard jumped into the river to save the prince, Zhu Yuanzhang: dressed up, promoted, took off his clothes and beheaded

Zhu Yuanzhang himself was born into poverty and did not have the opportunity to receive a good education, which made him attach great importance to readers. Zhu Biao had not yet reached the age of study, and Zhu Yuanzhang was anxious to find a good teacher for him and enlighten him. After some inquiry, Zhu Yuanzhang found Song Lian.

Mentioning Song Lian as a person, everyone can't help but think of his book "Sending Dongyang Horse Birth Order". Song Lian was a well-known prodigy when he was young, and when he grew up, he was even more talented and excellent, and the political darkness at the end of the Yuan Dynasty where he was located, seeing the suffering of the people and the inaction of officials, Song Liankong had a talent, but he did not want to be an official. It was not until the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, after being introduced by people, that Song Lian came to Nanjing, entered the Prince's Mansion, and became a dynasty eunuch, responsible for teaching the Prince Zhu Biao the Four Books and Five Classics and the principles of dealing with people.

Under his earnest teachings, Zhu Biao had a gentle and simple personality and was extremely talented. When Song Lian was serving as a taifu, he also participated in the compilation of history books, which can be described as a very high status, and the readers in the world at that time took Song Lian as an example to learn from his attitude of respecting and respecting his teacher and learning from his spirit of hard work.

The bodyguard jumped into the river to save the prince, Zhu Yuanzhang: dressed up, promoted, took off his clothes and beheaded

Zhu Biao also attached great importance to this teacher, although he was the prince, he treated Song Lian with courtesy, and was not rude and rude because of his identity. The two have been together for more than ten years, but in the end they have to leave their hometowns separate because of Song Lian's old age and infirmity.

Back in his hometown, Song Lian did not take a few years to set up a big deal. His grandson was inextricably linked to the then sensational Hu Weiyong case, and Zhu Yuanzhang, in a fit of rage, also included Song Lian in the list of beheadings.

Zhu Biao listened to this news, how could he sit still

If his father wants to kill his teacher, how can he sit idly by? For this reason, Zhu Biao had interceded with Zhu Yuanzhang many times, hoping that he could let the teacher have a way to live. However, Zhu Yuanzhang has always adhered to the concept that officials must use harsh criminal laws to deter them, so that they can set an example and avoid future troubles. Zhu Biao, however, has a pure and kind personality, believing that the somewhat cruel criminal law should be abolished. The father and son had a very unpleasant quarrel because of this.

The bodyguard jumped into the river to save the prince, Zhu Yuanzhang: dressed up, promoted, took off his clothes and beheaded

Finally, the two quarreled, and Zhu Yuanzhang, in a fit of rage, said to Zhu Biao: "Wait until you become the emperor and then pardon him!" Even if Zhu Biao heard this, he was unwilling to give up on rescuing his teacher.

After leaving Zhu Yuanzhang's palace, Zhu Biao actually walked straight towards the moat, and jumped in at once when everyone was not paying attention. He wants to save his teacher by dying. But it also frightened the eunuchs around him. The crowd was in a hurry, some shouting, some jumping in to save people. Finally, Zhu Biao was rescued.

Zhu Yuanzhang was also very surprised after hearing this, and hurried to come, after seeing that his son was only frightened and the others were not serious, Zhu Yuanzhang finally compromised, chose to pardon Song Lian's death penalty, and instead exiled him.

The bodyguard jumped into the river to save the prince, Zhu Yuanzhang: dressed up, promoted, took off his clothes and beheaded

Why did Zhu Yuanzhang behead the undressed guards?

After solving his son's worries, Zhu Yuanzhang finally breathed a sigh of relief. As he looked around, he found another important problem.

Most of the guards who followed his son were wet, and it looked like they had just come up from the water to rescue the prince. But Zhu Yuanzhang took a closer look and found the difference between these guards: some of the guards were neatly dressed, dripping water from head to toe, and they looked awkward. Some of the guards were naked and barefoot.

After some deliberation, Zhu Yuanzhang issued such an order: All well-dressed guards should be rewarded with rewards and promoted to reward money; those guards who had taken off their clothes would all be dragged down and beheaded. As soon as this order came out, everyone was a little confused, what was Zhu Yuanzhang doing?

The bodyguard jumped into the river to save the prince, Zhu Yuanzhang: dressed up, promoted, took off his clothes and beheaded

But when I thought about it carefully, I understood Zhu Yuanzhang's intentions. Seeing the prince fall into the water, some of the guards jumped into the moat to rescue without thinking, so they were dressed neatly, and those guards who took off their clothes, seeing the prince falling into the water, actually chose to take off their clothes first, and then jumped into the water, which made Zhu Yuanzhang how not to be angry?

What if something goes wrong with his own prince in between the undressing guards?

Zhu Yuanzhang, who had always regarded Zhu Biao as a treasure, could not bear that his son had a little mistake. In the hearts of ancient emperors, everyone in the world had to do their best to protect their children from harm, followed by their own life safety.

The bodyguard jumped into the river to save the prince, Zhu Yuanzhang: dressed up, promoted, took off his clothes and beheaded


Although Zhu Yuanzhang, as an emperor of a generation, has the power and status to command the world, in the final analysis, he is also a father who is worried about his son.

There was nothing wrong with worrying about his son's growth, and there was nothing wrong with caring about whether his son was threatened, but it was too cruel to kill them just because some of the guards had taken off their clothes and wasted time to rescue the prince, and Zhu Biao was also rescued unharmed. Everyone is the treasure in the palm of their parents, and they are all children that their parents do not care about all the time, and Zhu Yuanzhang hastily killed them like this, which is inevitably too cruel.

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