
Puyi was unable to have children in his lifetime, but his brother competed to have 3 sons in a row, and now he has become a pillar of the country!

The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history, and the era was also an era of internal and external troubles. For the people, it may be the change of power and the times. But for the last royal family, the changes in the country are more memorable, and the changes in life can be described as earth-shaking.

Puyi was the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and his life was full of legends. It is rumored that his IQ and emotional intelligence are extremely high, after all, he can still eat in the case of external worries and internal troubles. But the sad thing is that he has no children under his knees all his life, and no one has sent him to the end.

However, his biological brother was different from him, not only fighting to have three sons in a row, but also choosing a bright road that was completely different from Puyi. Puren once said: "To tell the truth, we are royalty, but my family has never relied on eating "ancestral food", which is the most glorious thing for the whole family!" His life was intriguing, and his children became famous national pillars.

Puyi was unable to have children in his lifetime, but his brother competed to have 3 sons in a row, and now he has become a pillar of the country!

Puyi and Puren

Puyi was only three years old when he was first pushed to the throne, an ignorant child, unaware that the changes of the times must start from him. Puyi first became emperor for three years, that is, when he was six years old, the Xinhai Revolution broke out and overthrew the rule of the feudal dynasty, and Puyi's short career as emperor came to a temporary end in the roar of artillery fire.

With the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Puyi, who thought that everyone would shout and beat him, lived a relaxed and rich life because of Yuan Shikai. Later, due to political struggles and changes in the situation, Puyi was forced to be displaced and lived a life of wind and food. In 1934, in order to establish political power in the northeast and serve the purpose of splitting China's territory, Japan held Puyi hostage to become the emperor of Manchukuo.

Speaking of Puyi's brother Pu Ren, although he was born to catch up with the family road and was not born at the right time, they were also considered to be everyone's great cause before, so Pu Ren still lived a rich life and received a good education.

Puyi was unable to have children in his lifetime, but his brother competed to have 3 sons in a row, and now he has become a pillar of the country!

When Puyi came to Manchukuo as a puppet emperor, he played the slogan of revitalizing the family and invited Pu Ren to come to Manchukuo with him. Because Puyi felt that his younger brother was very highly educated, he could definitely hold a good position here.

But after Pu Ren came to Manchuria, he saw that behind his bright and beautiful brother was a humble knee to the Japanese. From this moment on, Puren understood that he did not want to stay here for a minute and a second, so he used the method of hunger strike to force Puyi to agree to leave, and finally Puyi had no choice but to compromise, but Puyi was still immersed in his own emperor's dream.

Create schools, teach and educate people

Puren refused Puyi's invitation to return to Beiping, and When he returned home, Puren threw himself into ancient books all day and had no interest in politics. In 1947, out of livelihood and to satisfy his own wishes, Puren sold his family property and set up a school with the help of his father.

Puyi was unable to have children in his lifetime, but his brother competed to have 3 sons in a row, and now he has become a pillar of the country!

Pu Rencai was very highly educated, and he was very attractive when he taught the class, and soon his reputation spread out, attracting many students in Beiping at that time. The schools built by Pu Ren were not for profit, and sometimes they had to sell their property to maintain them.

But Puren insisted on accepting children from poor families who loved to learn. At the beginning of the school, there were only a few teachers, and Puren was both a teacher and a principal, and the number of students reached 200 at that time.

Due to financial constraints at the time, Puren used his own house as a school. However, heaven will not be kind to Pu Ren because of difficult conditions, and before liberation, Pu Ren's house was occupied by the Kuomintang army. It was not until the liberation of Beijing that Puren's house returned to his hands, and the school finally returned to its normal trajectory.

Puyi was unable to have children in his lifetime, but his brother competed to have 3 sons in a row, and now he has become a pillar of the country!

Pu Ren's sons have become pillars

Puyi was despised in the palace when he was young, and when he was very young, he was served by the palace maids sent by eunuchs night and night, which eventually led to the lack of sexual function and a life without children.

Unlike Puyi, Pu Ren gave birth to three sons and two daughters, and his three sons were all national leaders, inheriting not only the blood of Ai Xin Jueluo, but also the talent and intelligence of their father Pu Ren.

The eldest son, Jin Yuling, suffered discrimination from others because of the complex family composition when he was a child, and later the budding Jin Yuling desperately wanted to alleviate the pressure of his parents' lives, and out of concern about his complicated life, he offered to change with his colleagues and go to Qinghai to engage in arduous field exploration work.

Puyi was unable to have children in his lifetime, but his brother competed to have 3 sons in a row, and now he has become a pillar of the country!

Jin Yuling stayed in the geological team for 17 years, and it was not until 1985 that he was transferred back to the Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau. In 1999, Jin Yuling went to work at the Beijing Municipal Ethnic Affairs Commission, where he was in charge of the Archives Bureau, the Legislative Affairs Office, family planning, ethnic minority literature and other departments.

Although in that era, Jin Yuzhang's birth was highly discriminated against, but through his own efforts and use of his talents, he eventually became a famous modern geologist in China and served as a political commissar.

Jin Yu is the second son of Pu Ren, his achievements are also very excellent, he has pursued academic research all his life, has a wealth of professional knowledge and scientific research ability, and has achieved great achievements in the academic community.

Puyi was unable to have children in his lifetime, but his brother competed to have 3 sons in a row, and now he has become a pillar of the country!

He has written many professional papers, and because of his professional scientific research ability, his papers have also been recognized by academic professionals and published in major academic journals at home and abroad. With his rich knowledge and excellent scientific research ability, Jin Yu became a professor at a young age and later became a dean. He became an internationally renowned scholar.

The path chosen by Puren's younger son and his two older brothers was very different. Jin Yulan chose to inherit his father's legacy, return to the people, and become an ordinary people's teacher, which naturally has a lot to do with his father's infection and education when he was a child.

Because he has been by his father's side since he was a child, watching his father devote his life to the cause of teaching and educating people, he has also developed a strong interest in the profession of teacher. He also inherited his father's love of learning and serious and responsible qualities, coupled with his unique life experience, he has produced a unique personality charm, which is deeply loved by students.

Puyi was unable to have children in his lifetime, but his brother competed to have 3 sons in a row, and now he has become a pillar of the country!

brief summary:

Like Puyi, Puren was also born into the royal family, and what should have been a life of gold and jade food was not born at the right time and was displaced. Puyi's fate in his later years was very miserable, and the surname of Ai Xinjueluo seemed to have become his shackles. But Pu Ren chose a completely different path from PuYi.

Instead of being imprisoned by his surname and birth, he and his children used this as a driving force to constantly motivate themselves, break the prejudices of the world, and get out of the cage trapped in them.

Pu Ren's three sons are different, but they all grow up to become the pillars of the country with their own efforts. The author believes that no matter what kind of birth environment we have, this is not an excuse for self-indulgence, but a driving force for our own progress.

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