
Puyi was unable to have children for life, but his brother was angry and had 3 sons in a row, and now they have all become the pillars of the country

As the last dynasty in China's feudal history, the Qing Dynasty is undoubtedly the most well-documented dynasty. When the Republic of China was founded, the rule of the Qing Dynasty was officially over, but the noble princes and sons of the Eight Banners left by the Qing Dynasty were still drunk and dreaming of death. Even the Japanese took the abdicated Puyi away to establish the puppet state of Manchukuo, just so that they could continue to play the prestige of the nobility, and in their eyes, as long as the emperor was still there, they were still superior princes.

Puyi was forced to take in several Japanese concubines after being taken over, and the Japanese army hoped that these Japanese women could give birth to Puyi's descendants, so that they could use children of Japanese blood to manipulate the Qing royal family, but unfortunately these women have not been pregnant, to be precise, any of Puyi's concubines are not pregnant, because of the experience of childhood Puyi can not have children, but his brother Pu Ren gave birth to three sons, and all of them are very successful.

Puyi was unable to have children for life, but his brother was angry and had 3 sons in a row, and now they have all become the pillars of the country

1. The two brothers of the monarch

Before the death of the Guangxu Emperor, Cixi had already found a candidate for the next emperor, puyi, the son of prince of alcohol, and despite the grief of prince Fujin, Xiao Puyi was taken into the Forbidden City, and when Puren saw his brother again, he had to kneel down with his father to ask for peace, because his brother was no longer a brother, but the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

The two brothers have become monarchs, but as brothers, they can still enter the palace to see, and poor Puyi's birth mother has been thinking about her son all her life. Puren consciously wanted to comfort his parents and worked hard to study, plus the prince of Alcohol, Jackie Chan, never slackened, and it was Pu Ren who was outstanding in learning, unlike Puyi, who grew up in the palace, who was spoiled by the eunuch palace.

Puyi was unable to have children for life, but his brother was angry and had 3 sons in a row, and now they have all become the pillars of the country

Later, the republic of China established the rule of the Qing Dynasty ended, Pu Ren did not put on any aristocratic style, at ease at home to serve his father, Puyi was driven out of the Forbidden City, he was also worried about his brother's situation running around, until Puyi was picked up by the Japanese to break contact, after which he followed his father to the northeast to visit.

Second, the choice of path is different

After arriving in the puppet state of Manchukuo, Pu Ren saw his brother, he saw that Pu Yi had the name of an emperor, but in fact it was a puppet held in the palm of his hand by the Japanese, everywhere subject to people being oppressed by the Japanese army and did not dare to speak, although he said that he had saved a moment of wealth but would eventually be abandoned, Pu Yi was very happy to see his brother, hoping that he could stay and enjoy the royal life together, Pu Ren refused Pu Yi's invitation to stay and left resolutely.

Puyi was unable to have children for life, but his brother was angry and had 3 sons in a row, and now they have all become the pillars of the country

Leaving the puppet manchukuo, Pu Ren returned to Beijing, he put down the name of the son of the prince, and began to focus on the education of his children, he believed that the reason why China was weak was because the people were not educated enough, if everyone could receive education, the country would be rich and the people would be strong, and his idea was also supported by the Prince of Alcohol, and even took the Prince of Alcohol palace as a school.

Although Pu Ren did not follow his brother to rule in Manchukuo, he stayed in Beijing and became a teacher in a small private school, and later simply established a primary school himself as the principal of the primary school, and Pu Ren went farther and farther on the road of education. In order to better educate students, it is better to have a bad life than to take money to help students.

Puyi was unable to have children for life, but his brother was angry and had 3 sons in a row, and now they have all become the pillars of the country

3. Qualified citizens

In the puppet Manchukuo, Puyi did not give birth to children as the Japanese wished, and there were no children in the later turbulent displacement, according to the memories of the eunuchs of the Qing Palace, it is likely to be the root of Puyi's illness in his childhood, because Puyi was young and foolish, the eunuchs often threw him to the palace maid to take care of, and later in order to facilitate himself to go out and fool around, he let the palace maid accompany him when he did not grow up.

In the long run, Puyi's body was exhausted, and naturally there were no children, but Pu Ren outside the palace gave birth to several children, of which his three sons grew into people with a good reputation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, everyone became a hero to contribute to the country, and became a pillar of the country without being pretentious because of his temporary prominence.

Puyi was unable to have children for life, but his brother was angry and had 3 sons in a row, and now they have all become the pillars of the country

New China's new China Puren was unwilling to bear the reputation of the Manchu Qing dynasty, simply changed his surname and name to jin Youzhi, continued his own educational career, the family was already poor, but Puren still handed over the cultural relics in the family and fulfilled his obligations as a citizen. I don't feel special because of my former royal life.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, many Manchu Qing widows and widows felt that they could get by and get by, and re-erected the shelf of clan relatives in the Four-Nine Cities, but Instead, Pu Ren closed the door to thank guests, did not mention half a sentence of the royal palace, only when he was a small old man ignored these things, and devoted his mind to the education work of the children.

Puyi was unable to have children for life, but his brother was angry and had 3 sons in a row, and now they have all become the pillars of the country

Fourth, one door three masters

After being released from prison after receiving the reform, Pu Ren once visited, fortunately Pu Yi finally gave up the identity of the emperor and wanted to live as a Chinese citizen, after all, Pu Yi had lived as an emperor since childhood, and Pu Ren was really happy for him to have the current transformation. The two people often met and gossiped about their childhood days in the royal palace, and later Puyi spent the rest of her life married a female comrade.

The eldest son, Jin Yuling, was admitted to Beijing University of Geosciences, worked in the Geological Bureau after graduation, and then was responsible for the environmental protection work of Beijing Chongwen District, because the work was outstanding and became the deputy director of the Chongwen District CPPCC Committee, and has been working hard for the environmental transformation of Beijing.

Puyi was unable to have children for life, but his brother was angry and had 3 sons in a row, and now they have all become the pillars of the country

The second son, Jin Yuyu, was admitted to Beijing University of Technology, and after graduation, he concentrated on research and scientific research, participated in dozens of scientific research projects on environmental remediation, and served in the Ministry of Education. The third son is not as earth-shattering as the two older brothers, but he is the most like Pu Ren, because he embarked on the same path as his father, became a people's teacher, bowed on the podium for decades to produce batches of talents for the country's education, even if he stopped teaching and embarked on charity.

Three sons have a future, are contributing to the country, Puren not only educated other people's children, his own children are also very well educated, compared to his brother Puyi was pushed to become a puppet wandering life, Puren can be regarded as stable and rich, children and grandchildren enjoy the joy of heaven.

Puyi was unable to have children for life, but his brother was angry and had 3 sons in a row, and now they have all become the pillars of the country

5. Summary

Compared with other royal relatives, Pu Ren's life can be regarded as stable, his stability lies in the transformation of his own identity, after the end of the Qing Dynasty, he understood that he was no longer an imperial relative, even if Puyi invited him to go to the puppet state of Manchukuo to govern together, he would rather not have this prestige to return to Beijing to teach.

After the founding of New China, he understood that he had become a citizen, the country wanted to receive national treasures, he was hungry and he also had to hand it over, as a Nobleman of the Qing Dynasty, he saw the weakness of the country earlier, and he saw enough of the Qing government's low knees for foreigners, and knew the importance of a strong country, so Puren hoped that his country would not be so humble.

Puyi was unable to have children for life, but his brother was angry and had 3 sons in a row, and now they have all become the pillars of the country

He changed the royal palace into a school, just to be able to cultivate talents for the country, he knows that the country needs to awaken and awaken to education, he did not obsess over the identity of the royal family to a new life, compared to the righteousness of Mr. Puren, now those clowns who call themselves descendants of the royal family on the Internet are shameful, and the actions of Mr. Puren are really worthy of the last dignity of the royal family.

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