
The last prince of the Qing Dynasty, founded a primary school to donate to the country, and lived until 2015 before his death

As we all know, China's modern history is a chaotic period full of wars and disasters, and a history of exploration in which the Chinese people constantly explore the road to national salvation and realize democracy and freedom. In this process, the people of Chinese have gone through too many tribulations before they finally ushered in a peaceful generation. The late Qing Dynasty was also in the middle of this era. With the demise of the Qing Dynasty, China's feudal dynasty came to an end. But many people may wonder, after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, where did the royal children of the Forbidden City go? Today, Xiaobian will tell the story of the last prince of the Qing Dynasty.

The last prince of the Qing Dynasty, founded a primary school to donate to the country, and lived until 2015 before his death

As we all know, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty was Puyi, but in fact he had a half-brother named Puren. Pu Ren's family is huge, in addition to Puyi, the Guangxu Emperor we know is also from this family. Puren has loved learning since he was a child and has developed a great interest in the education industry.

The last prince of the Qing Dynasty, founded a primary school to donate to the country, and lived until 2015 before his death

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Pu Ren did not become depressed, and in 1947, with the help of his father, he founded the Beijing Jingye Primary School, and Pu Ren served as the principal of this primary school. Thanks to his efforts, the school has always developed well. Later, in order to make China's education cause better develop, Puren took the initiative to hand over this primary school to the state, and he became an ordinary teacher. I have to say that This spirit of self-denial for the country has to make us give us a thumbs up.

The last prince of the Qing Dynasty, founded a primary school to donate to the country, and lived until 2015 before his death

Since then, Puren has worked diligently in the position of teacher and worked until his retirement. After his retirement, he was not idle, and he concentrated on studying the history of the Qing Dynasty, and wrote this history and printed it. Because he himself has more knowledge of the history of the Qing Dynasty, he published a lot of detailed records about the Qing Dynasty's imperial family, which provides better content for future generations to study the history of the Qing Dynasty.

The last prince of the Qing Dynasty, founded a primary school to donate to the country, and lived until 2015 before his death

In addition to the education industry, he is also passionate about philanthropy. He donated the money he earned from the sale of his works to some disaster areas or schools. His own life was extremely frugal, even if he went abroad to participate in some major art exhibitions, he wore the most ordinary suit. He is so patriotic and caring for others, but he is so harsh on himself, how can such a person not be admirable? From the above descriptions, we can also see that Puren is different from those princes who only care about fun. Although his life has experienced great twists and turns, he is still dedicated to the country, and Puren's life has experienced the changes from the Qing Dynasty to the new China, and it can also be said that his life is a history worthy of our exploration. In 2015, Puren died at home at the age of 96.

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