
Where the history books stop, the legend begins!


Where the history books stop, the legend begins!

Man always listens to stories—beautiful stories, sad stories, solvable and unsolvable stories.

The creation is complete, but the life is not finished, the poem is not finished, I always feel that Qu Yuan, Bao Ji, Prince SaKuna, and Hans are all close by, and I have the same songs, laughter and tears.

——Jiang Xun

Pangu, the ancestor who created the heavens and the earth, opened up the world, exhausted his energy, died one day, he fell on the earth, his muscles turned into fields, his bones rose and fell into mountains, his sweat and blood flowed into rivers, his hair became jungle grass and trees, his left eye became the sun, his right eye became the moon, and his breath became the wind and clouds in the sky...

Ji Kang and Guangling San, Zhuang Zhou Mengdi, Qiu Ji was sick, flesh feeding tigers, Qu Yuan's last day... These myths and legends originating from the ancestors have been jointly interpreted by countless people in the long river of history - you tell a paragraph, I talk about a paragraph, and pass it on by word of mouth.

Where the history books stop, the legend begins!

Except for Pangu, no one understands why China did not paint portraits much after five generations, but loved to paint landscapes; except for Zhuangzi's romance, no one knew about his sacrifice of beauty with butterflies; except for the fisherman, no one understood Qu Yuan's posture and self-relief before his death...

One by one, the myths and stories that are not outdated in our hearts have all been revived under Jiang Xun's pen. Reading Legends also seems to be listening to the hearts of many people. An old story becomes a new story in the minds of many people, re-evolving.


Where the history books stop, the legend begins!

Jiang Xun began to write a series of mythological stories in 1988, and has completed a total of eighteen so far, and he has spent more than thirty years to help him complete the biggest long-cherished wish of his life. These eighteen stories include the well-known "Zhuang Zhou Mengdi", "The Death of Qu Yuan", "Ji Kang and Guangling San", and more foreign classics such as "Borrowing Flowers to Offer Buddha", "Jonathan and David"... Wait a minute.

He twisted the imagination and reality of Eastern and Western mythology together, and still wanted to discuss authority and individuality, tradition and modernity, literature and beauty... These have been tearing at our problems ever since.

Through the metaphor of the mythical story, we can read the unseen parts of ourselves, whether it is cruelty, desire, happiness that cannot be obtained, or the ultimate passion in the ordinary, perhaps, only by using the legendary human suffering as a mirror, we can see the true meaning of life.

Where the history books stop, the legend begins!
Where the history books stop, the legend begins!

The enlightener of beauty

Contemporary poet and essayist Xi Murong said, "Jiang Xun is the best guide to enter the threshold of art in our time, and what he opens for us is not only a window in our hearts, but also all the sad and happy truths on the long river of culture and history." ”

Jiang Xun believes that all ambiguous and long-ago legends have hidden hidden threads and narratives. How should such a history or story be viewed? Jiang Xun replied, you may as well change your perspective.

As the book says, "Perhaps, just one sunset, the great events of history have been decided, and those who believe in fate are therefore to blame." ”

Where the history books stop, the legend begins

When we read ourselves in the mirror of mythology

It is also less likely to panic about fate

Where the history books stop, the legend begins!

Learn from and think far

Han Mo Piaoxiang Ancient City Xi'an

In the look, tap it

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