
Ah, this low-calorie purple potato cake is too delicious!

author:The Tale of the Little Fish Imperial Dining Hall

Recently, the next-door neighbor went on a trip, and there was still a big bag of purple potatoes left at home that he hadn't eaten, so he shared all the purple potatoes with us.

There are many ways to cook purple potatoes, such as boiling Cantonese special purple potato syrup, and you can also cook porridge.

Ah, this low-calorie purple potato cake is too delicious!

Today I will share with you the purple sweet potato cake made with purple sweet potato! The glutinous taste, one bite, full of fragrance, directly bursting pulp! Low calorie, fat loss is really a must for weight control!

I made some purple potato cakes, and asked my neighbors to bring some to eat on the road, and my neighbors tried the cakes, which were really delicious!

Burst purple potato cake, you can see the picture below for details

Ah, this low-calorie purple potato cake is too delicious!

For those who don't like too sweet, add sugar according to their preferred sweetness, and you can also replace the milk with the kind of skim and sugar-free milk!

Ah, this low-calorie purple potato cake is too delicious!

For those who like to eat cheese with a strong cheese flavor, you can wrap the cheese in purple potatoes, and don't mix the cheese together!

Ah, this low-calorie purple potato cake is too delicious!

After pressing the dough and sticking it with sesame seeds, sprinkle it with a little flour to prevent your hands from sticking to the pan!

Ah, this low-calorie purple potato cake is too delicious!

The purple sweet potato cake is sweet and delicious, super delicious, and it is so satisfying to take a bite!

Healthy and nutritious, but also low calorie, it is too friendly to fat control treasures, easy to learn, easy to use!
