
After volunteering to join the army, the soldiers who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country killed their comrades every day with machine guns, and were given preferential treatment for 30 years after the war

What do we rely on most when we join the army? Is it advanced weaponry or clever tactics? I think these are not the most important, the most important is the comrades around us who fight side by side.

It is precisely under the grind of blood and fire that we can hand over our backs to our comrades-in-arms and bravely kill the enemy together with our comrades-in-arms in battle. But in World War II, there was such a soldier who, after choosing to surrender in battle, turned her gun to her former comrades, and even then she was treated preferentially after the war for thirty years.

After volunteering to join the army, the soldiers who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country killed their comrades every day with machine guns, and were given preferential treatment for 30 years after the war

He was captured during the retreat

The soldier, makarova, was a Soviet female machine gunner. Before joining the army, Makarova was influenced by some female Soviet heroes and had the idea of serving the country and joining the army, and after layers of selection, she finally got her wish to join the Red Army.

Unfortunately, Makarova's time of joining the army was somewhat awkward, and the Soviet army at this time had been lagging behind in the battle against Germany, often suffering great casualties under the offensive of the German blitzkrieg. After a short period of training, Makarova was sent to defend Moscow, where the Germans also fought the Typhoon.

In the "Typhoon" campaign launched by Germany, Makarova's troops, although desperately resisted, still could not stop the German steel torrent.

After volunteering to join the army, the soldiers who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country killed their comrades every day with machine guns, and were given preferential treatment for 30 years after the war

The Germans soon annihilated Makarova's forces, and Makarova was stunned by a bomb in the battle. When Makarova woke up, she found herself alive alone. The powerful survival force would have made Makarova want to find troops quickly, but the surrounding area was already occupied by the Germans, so Makarova had to prepare to cross the German occupation zone.

She inquired all the way about the direction of the large Soviet troops and quietly moved under the eyes of the Germans, but when Makarova walked to the German-occupied Rock, she was captured by the Germans.

The German soldiers looked at the delicate and beautiful Makarova and thought that it was still useful, so they arranged a job that suited her very well, operating a heavy machine gun. This time, however, Makarova was not targeting German soldiers, but Soviet prisoners of war and local old men and children.

After volunteering to join the army, the soldiers who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country killed their comrades every day with machine guns, and were given preferential treatment for 30 years after the war

The main reason why the Germans let Makarova do this work was that they did not want to stain too much blood on their hands. Makarova was able to help them deal with these troubles, so Makarova became the "black glove" of the German soldiers in the concentration camp.

Faith gradually "blackened"

Although Makarova had combat experience, it was also very nervous for her to shoot some unarmed people. But she thought that if she didn't kill these people, she would be killed by the Germans, so Makarova chose to accept the job.

During her first shooting, Makarova first asked the German soldiers for two bottles of vodka, and then pulled the trigger while she was drunk. Makarova vaguely saw that after she pulled the trigger, the "human wall" standing in front of her instantly fell.

After volunteering to join the army, the soldiers who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country killed their comrades every day with machine guns, and were given preferential treatment for 30 years after the war

After several executions, Makarova also believed that these were mere criminals who had committed crimes. But it wasn't long before she realized that most of the people she had executed were Soviet soldiers captured by the Germans, as well as old people and children fighting the Germans.

Although Makarov already knew her identity as an executioner, she was already immersed in the atmosphere. During the day, Makarova numbly shoots bullets at her comrades, while in the evening Makarova will begin to participate in a cocktail party and sing at the invitation of German officers.

In this environment, Makarova developed a habit of leaving the clothes of the Soviet soldiers she killed behind and putting them away as souvenirs.

After volunteering to join the army, the soldiers who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country killed their comrades every day with machine guns, and were given preferential treatment for 30 years after the war

As the number of massacres increased, Makarova's eyes changed from guilt to coldness when she saw the prisoners of war she was about to kill, as if she were only hunting prey.

However, the situation also changed, the Soviet Union took advantage of the harsh winter cold to drag down the German offensive, and launched a counter-offensive in the summer of 1943. The Soviet offensive left Germany with a gradual retreat, and Makarova was abandoned by the Germans.

Just when she was about to be tried by the Soviet Union, Makarova was cleverly mixed into the Soviet prisoners of war, using the identity of a female nurse as a cover, and was finally "saved" by the Soviet army.

After volunteering to join the army, the soldiers who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country killed their comrades every day with machine guns, and were given preferential treatment for 30 years after the war

The final judgment is coming

After returning to the Soviet Union, Makarova enjoyed generous treatment. And not long after returning home, Makarova targeted a well-off "receiver", and the two married in a small town in Belarus after a short relationship.

Makarova had thought that this life would last forever, but one day thirty years later, the KGB, the Soviet intelligence agency, came to her home.

It turned out that the KGB had been searching for Makarova after the victory in the war, and after the KGB's investigation, Makarova had killed more than 1,500 Soviet soldiers in the concentration camp, an average of three people per day.

After volunteering to join the army, the soldiers who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country killed their comrades every day with machine guns, and were given preferential treatment for 30 years after the war

Many of the soldiers captured in the camp remembered this beautiful but cruel demon, so after being rescued by the Soviet Red Army, many captured Soviet soldiers reported Makarova to the KGB. But the KGB searched for many years and did not find Makarova's figure, what was going on?

It was actually a coincidence that Makarova had written her name as Makarova when she was a child because she was late for school, and her real name was pavnova.

Under such a mistake, Pavnova went to school under Makarova's name and joined the army. Until she was rescued and returned home, Makarova knew that her sins were serious, so she used her original name Pavnova.

After volunteering to join the army, the soldiers who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country killed their comrades every day with machine guns, and were given preferential treatment for 30 years after the war

Makarova had done all this seamlessly, but one of her relatives filled in Makarova's name when she went through the formalities for leaving the country, which allowed the KGB to find the trail.

Eventually, the KGB and a concentration camp survivor found Makarova, and her family, who had lived with her for more than thirty years, did not expect her to have such a cruel past.

In court, Makarova still defended her crimes, but the evidence was overwhelming, and Makarova was eventually ordered to die, ending her bloodied life.

After volunteering to join the army, the soldiers who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country killed their comrades every day with machine guns, and were given preferential treatment for 30 years after the war

brief summary:

What do we think today when we fantasize about ourselves as captured Soviet soldiers? At the moment when he was on the verge of death, he found that it was his comrades who had fought together who had ended his life.

We can't deny Makarova's original intention of joining the army, but her unshakable faith became a weakness for her to give up everything, and fortunately, makarova ushered in her final judgment.

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