
Creamy mooncakes with ice cream

author:Xiao Yueyue's love

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, the mooncake supermarket is too expensive, decided to make a little by yourself! Here's the recipe and steps to share!

Ice Skin:

Ingredients: Ice skin ready-mixed powder 100g (supermarkets generally sell), hot water 100g, butterfly bean flower 4 for color grading (Jingdong has to sell)

Method: (1) Soak the butterfly bean blossoms in hot water for about 10 minutes, and then fish out the butterfly bean blossoms after the water turns blue

(2) Pour the prepared hot water into the ice skin ready-mixing powder, stir well and knead into a smooth dough, dividing into 30g of the agent

Creamy filling:

Ingredients: 3 eggs, 40g of low gluten flour, 35g of butter, 50g of sugar, 100g of pure milk

Directions: (1) Beat the eggs and mix the milk and sugar

(2) Sift in the low gluten flour, pour in the melted butter and stir well until there are no obvious clumps

(3) Pour the evenly stirred cream paste into a non-stick pan and stir continuously until the thick state is out and refrigerated in the refrigerator

To make mooncakes:

Flatten the divided ice skin agent, put the cream filling in the middle, close the mouth, put it into the mold and press the mold to release the mold.

[Ice skin mooncake tastes better after refrigeration Oh [A flash of inspiration] [A flash of inspiration]

Creamy mooncakes with ice cream
Creamy mooncakes with ice cream
Creamy mooncakes with ice cream
Creamy mooncakes with ice cream
Creamy mooncakes with ice cream
Creamy mooncakes with ice cream
Creamy mooncakes with ice cream

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