
4 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: Zhao He, Li Yong, Zhao Zhongxiang, Luo Jing

author:Otolaryngology late doctor

Zhao He: Bladder cancer

Time of death: January 10, 2022

Cause of death: Bladder cancer

Aged: 60 years old

Zhao He served as a producer and host on CCTV Financial Channel for many years before his death, and hosted programs such as "Economic Half Hour", "315" Gala, and Spring Festival Gala. I love collectible cars. The last time it appeared in public was at the 2019 CCTV Host Contest. Retired King Kong took a few months and lost a lot.

4 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: Zhao He, Li Yong, Zhao Zhongxiang, Luo Jing

Bladder cancer is one of the most common malignancies. The incidence rate in China ranks 9th among all malignant tumors. Predisposing factors include smoking and long-term exposure to toxic chemicals. It is high in men aged 50-70 years. The most common first symptom is painless hematuria. Surgery and chemotherapy are the most important treatments, but the probability of recurrence is higher after surgery. With standardized treatment, the five-year survival rate is 60-80%. On January 8, 1976, our Premier Zhou also died of this illness.

Li Yong

Time of death: October 25, 2018

Cause of death: Cancer, not laryngeal cancer, specific type unknown

Aged: 50 years old

A generation of collective memories, Lucky 52 host Li Yong "in the United States, after 17 months of anti-cancer treatment" (wife Harvin in the self-media original words) passed away.

The Internet legend is that he suffers the most throat cancer, because it was "officially announced" by the "China Broadcast Host Network" Weibo.

4 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: Zhao He, Li Yong, Zhao Zhongxiang, Luo Jing

But unfortunately, this should not be true. There are three reasons for this:

Reason 1: There are no symptoms of hoarseness

Early symptoms of laryngeal cancer should be painless hoarseness. According to Harvin's 17 months of anti-cancer, the diagnosis should be in March 2017. The last time he appeared on stage to host was in the "2018 iQiyi Scream Night" at the end of 2017. At that time, the voice was not dumb at all.

4 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: Zhao He, Li Yong, Zhao Zhongxiang, Luo Jing

Reason 2: There are no signs of laryngeal radiation therapy or surgery

The main treatments for laryngeal cancer are surgery and radiation therapy. Li Yong was last seen in public on August 13, 2018, at Beijing Capital Airport. In addition to the weight loss, there are no other abnormalities on the surface of the body, and there are no signs of neck surgery or radiation therapy.

4 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: Zhao He, Li Yong, Zhao Zhongxiang, Luo Jing

At that time, there were only 2 months left before the death, and 1 year and 3 months had passed since the diagnosis. It is unlikely that laryngeal cancer is treated in the United States (possibly at Sloan Catherine Cancer Center) without the most important treatment.

Reason three: it's going too fast

Depending on the cancer, the time to survive after diagnosis varies greatly. Some cancers have no effect on the length of life, such as thyroid cancer, and some cancers have a particularly high degree of malignancy (dying particularly quickly), such as pancreatic cancer and cholangiocarcinoma. After the diagnosis of laryngeal cancer is treated with standardized system, 60-80% of patients can live for more than 5 years.

Enjoyed the world's top medical resources, but only lived for 17 months, a bit of a slap in the face.

So, while I'm not sure what kind of cancer Lee yong died of, I don't think he died of throat cancer.

Zhao Zhongxiang

Time of death: January 16, 2020

Cause: Lung cancer

Died on December 31, 2012 at the age of 78

"The rainy season is coming, and it's mating season again..." Every time I see animals on the African savannah on TV, Teacher Zhao's thick voiceover will ring in my ears.

4 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: Zhao He, Li Yong, Zhao Zhongxiang, Luo Jing

Teacher Zhao found out that he had cancer at the end of 2019, when he went to Beijing Shijitan Hospital for leg discomfort. In other words, from diagnosis to death, only about 2 months have passed.

Regarding the type of cancer, the common saying on the Internet is "squamous cell carcinoma.". Squamous cell carcinoma is a pathological typing of cancer, and squamous cell carcinoma can occur in all mucosal organs with squamous cells. Mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, skin, lungs, cervix... What kind of cancer did Teacher Zhao suffer from?

More on the Internet is skin cancer. But I think it's time off. Because skin cancer occurs on the surface of the skin, it is most likely to be detected early. Only 2 months from diagnosis to death is too short. The reason why the rumors of skin cancer are most likely to be because non-medical professional self-media feel that the four words "scaly cells" and the skin seem to have something to do with each other, in order to grab the news. Another inducement is that Teacher Zhao originally came to see a doctor because of leg discomfort, and the common tumors on the legs seemed to be only skin in addition to bone cancer.

The claim about lung cancer is that Zhao Zhongxiang's former friend Wei Minglun was interviewed by Red Star News. Squamous cell carcinoma is also the most common pathological typing of lung cancer. Considering that the lungs are in the body, the tumor cannot be observed from the surface of the body, and if you do not go to the hospital for examination, it is indeed impossible to find.

4 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: Zhao He, Li Yong, Zhao Zhongxiang, Luo Jing

It is reasonable to say that people at Zhao Zhongxiang's level have very superior conditions for health care and medical treatment. Regular annual check-ups should be able to detect most diseases. In 2017, he found a lung nodule during a physical examination, and in order to determine whether it was benign or malignant, he performed a puncture biopsy, and the final result was benign. But the puncture surgery brought great pain to Teacher Zhao, and he felt that it was not worth it. Since then, I have "wanted to open", feeling that life, old age, illness and death are all fate, and I will not go to the hospital again.

Luo Jing

Time of death: June 5, 2009

Cause: lymphoma

Died on December 31, 2012 at the age of 48

4 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: Zhao He, Li Yong, Zhao Zhongxiang, Luo Jing

"News Network" enjoys a very special status in CCTV, and its host is naturally a top priority, known as the first anchor. Luo Jing was diagnosed with lymphoma in July 2008, and then left the spotlight and was treated at Peking University Cancer Hospital, after several chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants, he still failed to save his life as young.

After Luo Jing's death, his only son was not yet an adult. The death of his father made him work harder and went to study in the United States after graduating from the experimental middle school attached to Beijing Normal University.

4 CCTV hosts who died of cancer: Zhao He, Li Yong, Zhao Zhongxiang, Luo Jing

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