
"You two each out of 250,000" The sister-in-law needs to buy a house when she gets married, and the two daughters-in-law say the same thing: I am an outsider

author:The emotion of the wind

Getting along with people is actually a process of exchanging sincerity for sincerity. Only if you treat others sincerely, can you exchange for others to treat you friendly, if you only have a superficial set, a set behind your back, blindly play with others to be careful, in the end you will only end up with more than worth the loss.

The same mother-in-law and daughter-in-law two people get along is also the process of sincerely changing the heart, as a mother-in-law if you really love and protect your daughter-in-law, and she can naturally feel it, and will also be a good filial piety to the mother-in-law, if the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law only maintain a superficial relationship, no one is willing to pay sincerity, then the relationship between the two people will not get better.

Because of the difference in age and experience, there will inevitably be many generation gaps between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so it will be more difficult to deal with than other relationships, and if the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not handled well, it hurts the harmony of the family, holding the idea of home and everything, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should better manage this relationship.

"You two each out of 250,000" The sister-in-law needs to buy a house when she gets married, and the two daughters-in-law say the same thing: I am an outsider

01. The love of the brothers

Liu Gang and Liu Qiang are twins, the family conditions of the two people are not good, in the two years after the birth, the mother gave birth to a daughter Liu Min, the family life is more difficult.

As the three children grow up day by day, the family's expenses are getting bigger and bigger, and the helpless mother can only give up letting Liu Gang and Liu Qiang continue to study, so that they can go out to earn money to subsidize the family.

Although Liu Gang was a man, he was good at cooking, so he went to find a restaurant to work as a helper. Liu Qiang's strength was great, so he went to the construction site to do manual work. With the sharing of two children, life at home gradually became less difficult, and life began to get better day by day.

Over the past few years, Liu Gang has successively saved some money, and opened a small restaurant in the local area, but the life of the locals is not rich, few people go to the restaurant, so Liu Gang's business is not good, and finally he borrowed some money to move the restaurant to the town, but there are too many restaurants in the town, Liu Gang just makes some ordinary home-cooked dishes, there is no competitiveness at all, the business is very bleak, and he did not earn a few dollars.

On the contrary, Liu Qiang has been working in the construction site in a down-to-earth manner, and with his own strength, he also has a large amount of savings, so his mother often complains about Liu Gang, "I don't study well all day, I want to learn to start a business, and as a result, I didn't earn money and I owed a bunch of debts." But Liu Gang was not willing, he did not want to stop this restaurant, and he had been struggling to support it.

"You two each out of 250,000" The sister-in-law needs to buy a house when she gets married, and the two daughters-in-law say the same thing: I am an outsider

Later, Liu Gang got acquainted with Wang Mei, who opened a small shop and often came to his restaurant to eat, and the two slowly became acquainted. Liu Gang learned in the chat that Wang Mei also came to the town to start a business, there was no money in the family, her parents did not let her study early, and as a result, she did not make any big money in the town, and the money earned was only enough for her daily life, where she could still save.

The two people's shops are also very close, when there is nothing in their shop, they will help each other, Wang Mei feels that Liu Gang is a very down-to-earth person, Liu Gang also feels that Wang Mei is very capable, and when the two people get along for almost a year, they are ready to get married.

Wang Mei's parents also did not expect Wang Mei to find a husband, as long as Wang Mei liked it, they did not want to interfere, but Liu Gang's parents were very reluctant to see Wang Mei, thinking that Wang Mei's family conditions were too poor, and it was impossible to bring any help to their family when they married. But at the insistence of Wang Mei and Liu Gang, Liu Gang's mother could not say anything more.

And Liu Gang's brother Liu Qiang, under the introduction of his mother, married Zhang Fang from the same village, Zhang Fang's family is one of the best in the village, with the care of Zhang Fang's family, the future life will definitely be bad. People in the village said that they were twins, Liu Qiang and Liu Gang

The living gap is now too big.

"You two each out of 250,000" The sister-in-law needs to buy a house when she gets married, and the two daughters-in-law say the same thing: I am an outsider

02. The brothers get married together

The mother saw that the two brothers had the right choice, so she decided to let the two brothers marry together, which would save a lot of money.

After getting married, Liu Gang and Wang Mei's meager income from the two people opening a shop was simply not enough to support a family. So Liu Gang handed over the hotel to Wang Mei, who ran two shops at the same time, while Liu Gang went to work with Liu Qiang.

Liu Gang and Liu Qiang work outside all day long, Liu Min wants to go to school, Wang Mei comes home every day, stays with her mother-in-law and Zhang Fang, Zhang Fang, although the family conditions are superior, but there is no squeamishness, often chat with Wang Mei, the two people get along very well.

At first, the mother-in-law was still polite to Zhang Fang, but later Wang Mei was not at home every day, no one served her, and the angel called Zhang Fang, although Zhang Fang's personality was not stubborn, but it was not a soft persimmon, looking at the arrogant strength of the mother-in-law, Zhang Fang no longer paid attention to her.

So every day when Wang Mei ended her work hard, as soon as she stepped into the house, her mother-in-law called her to do this and that, Zhang Fang really couldn't see it, so she said to Wang Mei privately, "Our mother-in-law will only pick soft persimmons to pinch, if you blindly follow her like this, he will only bully you even more." ”

Wang Mei felt that Zhang Fang was right, so she no longer paid attention to her mother-in-law.

"You two each out of 250,000" The sister-in-law needs to buy a house when she gets married, and the two daughters-in-law say the same thing: I am an outsider

After that, the mother-in-law did more excessively, every day when Wang Mei came home, she didn't even have any food to eat, and the delicious mother-in-law in the family was left to the sister-in-law, and she didn't care about the two daughters-in-law at all.

A few months later, Wang Mei developed many new dishes, slowly the guests in the restaurant began to become more and more, the business of the restaurant was getting better and better, Wang Mei alone had been busy, Wang Mei and Zhang Fang said, "I know you are not bad for a few dollars, but it is not comfortable to stay with your mother-in-law all day, it is better to go to the restaurant to help me." ”

Zhang Fang knew that Wang Mei was a good person, and she was willing to help Wang Mei take the handle, so she agreed to Wang Mei's request.

With the continuous efforts of the two people, the restaurant opened better and made a lot of money.

03. The sister-in-law gets married, and the mother-in-law asks for money

After the sister-in-law graduated and was ready to get married, the mother-in-law and the two daughters-in-law said, "You two each pay 250,000." The sister-in-law needs to buy a house when she gets married, and the two daughters-in-law said in unison: I am an outsider.

This can make the mother-in-law angry and half dead, and scolded the two daughters-in-law, "Since the two of you married into the family, even the gang bullied me as an old woman, I didn't bother with you, now my daughter is going to get married, you two have also made a lot of money in that restaurant in recent years, let you give a few money to buy a house for my daughter What's wrong?" ”

"You two each out of 250,000" The sister-in-law needs to buy a house when she gets married, and the two daughters-in-law say the same thing: I am an outsider

Zhang Fang was angry, "You still have the face to say, since the two of us married into this family, like a nanny, you have been called to drink, and there is no hot meal when you go home, and now your daughter is going to get married, so she came to ask us both for money." ”

"When I first wanted to marry Liu Gang, how much disagreed you did?" Don't you think that our family has no money, can't give your family help, when Liu Gang and I used to live so hard, you didn't give us any help, only your daughter in your eyes, and now your daughter is going to get married, you come to us for money, why? Ever since the two of us joined in, have you treated us like family? Both of us have always been outsiders. ”

The mother-in-law was dumbfounded by the two daughters-in-law.

How you treat others in life, others will treat you how they will treat you, only do superficial work, and it is never possible to achieve a real relationship. Running a good mother-in-law relationship is something that every woman must face, some families, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will not live under the same roof, so that they will not encounter many mother-in-law contradictions, but there are also some families that inevitably have to live with their mother-in-law, then it is very important to learn to deal with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

"You two each out of 250,000" The sister-in-law needs to buy a house when she gets married, and the two daughters-in-law say the same thing: I am an outsider

Most of the contradictions between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law come from the temptation of money, which is because everyone values money too much, thus ignoring the sincere relationship between people. Money is not the only criterion for measuring a person, money can not buy the most sincere feelings, we must correct our attitude, correct their own ideas, only people with sincere feelings, is the warmest and most valuable in the world.

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