
Han Xin was such a great talent of heaven and earth, why could not even solve the problem of food and clothing in the early stage

As the saying goes, three hundred and sixty lines, the line out of the yuan. Some people are good at business, but they may not be able to fight; some people are good at fighting, but farming may not be good. The most important thing is to make the best use of their talents and make the best use of them. So why couldn't Han Xin even feed himself in his early years? Let me give you an analysis.

First, Han Xin's early life

Regarding Han Xin's early experience, the records in the history books are not very much, but just a few words can let us see the miserable experience of Han Xin's early years, which is written in the history books:

"When I was clothed, I was poor and had no way to do anything, and I could not choose to be an official, nor could I cure the merchants, but I often sent food and drink from people, and many people were disgusted."

When Han Xin was a common man at the beginning, poverty did not have a legitimate job, let him be an official, let him do business, and in the end Han Xin could only live under the people and rely on others to live, so people thought that he was a rogue and hated him very much.

Therefore, we can see that Han Xin is an out-and-out loser at this moment, and it can be said that he is the kind of person who does not do anything and eats first. Some people will say, Han Xin has a strategy, why can't he even eat a bowl of rice? In fact, we can refer to Jiang Ziya's early experience, which is said in the novel "Fengshen Yanyi":

After Jiang Ziya came down from Kunlun Mountain, he needed to live, so at first he made fences to sell, and as a result, none of them could be sold; later Jiang Ziya grinded flour to sell, and the result was only one penny a day; later Jiang Ziya opened a hotel again, and the food in the hotel stinked; later Jiang Ziya sold livestock, and the livestock ran away.

From the early experience, Jiang Ziya and Han Xin are very similar, both of them are not good at doing what ordinary people do, so that what to accompany what to do, can be said to be a complete loser. These two people happen to be in what we call a situation where heroes are useless.

Han Xin was such a great talent of heaven and earth, why could not even solve the problem of food and clothing in the early stage

Second, heroes are useless

As the saying goes, it is difficult for a woman to cook without rice. Even if your skills are high, you can't do without a space for you to show your skills.

What is Han Xin good at? It's the art of war and strategy. This ability can only be achieved in a chaotic world. At the time of Han Xin's place, Qin Shi Huang had already swept away the Liuhe and unified the world, which can be said to be no battle to fight. The history books record:

"Divided into thirty-six counties, the counties are placed in the guards, lieutenants, and prisons." Renamed "Qianshou". Big pickles. Collect the soldiers of the world, gather in Xianyang, pin the Zhong Iron, the Golden Man Twelve, weigh each thousand stones, and place them in the palace. ”

It can be said that at this time, the world was flat, set up as thirty-six counties by Qin Shi Huang, and he installed henchmen to guard it, and people were firmly controlled over the land. In addition, all the weapons in the world were collected, destroyed, and forged into twelve golden men.

Therefore, at this time, it can be said that the world is too peaceful, and there is no major war, and for a person like Han Xin who has a strategy, this kind of peaceful prosperity is not suitable for him to play. If the world had been peaceful, I am afraid that Han Xin would only be infamous, and eventually he would be lost to everyone.

Han Xin was such a great talent of heaven and earth, why could not even solve the problem of food and clothing in the early stage

Third, Han Xin's personal personality problems

We often say that a person is talented, and we will describe him as a bully. This is a good thing to say is that this person is out of place with everyone because he is talented, and it is not good to say that this person does not behave and has a good personality. And Han Xin is exactly such a person.

Maslow divided human needs into five levels, the lowest level is physiological needs, which is what we call "eating enough, dress warmly"; the highest level is self-demand, that is, self-worth.

We can say that Han Xin began to pursue the highest level of satisfaction when he was not even satisfied at the lowest level. This sense of gap that happens to everyone can imagine how big the blow is. Therefore, Han Xin will have a situation where he thinks that he is only eight buckets high, but he has repeatedly suffered from the difficulties and ridicule of the people around him.

One of the outstanding characteristics of Han Xin's personality is arrogance. For example, Han Xin and Fan Duo, Dou Bao and other people are officials in the same dynasty, it is reasonable to say that this group of people is older than Han Xin's seniority, and is also Liu Bang's hometown, even if Han Xin does not give way to them, they should also get along with them as equals, but Han Xin is different, Han Xin is like this:

The faith hence the day and night resentment, the martingale, the shame and the daisy, the irrigation and so on. After tasting General Fan's groan, he knelt down to greet him, and said to him, "The Great King is a minister!" The letter went out and smiled: "Sheng Nai is in the company of Oh and so on!" ”

That is to say, Han Xinsu came to despise the infant and others, and in the face of Fan Duo's overtures to him, he actually showed a dismissive attitude. To tell the truth, this kind of disrespectful attitude is a big taboo in the official arena, but Han Xin's arrogance does not care at all. Therefore, we can imagine why Han Xin did nothing when he was a small official. How can such an arrogant person get along well with the people around him?

The second outstanding feature of Han Xin is indecisiveness. For example, Han Xin had many opportunities to establish himself as king, for example, Qu Tong once persuaded Han Xin to establish himself as king, but Han Xin refused on the grounds that Liu Bang had grace; for example, Zhong Liming once persuaded Han Xin to "die a cunning rabbit and cook a running dog", han Xin still refused. In the end, Han Xin wanted to rebel to save his life when he was at his weakest, and was eventually killed by Lü Hou.

To tell the truth, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, and an indecisive person to do business, I am afraid that the effect will not be too good, so Han Xin's business has also failed.

I have to say that because of the problem of his own personality, Han Xin decided that whether he was an official or a businessman or a farmer, he would achieve nothing, and the way out of his life was to constantly fight wars to highlight his own value.

Han Xin was such a great talent of heaven and earth, why could not even solve the problem of food and clothing in the early stage

Text: JAL Tongjian Map: From the Network and The Site, Invasion and Deletion

Han Xin was such a great talent of heaven and earth, why could not even solve the problem of food and clothing in the early stage

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