
Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

author:Happy little entertainment

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In the bright starry sky of performing arts, a bright star fell gloomily.

The death of the famous art performer Wang Tiecheng is like a meteor across the night sky, leaving countless sighs and emotions.

The East Auditorium of Babaoshan Funeral Home was immersed in a solemn atmosphere, and the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body was held here.

At the scene, surrounded by wreaths, white flowers like snow, relatives, friends and countless fans wore white flowers on their chests, and bid farewell to this artistic giant.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

What is touching is that the 18-character elegiac couplet sent by Wang Tiecheng's son is deeply affectionate, and every sentence is full of tears, which can't help but make people cry.

At the same time, Tang Guoqiang, Hou Yaohua and other showbiz celebrities personally sent wreaths to express their condolences.

This farewell ceremony is not only a review of Wang Tiecheng's artistic career, but also a tribute to his noble character of being a frank person and keen on good deeds throughout his life.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

What kind of elegiac couplet made everyone teary-eyed? What kind of story has earned the artist such deep admiration? Stay tuned for follow-up reports.

Oops! This thing is like a big-budget movie, with ups and downs in the plot and sincere and touching emotions.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

In June 2024, an unusual "farewell party" is being staged at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing, and the protagonist is the "Premier Zhou" in our hearts - Mr. Wang Tiecheng, who is a legend!

That morning, the sun seemed to have subdued its rays, leaving a silent space for the star's fall.

At eight o'clock, the curtain of the memorial service slowly opened, and celebrities, artists, and ordinary people who were unknown but admired him so much, gathered here, just like a grand party, just to bid farewell to this eternal "people's artist".

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

Teacher Wang Tiecheng, that acting skills, that temperament, is simply tailor-made for "Premier Zhou"! Every time I watch him act, it's like watching a living fossil of history, and every frame is a textbook-level performance.

Especially his eyes, gentle and firm, seem to be able to penetrate time and space and directly talk to the audience's heart.

No, even the serene photo of him at the farewell ceremony seemed to say to us: "Don't cry, I'm still here." ”

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

Outside the door, the team of black clothes and white flowers, everyone brought their own stories, and some were whispering, recalling Mr. Wang's classic moments; Some tears can't stop falling, as if they want to pour out all their reluctance in this last moment.

Among them, there is a fan with impaired mobility, who moved here step by step with a cane, that persistence, that affection, is really moving.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

Walking into the mourning hall, a solemn atmosphere came to my face.

The word "nostalgia" hangs in the most conspicuous position, and on the screens on both sides, Mr. Wang's image is like a messenger of time, telling the glory of the past over and over again.

And that posthumous photo of him, like himself, sat there quietly, as if to say: "Everything will be fine." ”

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

At the scene, wreaths are like clouds, and each one is a heavy emotion.

In addition to the group of relatives and friends, there are also blessings and condolences from friends in the circle.

Liu Xiaolingtong, Tang Guoqiang, Lu Qi, Pu Cunxin, Liu Jin, Hou Yaohua...... With well-known names, their wreaths not only carry personal respect, but also represent the memory of an era.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

Mr. Wang's wife and son, their words are short but affectionate, and every word is like a mark engraved on the heart, which makes people teary-eyed.

In the final farewell session, everyone paid tribute to the great artist in their own way.

Bowing, silent, hugging...... At that moment, there was no boundary between stars and fans, only the common memory of a great soul remained.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

Mr. Wang Tiecheng's life is a wonderful script.

His role is not only "Premier Zhou", but also a father, husband, and friend...... Every identity, he has performed vividly.

His story teaches us how to face the ups and downs of life and how to love the world with a pure heart.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

So, even though he is out of our sight, his spirit, his story, will continue to live in our hearts.

As the old saying goes, "Some people die, but they are still alive".

Teacher Wang Tiecheng is such a person.

Although the farewell ceremony has come to an end, the spiritual legacy of Mr. Wang Tiecheng is continuing in an amazing way.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

His story has been passed down by word of mouth by countless younger generations and has become a role model for new stars in the entertainment industry to learn from.

And his role as "Premier Zhou" has sparked extensive discussions on major social media, and netizens have posted photos of themselves and Mr. Wang's works, or shared the touching that history brought to them, forming a "Premier Zhou" memory corridor across time and space.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

It is worth mentioning that Mr. Wang Tiecheng's professionalism during his lifetime has also become a "compulsory course" for many young actors.

In the entertainment industry, a place that is changing rapidly, Mr. Wang has proved with practical actions that real art does not lie in the glamour of appearance, but in the purity of the heart and the in-depth understanding of the role.

This spirit is now being reinterpreted and inherited by a new generation of artists through tribute works.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

Not only that, but Mr. Wang's influence has also transcended the field of art and touched all levels of society.

In the field of education, his deeds have been compiled into teaching materials, and have become a vivid case of cultivating students' patriotic feelings and sense of social responsibility.

In the field of public welfare, the charity fund named after Mr. Wang is committed to helping children who love art but have limited conditions, so that they have the opportunity to access more art resources and realize their dreams.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

Mr. Wang Tiecheng's life is like a vivid history textbook, recording the changes of an era, and also witnessing how a person has become a symbol of the times through unremitting efforts.

Although his departure is regrettable, what he left us is far more than those classic characters and scenes, but also a spirit and a kind of strength that inspires us to continue to pursue excellence in our respective fields and contribute to society.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

In the years to come, no matter where we are and how the world changes, Mr. Wang Tiecheng's story will be like a beacon that illuminates our way forward and reminds us not to forget our original intention and forge ahead.

Because, true art, never dies; The real impact will be passed down from generation to generation.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath

Mr. Wang Tiecheng, you are not only an outstanding artist, but also a great mentor, and your spirit will always inspire us to move forward bravely towards a bright future.

May heaven also have a stage for you to continue to interpret your wonderful life.

Farewell ceremony for Wang Tiecheng's body! The son sent 18 characters to the couplet, and Tang Guoqiang Hou Yaohua sent a wreath
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