
The underground party members lost contact, and later became the commander of the nationalist army, and made a miraculous contribution in the Liaoshen Campaign, and the official reached the rank of deputy state

In 1931, due to Gu Shunzhang's defection, a large number of CCP personnel were betrayed. For a time, the situation in Shanghai as a whole was turbulent, the Kuomintang reactionaries arrested a large number of underground party members, and the underground organization of our party was seriously damaged. There are also many underground personnel who have lost contact with the organization.

Among them, there was an underground party member named Hou Jingru. Unexpectedly, nearly twenty years after his disappearance, this person became the commander of the Seventeenth Regiment of the Kuomintang and appeared on the battlefield of the Liaoshen Campaign. What's going on here?

The underground party members lost contact, and later became the commander of the nationalist army, and made a miraculous contribution in the Liaoshen Campaign, and the official reached the rank of deputy state

Hou Jingru

First, abandon the pen and follow the rong

Hou Jingru was born in 1902 in Yongcheng, Henan. Although his family was poor, he still insisted on studying and working part-time to earn tuition for himself. He is a young genius who is famous in his hometown. Later, with his own efforts, he was admitted to the provincial preparatory school for studying in Europe and the United States.

At that time, the school had an opportunity to study in Europe, and Hou Jingru was lucky to be selected. In those days, there were few opportunities to go to school and read, let alone study abroad. This is a unique opportunity! However, seeing that he was about to leave for Europe, Hou Jingru gave up the opportunity to study abroad. Why?

It turned out that the young Hou Jingru saw that the Chinese state at that time was destroyed and everyone was displaced.

Having the same idea as Mr. Lu Xun, he decided to abandon his pen and enter the Whampoa Military Academy to study.

Coincidentally, the chief examiner That Hou Jingru met at that time was Chairman Mao. At the first meeting, Hou Jingru was impressed by Chairman Mao's personality charm and ideological height, and had a preliminary understanding of the ideological propositions he talked about the Communist Party of China.

In 1925, Hou Jingru, who participated in the First Crusade of the National Revolutionary Army, had long aspired to the Chinese Communist Party. He joined the Communist Party of China under the introduction of Premier Zhou. At that time, during the period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, although Hou Jingru had already joined the Party, he still served in the First Army of the National Revolutionary Army.

The underground party members lost contact, and later became the commander of the nationalist army, and made a miraculous contribution in the Liaoshen Campaign, and the official reached the rank of deputy state

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek, fearing that the Communist Party's power was too great, launched the "Fourth. "Counter-revolution, organized a series of incidents of cruelty to the Communist Party. Hou Jingru was unfortunately wounded in the right chest during the battle with the enemy. Although seriously injured, Hou Jingru insisted on fighting the enemy to the end and was not forced to evacuate until hours later. Hou Jingru, who was injured steadily, participated in the Nanchang uprising, and then organized a workers' movement and launched a workers' strike in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Wuhan and other places.

In 1931, according to the agreement with Premier Zhou, Hou Jingru, who returned to Shanghai, did not expect that just after the front foot arrived in Shanghai, the back foot Gu Shunzhang defected. A large number of comrades in the Shanghai Party organization were arrested and persecuted by the Kuomintang reactionaries, and the situation was tense and everyone was in danger.

Stay in the green mountains, not afraid of no firewood. Hou Jingru, who had not been in contact with the organization through various channels, completely lost contact with the organization. After thinking about it for a while, Hou Jingru decided to return to his hometown for the time being, hide from the limelight, and take the opportunity to re-establish contact with the Party Central Committee.

Second, he became a General of the Kuomintang

In 1933, Hou Jingru, who had been incognito at home for two years, received an unexpected invitation that broke the original calm. At that time, the Japanese army invaded China on a large scale and seized our territory. Yuan Shouqian, a former Huangpu classmate, knew Hou Jingru's skills and felt that he could not waste talent, so he specially invited him to go out of the mountains and join the Kuomintang army to jointly resist Japan.

Hou Jingru, who was invited, was entangled in his heart. The National Government invited him because it did not know his identity. In addition, he was already a Communist Party member. For a moment I don't know how to be good. However, the great cause of resisting Japan cannot be delayed, and now we have no eyebrows with the organization, so it is better to fight the Japanese devils first. Hou Jingru decided to agree to the old classmate's request.

Because Hou Jingru led the battle is very set, or a high-achieving student. After coming to the Nationalist Army, he was quickly promoted to director of the political department of the division headquarters. Later, he successively served as the chief of staff of the 30th Division of the 30th Army of the Kuomintang Army and the brigade commander of the 89th Brigade of the 30th Division.

The underground party members lost contact, and later became the commander of the nationalist army, and made a miraculous contribution in the Liaoshen Campaign, and the official reached the rank of deputy state

In 1937, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Hou Jingru sat as the commander of the 21st Division of the Kuomintang. Led the soldiers to fight one beautiful battle after another. The Battle of Wuhan, the Battle of Taierzhuang... The Southern Expedition and the Northern War have established many achievements.

Soon, Chiang Kai-shek noticed Hou Jingru. There was such a powerful person under his command, still from the Huangpu clan, so he called Hou Jingru to look at it. When they met, Hou Jingru was as talented as his own student, admired him and decided to accept him as his confidant. Hou Jingru was very helpless in his heart, fortunately Chiang Kai-shek did not know his party membership, otherwise he would be in danger of disaster.

After the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Hou Jingru rose all the way due to his many achievements in the war. He became the commander of the wuchang garrison, was awarded the rank of lieutenant general by the Kuomintang, and became a big red man around Chiang Kai-shek for a while. But Hou Jingru was not tempted by these superficial powers, and always kept his identity in mind.

In 1947, in Beiping, Hou Jingru finally met Premier Zhou, whom he had longed for. In fact, this meeting was an accident. But both were very excited. Premier Zhou even stepped forward and grasped Hou Jingru's hand: "

We haven't seen each other in nearly twenty years! ”

This sentence immediately made Hou Jingru have mixed feelings in his heart. Hou Jingru sighed:

"Twenty years, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Subsequently, Premier Zhou arranged a banquet for Hou Jingru in a secret hotel. Told Hou Jingru the events of that year as they were. I didn't expect a traitor to bring so much damage to the party organization.

Hou Jingru drank a glass of wine and told Premier Zhou all about his experience over the years. It also states:

I am willing to let go of everything I have now and return to the organization

。 Premier Zhou was touched by his loyalty, but considering the overall situation, he told Hou Jingru not to worry about it and continue to lurk in the enemy camp. The organization will have a more important task entrusted to him.

The underground party members lost contact, and later became the commander of the nationalist army, and made a miraculous contribution in the Liaoshen Campaign, and the official reached the rank of deputy state

Battle of Liaoshen

Third, he made a miraculous contribution to the Liaoshen Campaign

In 1948, the Liaoshen Campaign, one of the three major battles, broke out, and Jinzhou was surrounded by PLA regiments. Chiang Kai-shek was impatient, if he lost Jinzhou, it would mean the complete loss of the northeast! So Chiang Kai-shek sent Hou Jingru, who was then the commander of the Nationalist army, to immediately take the Seventeenth Corps to reinforce Jinzhou.

In fact, the war situation at that time was not optimistic, and the People's Liberation Army was not very dominant. If Hou Jingru's reinforcements arrive in time, it will be very unfavorable to the People's Liberation Army. However, Hou Jingru had already received instructions from Premier Zhou, and at this time Chiang Kai-shek's order was in the middle of the line, just as Hou Jingru could deliberately delay and buy time for the Platon Army.

Everyone knows that soldiers are fast. Although Hou Jingru posed as a reinforcement, his march was extremely slow. The itinerary that could have been reached in three or four days was deliberately delayed, and the left grinding and the right rubbing were rubbed. There were only eight hours of marching a day, and the cost of eating and reconnaissance was deducted, and the rest of the time was rested. It took eleven days for the Seventeen corps to reach their destination.

This time the battle was the Tashan Offensive and Defensive Battle, which was also a key battle in the Liaoshen Campaign. Hou Jingru's eleven days of delay are of great significance to our army. Plenty of time was bought for our army to win the Battle of Tashan.

The underground party members lost contact, and later became the commander of the nationalist army, and made a miraculous contribution in the Liaoshen Campaign, and the official reached the rank of deputy state

Fourth, Zhengda revealed his identity in the bright light

After the end of the Liaoshen Campaign, due to the "defeat" of the war, Hou Jingru naturally took the main responsibility. Chiang Kai-shek transferred him from his original post and served as commander of the Jintang Defense Zone. But Chiang Kai-shek never expected that this move was exactly in line with Hou Jingru's wishes. During this time in Tianjin, Hou Jingru was actually largely out of Chiang Kai-shek's control, and had more time to plan everything about the uprising.

Finally, the time has come!

As soon as the Battle of Pingjin broke out, Hou Jingru led his troops to revolt together and returned to the arms of the People's Liberation Army, which had been reunited for a long time.

Hou Jingru, an underground Communist Party member, finally regained his identity, and his deeds were also known to everyone. It turned out that for so many years, Hou Jingru had been lying down and tasting courage, and he was in Cao Ying's heart in Han, and he had made great contributions to our party.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Hou Jingru was entrusted with heavy responsibilities by the Party Central Committee. Although he did not participate in the conferment of titles, his achievements were not small, and he reached the rank of deputy state.

Hou Jingru died in Beijing on October 25, 1994, at the age of 92.

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