
He was the regimental commander of the Red Army, led a regiment to defeat three enemy regiments, and was 68 years old and wore armor

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

General Yang Dezhi is one of the generals of the People's Liberation Army who are very good at fighting.

From the Shonan Uprising to the anti-"encirclement and suppression" operations, to the Long March, to the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, to the War of Liberation, to the War of Resistance Against US Aggression, to the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he was the first line and main combat general of our army. At the age of 68, he also commanded the self-defense counterattack in southern Xinjiang.

He was the regimental commander of the Red Army, led a regiment to defeat three enemy regiments, and was 68 years old and wore armor

Yang Dezhi joined the Red Army at the age of 17 and became a regimental commander at the age of 21.

During the Red Army period, he was the commander of the Red 1st Regiment and the head of the Red Army. The most legendary thing is that he once led a regiment to fight three enemy regiments and defeated the enemy army.

At the beginning of the Long March, Yang Dezhi led the Red 1 regiment to open the way for the whole army and act as a pioneer. They had only just arrived in Anyuan and Xinfeng when they encountered the enemy Yue Army's Yu Han Moubu. The Red 1st Regiment came from afar, and the Cantonese army was armed with good guns and cannons, relying on fortifications built in advance to wait for work.

The superior informed Yang Dezhi that the enemy army was 2 regiments.

What to do? You have to fight to open the way. Unexpectedly, as soon as the battle began, Yang Dezhi found that the enemy army was 3 regiments, and it was the ace regiment of the Cantonese army. One regiment of the Red 1 Regiment will face the enemy 3 regiments! Fight or not? Yang Dezhi said:


However, he made a request: the action should be fast and fierce!

He was the regimental commander of the Red Army, led a regiment to defeat three enemy regiments, and was 68 years old and wore armor

The battle lasted for 3 hours, and Yang Dezhi defeated 3 regiments of the Cantonese army with one regiment, annihilating more than 6,000 enemy troops and opening the passage for the Red Army to advance. It is said that when the enemy division commander learned that Yang Dezhi had annihilated his 3 regiments, he fainted on the spot and fell to the ground.

On the Long March Road, the Red 1 Regiment was responsible for opening the way for the entire Central Red Army, and a few decades later Yang Dezhi said: "In the Long March, the Red 1 Regiment was the pioneer of the road, fighting many hard battles and vicious battles, and there were thousands of difficulties and dangers, but the most difficult two times, one was to cross the Wu River, and the other was to forcibly cross the Dadu River. However, he led the red 1 regiment LinkedIn brave to overcome all difficulties and create a mythical miracle.

In the War of Resistance Against Japan, Yang Dezhi was also a strong general.

In the famous Battle of Pingxingguan, the 685th Regiment of the Eighth Route Army led by him was the main offensive regiment of the 115th Division. After that, he led his troops into the Jiluyu Border Region, and in less than a year, the team grew from 200 people to more than 17,000 people - it was simply a bean into an army.

He was the regimental commander of the Red Army, led a regiment to defeat three enemy regiments, and was 68 years old and wore armor

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yang Dezhi defended the Luyu Border Region. This place has been a place of contention for soldiers since ancient times. The famous Battle of Chengpu, the Battle of Chuhan, the Battle of Guandu, and the Battle of Zhuxian town in Chinese history all took place in his jurisdiction. This area was also a strategic point for the Eighth Route Army to secure the Taihang Mountain Theater and to contain the Japanese army's southward and westward advance. Due to the control of Yang Dezhi's troops, the Japanese army hardly dared to offend. Zuo Quan, former chief of staff of the Eighth Route Army, once said:

"Our stability in the Taihang Mountains has half the role of Comrade Yang Dezhi of my township party."

In 1943, a major disaster broke out in North China, and 800,000 people in Yang Dezhi's jurisdiction ran out of food, and more than 800 villages were empty. Yang Dezhi led his troops to resist the enemy while opening up wasteland for production, stabilized the jurisdiction in half a year, and also recaptured more than 1,100 villages from the Japanese army, and the anti-Japanese armed forces in Jiluyu grew to more than 220,000 people.

The Japanese army did not dare to come, but instead attracted the kuomintang stubborn troops.

He was the regimental commander of the Red Army, led a regiment to defeat three enemy regiments, and was 68 years old and wore armor

In July, Li Xianzhou of the Kuomintang 28th Army led a joint Japanese army to attack Yang Dezhi's troops. Yang Dezhi personally formed the "front finger" and led an elite force to directly attack li Xianzhou's headquarters location. A regiment of the Eighth Route Army first surrounded a security brigade in Li Xianzhou and ate half of it. Then, with the main force, Li Xianzhou's headquarters and two divisions were surrounded at Chen Lou and Chen Zhuang, and they were surrounded but not attacked. For several days, the sun was scorching. Li Xianzhou's four or five thousand men were short of water and food in the encirclement, so they had to kill horses to fill their hunger, and many stubborn troops could not stand it, abandoned their guns and fled, and even ran to the positions of the Eighth Route Army to surrender their weapons and surrender.

After that, Yang Dezhi led the snake out of the hole, released a small opening, and ate more than a thousand enemy people who tried to break through.

He was the regimental commander of the Red Army, led a regiment to defeat three enemy regiments, and was 68 years old and wore armor

Chiang Kai-shek urgently ordered Hou Jingru to lead the 92nd Army to the rescue, and after meeting with Li Xianzhou, in August, Li Xianzhou's 30th Division was still eaten by Yang Dezhi at Huanggangji. Li Xianzhou and Hou Jingru hurriedly led more than 4,000 soldiers to flee in three ways. Hou Jingru took a slight step slower, was caught up by Yang Dezhi, and surrounded more than 2,000 people at Liu Zhuang. The fierce battle was fought until dawn the next day, and the Eighth Route Army annihilated the enemy, and Hou Jingru took advantage of the heavy rain to run away. This time, Yang Dezhi annihilated more than 11,000 enemy personnel. Decades later, Li Xianzhou saw Yang Dezhi and said:

"I escaped from you in 1943, but in 1947 I was taken prisoner of yours for just over three years. When I was a prisoner in 1947, I became a war criminal, and if I had been your prisoner in 1943, I might have joined the Eighth Route Army, which would be a pity. ”

He was the regimental commander of the Red Army, led a regiment to defeat three enemy regiments, and was 68 years old and wore armor

In the Liberation War, Yang Dezhi also made great achievements in battle. He successively participated in and commanded the Battle of Qingcang, the Battle of Handan, the Battle of Baobei, the Battle of Qingfengdian, the Battle of Shimen, the Battle of Xinbao, the Battle of Taiyuan, the Battle of Fumei, the Battle of Lanzhou, and the Battle of Ningxia.

However, in Yang Dezhi's military career, the most worth mentioning is his confrontation with clark, a famous AMERICAN general.

After the outbreak of the Korean War, Yang Dezhi led his troops on a campaign. In 1952, he became the second deputy commander of the Volunteer Army, specifically responsible for combat. The commander-in-chief of the enemy "United Nations Army" was Clark. The two played three rounds in succession.

He was the regimental commander of the Red Army, led a regiment to defeat three enemy regiments, and was 68 years old and wore armor

First Round: Counterattack in the Fall of 1952. In two months, Yang Dezhi commanded the volunteer army to annihilate more than 30,000 enemy troops.

Round 2: Decisive Battle of Shangganling - In the eyes of most people, the Battle of Shangganling was commanded by the Third Corps of the Volunteer Army and the 15th Army, in fact, they were all under the command of Yang Dezhi, the supreme military commander of the Volunteer Army Headquarters and the second deputy commander in charge of the operations at the Headquarters. The battle lasted 43 days, and the volunteers killed more than 25,000 enemy casualties at a cost of 11,000.

Third round: Golden City Pursuit. In more than two months of fighting, the volunteer army annihilated more than 90,000 enemy troops, forcing the U.S. army and Syngman Rhee to sign an armistice agreement.

In 1954, Yang Dezhi was appointed commander of the Volunteer Army.

After Yang Dezhi returned from Korea in 1955, he has been the commander of the Grand Military Region, and has served as the commander of the Jinan Military Region, the Wuhan Military Region, and the Kunming Military Region for several decades.

He was the regimental commander of the Red Army, led a regiment to defeat three enemy regiments, and was 68 years old and wore armor

In the spring of 1979, Yang Dezhi and Xu Shiyou, two generals, jointly commanded the famous southern Xinjiang self-defense counterattack.

At this time, Yang Dezhi was exactly 68 years old.

As a good general of the People's Liberation Army, Yang Dezhi dared to fight and dared to fight, and fought many dangerous and vicious battles, but rarely lost battles. Despite his military exploits, he had been leading local generals until January 1980, when he took up his post in Beijing. In Beijing, he first served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission, vice minister of national defense, and in February he was also appointed chief of the general staff of the People's Liberation Army.

Yang Dezhisheng had a son and three daughters, one of whom was a major general and his son-in-law Huang Xin was a lieutenant general.

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