
Ma Zhengyong was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Meizhou Municipal People's Congress, and Wang Hui was elected mayor of the Municipal People's Government

author:South Plus client

On the afternoon of January 13, the first session of the Eighth People's Congress of Meizhou City was successfully closed at the Hakka Art Center after successfully completing its agenda.

Ma Zhengyong was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Meizhou Municipal People's Congress, and Wang Hui was elected mayor of the Municipal People's Government

The meeting elected the members of the Standing Committee of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress, the mayor and vice mayor of the Municipal People's Government, the director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, the president of the Municipal Intermediate Court, and the chief procurator of the Municipal People's Procuratorate, and voted to approve the list of members of the special committees of the Eighth Municipal People's Congress.

Ma Zhengyong was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Meizhou Municipal People's Congress, and Wang Hui was elected mayor of the Municipal People's Government
Ma Zhengyong was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Meizhou Municipal People's Congress, and Wang Hui was elected mayor of the Municipal People's Government

Group photo of the leading group of the standing committee of the new people's congress in Meizhou City.

Ma Zhengyong was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Meizhou Municipal People's Congress, and Wang Hui was elected mayor of the Municipal People's Government

Group photo of the leading group of the new people's government of Meizhou City.

Ma Zhengyong was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Meizhou City, and Wang Hui was elected mayor of the Meizhou Municipal People's Government.

Ma Zhengyong was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Meizhou Municipal People's Congress, and Wang Hui was elected mayor of the Municipal People's Government

Yu Qibao, Lan Weidong, Wu Feng, Huang Liqiang, Zhang Dahong, and Liu Ruiqing were elected vice chairmen of the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Meizhou City, and Deng Guogong was elected secretary general of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress.

Chen Jinluan, Zhan Xing, Chen Lingli, Jiang Kun, Xie Qinwen, and Chen Liang were elected vice mayors of the Meizhou Municipal People's Government; Jiang Wanjun was elected chairman of the Meizhou Municipal Supervision Commission; Lin Xiuxiong was elected president of the Meizhou Intermediate People's Court; and Wu Wenzhi was elected chief procurator of the Meizhou Municipal People's Procuratorate.

Ma Zhengyong was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Meizhou Municipal People's Congress, and Wang Hui was elected mayor of the Municipal People's Government
Ma Zhengyong was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Meizhou Municipal People's Congress, and Wang Hui was elected mayor of the Municipal People's Government

The specific list is as follows ↓↓↓

Ma Zhengyong was elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Meizhou Municipal People's Congress, and Wang Hui was elected mayor of the Municipal People's Government

【All-media reporter】Huang Taowei, Zhang Liuqing, Liang Shiyu, Chen Zeming, Wang Siting, Huang Peiqiang, Ma Jichi, He Senyao, Qiu Kena, Luo Weiran

【Author】 Huang Taowei; He Senyao; Liang Shiyu; Chen Zeming; Wang Siting; Huang Peiqiang; Ma Jichi; Zhang Liuqing; Qiu Kena; Luo Weiran

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

Source: South+ - Create more value

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