
Comprehensive Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council: Tianjin suspends cross-city business such as buses, taxis and hitchhiking

Source: CCTV news client

Recently, the Traffic Control and Transportation Guarantee Special Class of the Comprehensive Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Traffic Control and Transportation Guarantee work in Tianjin's Response to the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic, and made every effort to do a good job in Tianjin's traffic control and transportation guarantee work in response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic. The content is as follows:

Scientific and accurate implementation of traffic control

  • Decisively cut off foreign passenger transport services.

The competent department of transportation of Tianjin Municipality shall, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the local leading institutions for epidemic prevention and control, suspend the inter-provincial road passenger line service and the filing business of inter-provincial chartered buses (including chartered buses for commuting), suspend the cross-city business of buses, taxis (including online ride-hailing) and hitchhiking, and do a good job in releasing relevant information.

  • Strengthen the epidemic prevention management of urban passenger transport.

The competent department of transportation in Tianjin Municipality should adjust the urban public transportation organization plan in a targeted manner, and adopt methods such as dumping stations, detours, and interval operations for urban public buses and trams and rail transit lines passing through the sealed and controlled areas to effectively reduce the risk of epidemic transmission. If the district or county where the medium-risk or high-risk area is located adopts closed management measures for the whole area (village) and unit, the daily urban passenger transport service should be suspended in a timely manner; after the epidemic situation is effectively controlled and reported to the local joint prevention and control mechanism for approval, the urban passenger transport service will be resumed in an orderly manner.

  • Accurately ensure the emergency travel of key personnel.

According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the competent department of transportation in Tianjin Municipality should make preparations for the establishment of emergency transport convoys for key personnel, and prepare sufficient vehicles, drivers and passengers, and epidemic prevention materials. It is necessary to establish a communication and coordination mechanism with local health and other departments, accurately map out the travel needs of key groups such as medical personnel, and scientifically formulate emergency transportation service guarantee plans for key personnel and social emergency travel guarantee plans. If Tianjin further adopts measures to suspend urban passenger transport in the whole territory or in some districts and counties, it is necessary to promote the establishment of a "point-to-point" liaison and docking mechanism between emergency transport fleets and municipal departments, streets, communities, hospitals, etc., and implement 7×24-hour duty duty to ensure the basic travel of urban operators, epidemic prevention personnel and the people's emergency medical travel.

Ensure the smooth and efficient transportation of emergency materials

  • Standardize the setting of epidemic inspection sites.

Tianjin and Beijing, Hebei and other neighboring provinces traffic control and transportation guarantee special class (hereinafter referred to as the traffic special class) should be under the overall arrangement of the local joint prevention and control mechanism, in the highways leaving Tianjin, ordinary national and provincial highways scientific and reasonable set up highway epidemic prevention and control inspection stations, in principle, only one inspection station in the same direction, it is strictly forbidden to set up epidemic prevention and control inspection stations on the main line of the highway provincial boundary without authorization, and must not block or isolate highways, national and provincial trunk lines and rural roads without authorization. It is necessary to further standardize the work of highway epidemic prevention and control inspection sites, dispatch cadres to participate in front-line inspections, optimize processes, and provide civilized services; for those who do not meet the conditions for passage, we must do a good job in policy publicity and explanation and service guarantee work, and resolutely prevent simplistic and one-size-fits-all measures for persuasion to return; we must study and formulate plans, timely do a good job of classified disposal, strengthen traffic diversion, and when the traffic flow is large, timely increase personnel, equipment and channels, and improve the efficiency of inspection.

  • Do a good job of ensuring the passage of emergency material transport vehicles entering and leaving Beijing and Tianjin.

Tianjin Transportation Special Class, together with development and reform, industry and informatization, commerce, agriculture and rural areas and other departments, shall establish and improve the management system for transport vehicles for emergency materials (including medical prevention and control materials, fresh agricultural products, key production and living materials, energy materials, postal express delivery and other key materials), and announce to the public the "Permit for Transporting Vehicles for Emergency Materials for Epidemic Prevention and Control in Tianjin" (hereinafter referred to as the "Pass", see annex for examples) the conditions and procedures for handling. During the epidemic period, for emergency material transport vehicles from Tianjin, the epidemic prevention and control inspection stations on highways around the country ensure smooth passage under the condition that the driver and passenger have normal body temperature detection, hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, have a health code and itinerary code that are green, and hold a "pass". It is necessary to rely on the highway service area, the "driver's home" and other places to increase mobile nucleic acid testing points to facilitate the nucleic acid testing of truck drivers and other emergency material transportation support personnel. It is necessary to guide truck transport enterprises to do a good job in transport capacity reserves, smooth container transport channels, reduce traffic congestion, and give full play to the advantages of railway transportation to effectively ensure the smooth transportation of Tianjin Port; it is necessary to guide truck drivers to strictly do a good job in personal protection and health monitoring, reduce stopovers and personnel contact, and promote the implementation of closed-loop management of fixed personnel and fixed vehicles on qualified routes.

Tianjin and other epidemic-related areas of transportation special classes should be in accordance with the local joint prevention and control mechanism unified deployment, relying on existing logistics parks, freight yards to study the establishment of emergency material transfer and transportation stations, set up temporary connection points in qualified highway service areas, formulate and improve scheduling operations, transportation organization, health and epidemic prevention, personnel training and other plans, improve loading and unloading facilities, connecting vehicles and other facilities and equipment, combined with the actual situation in a timely manner to start into operation, and announce to the public to provide convenience for the transfer of goods.

Transportation special classes in all localities should facilitate the passage of transport vehicles and personnel holding beijing emergency material transportation certificates (certificates) issued by relevant departments such as Beijing Municipal Economic and Information Technology and Chengguan, and after taking measures to prevent and control the epidemic, they should effectively ensure the supply of emergency materials in the capital area.

  • Effectively strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic in the road transport industry And strictly implement the requirements for epidemic prevention and control.

The competent departments of transportation in all localities shall urge the road passenger shuttles and chartered buses within their jurisdiction to strictly implement "point-to-point" transportation when passing through the county-level administrative districts where medium-risk and high-risk areas are located, and must not stay and pick up and drop off passengers. During peak transportation hours such as the Spring Festival, vehicles from epidemic-related areas such as Tianjin shall not be used to carry out overtime transportation. It is necessary to urge relevant passenger transport operators to implement epidemic prevention and control measures such as disinfection and ventilation of passenger terminals and transportation vehicles, temperature measurement and verification, wearing masks, personnel protection, passenger information registration, and epidemic prevention publicity, so as to strictly prevent the spread of the epidemic through transportation. Local transportation special classes should guide freight enterprises, logistics parks, freight yards and other business units, in accordance with the latest version of the "Road Freight Vehicles, Employees and Depots of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Guidelines", urge drivers and passengers, freight yard management personnel and loading and unloading management personnel, cleaners, etc., to strictly implement various epidemic prevention and control measures such as wearing masks, disinfecting and washing hands, and disinfecting transportation equipment, increasing the frequency of nucleic acid testing, and doing a good job of personal protection and health monitoring.

  • Strict personal protection measures for key populations.

The competent departments of transportation in all localities should supervise and urge the transport operators who carry out the tasks of close contacts, close contacts, entry personnel and other key epidemic-related personnel, as well as nucleic acid sampling and transfer tasks, strictly implement the physical isolation requirements for vehicle driving areas and passenger areas, equip drivers and passengers with protective clothing, gloves, work hats, medical protective masks, protective screens or goggles, and replace a full set of protective articles in a timely manner after transfer, and strictly disinfect vehicles. When loading and unloading goods at emergency material transfer stations and highway service area connection points, road freight drivers should do a good job of personal protection, minimize the residence time, and avoid cross-operation. It is necessary to remind the local joint prevention and control mechanism to fully guarantee the input of personnel protective equipment and disinfection materials required for emergency transportation, strengthen the epidemic prevention and control operation training of road transport frontline practitioners, and effectively reduce the risk of infection.

  • Earnestly strengthen supervision and inspection.

Local transportation authorities should comprehensively strengthen the supervision and inspection of road transport and urban transportation epidemic prevention and control, focus on real-name system management, health code inspection, pick-up and drop off passengers outside the station, eliminate and kill in place and other short-board loopholes in epidemic prevention and control to carry out open inspection and covert visits, supervise and urge enterprises to make immediate changes to the problems found, and consolidate the responsibility of enterprises for epidemic prevention and control. It is necessary to strengthen the dynamic monitoring of operating vehicles, and seriously deal with passenger cars suspected of getting on and off passengers in epidemic-related areas in violation of regulations and operating in different places in accordance with laws and regulations. It is necessary to work with public security departments to intensify the crackdown on illegal operations and other illegal business operations, and strictly prevent the spread of the epidemic through illegal operations.

  • Earnestly do a good job in ensuring the service of stranded freight vehicles in epidemic-related areas.

In accordance with the deployment of the local joint prevention and control mechanism, the special transportation classes at all levels in the epidemic-related areas should, together with the health and civil affairs departments, guide the service guarantee work of stranded vehicle personnel such as highway service areas, logistics parks, and freight yards and stations in the epidemic-related areas, and provide basic service guarantees such as nucleic acid testing and catering and rest for the stranded personnel; for truck drivers and other personnel who can leave the epidemic-related areas through the local joint prevention and control mechanism, they should be guided to strictly do a good job in personal protection and health monitoring, reduce stopovers, and avoid contact with other personnel. According to the deployment of the local joint prevention and control mechanism, the personnel information will be copied to the relevant areas of the regional investigation and control special class for epidemic prevention and control in a timely manner, and included in the management scope of key personnel for epidemic prevention and control.

  • Strengthen 24-hour duty duty.

The Traffic Special Class Office of the Comprehensive Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council implements 24-hour duty, and if there is any problem in the emergency transportation of Tianjin That needs to be coordinated, it can be reported to the Traffic Special Class Office of the Comprehensive Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council at the first time. Emergency transport support telephone: 010-65292831.

Tianjin, Beijing, Hebei and other places of transportation special classes should implement 24-hour duty duty, announce to the public 24-hour emergency transport support telephone, and timely coordinate to solve the problem of traffic passage and transport guarantee. Tianjin emergency transport support telephone: 022-24539362.

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