
The Chinese women's basketball team failed miserably: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter, suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood!

author:A home for a leisurely life

The Chinese women's basketball team failed miserably: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter, suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood! #头条创作挑战赛#

The Chinese women's basketball team failed miserably: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter, suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood!

On the stage of the international basketball warm-up match in the early morning of June 29, Beijing time, the Chinese women's basketball team lost to the Belgian team with a score of 63-78 and a gap of 15 points, swallowing the bitter fruit of two consecutive defeats in the warm-up game. The result of this game undoubtedly made the majority of fans feel disappointed and worried.

The Chinese women's basketball team failed miserably: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter, suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood!

At the beginning of the game, the Chinese team showed a good competitive state, quickly entered the rhythm of the game, and took the lead with excellent coordination and active attack. However, the Belgian team was an experienced team, and they quickly adjusted their tactics and held on to the score, allowing China to take a narrow two-point lead at the end of the first quarter.

The Chinese women's basketball team failed miserably: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter, suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood!

But the direction of the game changed dramatically in the second quarter. The Chinese team's offense suddenly came to a stalemate, and the players seemed to have little to do under the opponent's tight defense, and the whole team scored a pitiful 7 points in the entire second quarter. Belgium took the opportunity to launch a fierce counterattack, unleashing a wave of 20-7 attacks, and at halftime, the Chinese team was 11 points behind their opponents. This situation has put the Chinese team in a great passivity.

Heading into the second half, the Belgian team was in high spirits and in full swing, and they extended their lead to 20 points at one point thanks to their excellent teamwork and efficient attack. Although the Chinese team did not give up and has been trying to chase the score, it has no choice but to dig too big a hole before, and at the end of the third quarter, it is still 17 points behind.

The Chinese women's basketball team failed miserably: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter, suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood!

In the crucial fourth quarter, the Chinese team tried to launch a final counterattack, but the Belgian team defended tightly and attacked steadily, not giving the Chinese team too many chances. In the end, the Belgian team came out on top and comfortably took the win.

The Chinese women's basketball team has achieved a brilliant result of being the runner-up in the World Cup, and the current team also carries the expectations of many fans. The warm-up match was to prepare for the Paris Olympics, and the Chinese team chose to train in Europe to better adapt to the intensity and rhythm of the international competition. However, in the previous game, the Chinese team had already lost to the Spanish team by a huge margin of 24 points.

Although the lineup of the Chinese team is not complete, especially the absence of Li Yueru, the core of the inner line, which weakens the strength of the inner line to a certain extent. But in the face of the Belgian team, which is also not the main team, such a big defeat is indeed difficult for fans to accept. You know, many of the players on the Belgian team who played in the WNBA have not returned.

The Chinese women's basketball team failed miserably: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter, suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood!

Looking back on this game, the Chinese team exposed many problems. The low free-throw shooting percentage was a standout performance, with only 13 of the 28 free throws made in the game, a shooting rate of less than 50%. This reflects the lack of mentality and fundamentals of the players. On the offensive end, in addition to the extreme slump in the second quarter, there was also a lack of diversity and effective scoring tools overall. The team needs to improve both in terms of tactical execution and the ability of individual players to create scoring opportunities. In terms of defense, the Chinese team failed to effectively limit the attack of the Belgian team, and the defense of the opponent's tactics and key players was not in place.

However, we should also see that the essential purpose of the warm-up game is to find problems and solve them. Although they suffered consecutive defeats, it also sounded the alarm for the Chinese team and made them more aware of their own shortcomings. For the Chinese women's basketball team, there is still enough time to adjust and improve.

Next, the Chinese team needs to seriously sum up the lessons learned. The coaching team should analyze the game footage in depth to identify loopholes in the execution of tactics and deficiencies in the use of players' skills. Develop a targeted training plan for the exposed problems. In training, strengthen the basic skills training of players to improve the free throw shooting rate and shooting stability. At the same time, enrich the tactical system and cultivate the players' ability to cope with different situations.

In terms of improving the overall strength of the team, it is necessary to pay attention to the tacit understanding of teamwork. Through more actual combat drills, the players can be more intelligent in the game and form a close-knit fighting collective. In addition, it is also crucial to strengthen physical training to improve the player's endurance and confrontation ability in high-intensity matches.

And for the players, maintaining confidence is key. Despite the setbacks, we should not let this determine. We must believe that through hard training and teamwork, we will be able to overcome difficulties and improve our competitive level.

In short, although the Chinese women's basketball team suffered consecutive defeats in the warm-up game, this is not the end of the world. As long as they can face up to the problem, make positive adjustments, and train hard, I believe that in the future games, they will be able to regain their strength, repay the support of the fans with better performances, and win glory for the country. Let's look forward to the Chinese women's basketball team blooming more brightly in the follow-up warm-up games and important events such as the Olympic Games.

The Chinese women's basketball team failed miserably: the whole team scored 7 points in a single quarter, suffered 2 consecutive defeats, and the whole team was in a low mood!

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