
Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

author:Good sir from cloud peak

Cheng Huan, who graduated from the opera in 1996, carried the "MFA Master of Fine Arts degree of Nanjing University" and painstakingly helped her husband become famous, and at a time of peace, she suffered the most fatal disaster of a middle-aged woman:

18 years of marriage, unable to save the heart of her husband Fu Chengpeng's cheating, leaving only one voice: sorry,

Take up the small hand of the tender model "Little Third" Zhou Liqi and go away,

Leave her a place mixed with the sweet pain of the past.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

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Life is like a drama, this scene, how similar to the role of "Guo Fang" played in the past, the TV series "Halfway Couple": a bitter woman who was taken by domestic violence with her children to beg for life, the only difference, real life is far more cruel than the plot.

01. He was brought into the cultural troupe by his brother

Cheng Yu, who was about to graduate from shanghai theater in 1996, was booked by the Shanghai Theater Center in advance because of her excellent course results, but the final result was reversed, that is, she met the "nemesis" Fu Chengpeng.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

Fu Chengpeng, the brother of the two-year senior high school, as a representative of outstanding students, returned to his alma mater to play, recruited students for the front-line cultural and labor troupe of the Political Department of the Nanjing Military Region, and took himself as an example to carry out propaganda and recruitment.

In the face of the tall and handsome master and brother of 180cm, and the exciting dream of green military uniforms, under the flicker of Fu Chengpeng, Cheng Yu gave up the Shanghai Theater Center and came to the drama team of the Nanjing Cultural and Labor Troupe.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

02, the love of the brother Fu Chengpeng

Before graduating, he was predetermined by the Shanghai Theater Center, and Cheng Yu's professional performance ability was naturally one of the best, and in the second year of joining the troupe, that is, in 1997, Cheng Huan became the pillar of the drama team.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

The drama "Tiger Standing on Zhongshan" starring has won: the national "Five One Project Award", the Wenhua Drama Award, the Wenhua Performance Award, the Caoyu Drama Literature Award, the Plum Blossom Award, the Magnolia Award and other awards.

Seeing the great brilliance of the little master sister, Fu Chengpeng, who was also in a drama team as a brother of the master, could not watch this piece of fat meat being taken away by other wolves in the army, so he began to attack.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

The same Jiangxi people, fellow villagers and brothers, Fu Chengpeng began a cheeky rhythm, usually stubbornly rehearsed together, invited to the dormitory at night to watch TV, buy snacks to bribe Cheng Yu's roommates, wash clothes in winter, and various big moves occur frequently.

8 yuan a bottle of red wine with a small cake of 5 yuan, Fu Chengpeng played with petty bourgeois sentiment, bit by bit cannibalizing Cheng Huan's last position, and even came up with a trick: writing love letters to express love, Cheng Yu felt very sweet at that time.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

Although some people chased, Cheng Yu did not put down the enterprising spirit, in addition to daily rehearsals and performances, occasionally went out to take small private work, but also used his spare time to study on his own, and was admitted to the Master of Fine Arts degree of Nanda University.

Seeing that the little master sister was getting better and better, Fu Chengpeng, who couldn't sit on the bench, was anxious to get impatient, hurry up and propose, otherwise there was really no drama, unexpectedly, Cheng Cheng actually agreed to this brother who had nothing.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

03. Recommend your husband to play the leading role

In the face of the outside world's unworthy doubts, Cheng Yu at that time was a sentence, "I believe in you, you must be a potential stock." One day in 2001, two people without a banquet and no wedding photos entered into marriage with a license.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

Money is hard to earn, is hard to eat, how difficult it is to become famous, but there is a wife in the family whose career is stronger than his own, fu Chengpeng, who has been filming without drama, slowly has a sense of inferiority, fortunately, Cheng Huan constantly encourages her husband.

"You look at the people Of Lee, at home for three years, there is no delay in getting the award, how old are you, what is the hurry", although there is encouragement from his wife, but his career, like a snail, looks forward, but it is not far away.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

In 2009, Fu Chengpeng's career finally ushered in a turnaround, and Liu Meng, a military writer, screenwriter and director, appeared and looked for Cheng Yu to shoot "Sniper Life and Death Line", hoping that she could play the heroine.

But at that time, Cheng Yu's schedule was really a bit full, and he wanted to refuse the invitation of his old friend, and when he turned around, he saw that there was an "unemployed" husband at home, so he asked that I could star, but I had to take Fu Chengpeng with me.

04, hard work to usher in fame

Liu Meng is also in a dilemma, how to buy one get one free, but because he is a newcomer director, he really needs Cheng Yu to support the field, and finally hardened his scalp, let Fu Chengpeng play "Assassin Mountain Eagle Han Guang".

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

Unexpectedly, once the film was released, it also achieved a good reputation, Fu Chengpeng finally became a little famous, followed Liu Meng and filmed "Ice is Sleeping Water", and his career slowly got on the right track.

"It is good to be famous, but we must not forget the original intention", this is the classic quotation of Cheng Peng when Fu Chengpeng and Cheng Yu were guests on Inner Mongolia Satellite TV and recorded the program, cheng Chengpeng admitted that Cheng Peng.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

After her husband's career achievements, double happiness came to the door, Cheng Yu became pregnant and gave birth to her son "Cub", but she did not expect that the birth of this little guy brought better luck to Fu Chengpeng.

Participated in the "I am a special soldier", "my father is a bench", "I am a special soldier of the blade out of the sheath" and other TV series, one more than one hit, personal fame is also soaring, so unhappy!

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

In the years when her husband's career rose, in addition to the drama rehearsal and performance of the unit, Cheng Yu took the children at home, did a good job as a good wife and mother, and did a good job of family support for Fu Chengpeng.

Until 2012, Cheng Huan returned to the film and television circle again, co-produced "Dancing with Wolves" with her husband Fu Chengpeng, and followed up with "Special Forces Fire Phoenix" and "Lone Goose" and other dramas.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

05, the top three killed into marriage

Midlife crisis, not only involves work, but also emotions and family, Cheng Yu and Fu Chengpeng are 40-year-old middle-aged people, stable work is not bad money, and a lovely son, Ben is also a happy and perfect family.

In 2015, Fu Chengpeng, as the male protagonist, filmed the TV series "Undercover", and the female protagonist was Zhou Liqi from Hong Kong, with an actor, singer, host and model at the age of 36!

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

Zhou Liqi, a pair of beautiful billets, is indescribably enduring and beautiful, but the decline of the Hong Kong circle, many artists have run to the mainland to develop gold, Zhou Liqi also took advantage of this wind, from Hong Kong to the mainland to fight.

Coming to the mainland to develop not only can you make a lot of money, mainly because Zhou Liqi's reputation in Hong Kong is too smelly, you have to send Ya number: top little three, that brilliant love history, enough to produce a book, but fortunately also has an unmarried identity.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

Why do you want to call her the top third, that is, her emotional history, to achieve the seamless connection between stars, rich second generation, and husbands, once lived with Guan Xige, rumored 2 abortions, and finally you and I want to break up.

After the breakup, the filming and acquaintance with Zheng Jiaying, the old routine of the drama, in order to prevent the love scene from being secretly filmed, the two played an underground affair, secretly playing Tetris, but also happy.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

The classic Tetris is tired and crooked, then it is good to get together and disperse, leaving Zheng Jiaying's Zhou Liqi, and then taking a secret rich second generation, the brother of the rich family, not the stupid son of the landlord's family, and kicking her when he has played enough.

Zhou Liqi, who entered the development of the mainland film and television circle, with her excellent beauty and long legs, won Down Xu Zhengxi, who filmed together, a rich second generation who can act, thought that this time could be stable, but the little milk dog was reluctant to play with the big sister.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

Zhou Liqi, who was circling around in the love world, finally met the true destiny, and when filming "Undercover", she met Fu Chengpeng, a mature and elegant middle-aged man.

Regardless of age, experience, technology or experience, Zhou Liqi found a person who fits the picture, but Fu Chengpeng is a human husband, this matter is a bit difficult to handle, and finally the beautiful woman has a mouth, give you a period of time, and deal with it yourself!

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

06, 20 years of marriage = sorry

Fu Chengpeng, who also called "strict wife management" a virtue at that time, lifted his pants and showed off with his wife Cheng Yu, that is sorry, and you have no passion for life, let's still divorce it, everything belongs to you, I don't want anything.

Cheng Huan, who has long had rumors passing into his ears, is speechless in the face of her husband's honesty, what can he say? Crying, or hanging, or the whole family is jumping?

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

In the face of a husband who has been with each other for twenty years, betraying himself, it is really tragic, and finally Cheng Yu expressed his position, divorce can be, you not only clean up the house, the custody of the son belongs to me, you want to see, you need to go through my permission.

Fu Chengpeng, who had nothing to say, and Cheng Yu, who finally "slipped away", went through the formalities in 2017, ended his married life, and with a sense of joy of five tastes and miscellaneous tastes, he defected to Zhou Liqi, fortunately, the woman was still waiting for her, otherwise, she would be dumbfounded.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

After the divorce, Fu Chengpeng and Zhou Liqi chose everything quietly, waiting for the storm outside to pass, otherwise the appearance was scolded, and after more than a year, the two finally got a license and went through the marriage procedures.

This wedding, not only did not have a banquet to celebrate, on the contrary, both of them also changed their names, Zhou Liqi became: Zhou Liqi, Fu Chengpeng became: Fu Huanming, cover your ears and steal the bell? Or does a name change represent a new life?

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

Leaving Cheng Huan, Fu Huanming, who carried the title of scumbag on his back, lost his career directly, and could only die on the three words of "special soldiers" on which he became famous, and continuously starred in "Falling in Love with Special Soldiers", "Jedi Rescue of Special Soldiers Returning", and "Ace Troops".

08. Fire Phoenix Nirvana is reborn

Without Zhang Butcher, can you still eat pigs with hair? After the divorce, although Cheng Yu was unwilling to face the tragedy of middle-aged divorce, he had to live a good life, because he still had a son, and it was also because of his son that he did not tear up the war.

I don't know if someone found out, in the 2017 popular screen of "Wolf Warrior 2", Leng Feng and others escorted the ashes of their comrades back to their hometown, the undead person, is played by Cheng Yu, the acting skills are explosive and realistic.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

I have to say that Wu Jing really worked hard, choosing the newly divorced Cheng Yu to star, that feels really like dying her husband, hey, who knows, she is also just divorced, this feeling, it is better than the dead man.

After recovering one-sided, she wanted to shoot a scene and did not dare to take it, because she did not dare to take the scene for too long, and there was a son in the family who needed her as a mother, so her takeover requirements, about three months, super long will give up.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

Cheng Huan, who is not bad in popularity and character, under the introduction of his good girlfriend Tao Huimin, with his excellent conditions, became the dean of the Drama and Film School of Nanguang College, with a stable job, less trouble in filming, and able to take more care of his son.

Nowadays, Cheng Yu has no new works active on the screen, but has turned to the background, passing on his talents and experience to more students and cultivating the next generation of flowers.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

A divorce, the trajectory of Cheng Yu's life, revised, that is, the most virtuous wife, but also the yellow-faced woman, can not do the wildflowers outside, so it is better to let go of the self and achieve a new self.

Fu Chengpeng, her husband who has been cultivating for 18 years, was hooked by zhou Liqi, the "little third", who understands Cheng Yu's pain?

Sincerely bless this beautiful and kind woman, I believe that one day, I will meet a man who knows how to cherish her, and I will not meet a scumbag again!

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