
The Qing Dynasty was dead, and the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu was still leading the Qing army to fight, almost laying a foundation for Puyi

As we all know, the Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in China's history, counting from the establishment of Nurhaci in 1616 to the abdication of the Xuantong Emperor Puyi in 1912, and the Qing Dynasty enjoyed a total of 296 years! Of course, if you count from the change of the name of the country to 'Qing', it is 276 years;

In 1912, the six-year-old Xuantong Emperor Puyi announced his abdication, and the Qing Dynasty collapsed, and China's history began to enter the Republic of China period. However, like many dynasties in history, after the advent of a new era, the remnants of the former dynasty always wanted to revive the former dynasty. For example, the "anti-Qing and restoration" movement in the early Qing Dynasty, and the "Zhang Xun Restoration" in the Republic of China period.

However, these movements will basically not succeed, because the wheel of history has entered a new era, and it is impossible to go back. But there seems to be a "special case" in this, after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, he is still attacking the city and pulling down the wall, almost laying a foundation for the Xuantong Emperor Puyi! This person is

Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu - Shengyun!

The Qing Dynasty was dead, and the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu was still leading the Qing army to fight, almost laying a foundation for Puyi

Who is Shengyun?

Shengyun, Zi Jifu, Mongolian yellow flag man. Sheng Yun was an influential figure in the late Qing Dynasty and the early years of the Republic of China. Shengyun's life can be roughly divided into two stages,

In the first stage, he was a feudal official who was enthusiastic about foreign affairs and had remarkable political achievements; in the latter stage, he was a widow who ran around and decided to restore the Qing Dynasty.

In the eighth year of Guangxu, Shengyun was promoted to the rank of a man in the examination; when he changed the law, Shengyun was dismissed from his post because of his stubbornness and old-fashionedness. In the twenty-eighth year of Guangxu, Shengyun was officially appointed as the governor of Shaanxi, and for thirty-three years he was appointed as the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu. However, in the first year of Xuanun,Shengyun was dismissed.

After the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, Shengyun was re-employed by the Qing court as the acting governor of Shaanxi. In 1912, after the abdication of Emperor Xuantong Puyi, Shengyun was still stubbornly resisting the revolution, and also led the Qing army to attack the city and pull up the village, hoping to restore the Qing Dynasty.

Therefore, his evaluation has always been characterized in the field of history as a late Qing Dynasty widow, and he is still a stubborn and reactionary Restorationist!

The Qing Dynasty was dead, and the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu was still leading the Qing army to fight, almost laying a foundation for Puyi

Almost laid a foundation for Puyi

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Shengyun, like many widows, hoped to be restored. However, among these widows, the vast majority of them are weak in heart, but for Shengyun, they have both heart and strength!

After Shengyun was reinstated, he began to lead the army, in the name of King Jinjingqin, to take more than ten cities and directly attack the land of Xi'an. Until Puyi abdicated in 1912, Shengyun was still leading the army to fight. But helplessly, when the news of the emperor's abdication came, the soldiers had no intention of fighting again, and Shengyun had to retreat!

However, Shengyun never gave up the idea of restoring the Qing Dynasty, and after the outbreak of the 'Second Revolution' in 1913, Shengyun began to use his Mongolian identity to contact the princes and nobles of Inner and Outer Mongolia, hoping to win their support and jointly crusade against Yuan Shikai and restore the Qing Dynasty.

The Qing Dynasty was dead, and the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu was still leading the Qing army to fight, almost laying a foundation for Puyi

Unfortunately, Shengyun did not move these Mongol princes and nobles. Even though He was allowed to move with affection and knew what was reasonable, there was still no way to move. The reason for this is also very simple, that is, the strength is too weak, and fighting with Yuan Shikai is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

After all, this is no longer the era of cold weapons, not the era when only cavalry and sabre can win, so the strength of the two sides is seriously unequal, and rushing to send troops is tantamount to seeking their own death.

Subsequently, Shengyun also contacted Russia, but the Russian side did not agree. So in the autumn of 1913, Seung Yoon traveled east to Japan in an attempt to seek support from foreign powers.

Seung Yoon lived in Japan for three years before returning to China in 1916. After returning to China, Shengyun did not stop the pace of restoration, and he ran around, constantly seeking the support of various forces. In addition to contacting the Japanese, Seung Yoon also had close contacts with Zhang Xun and later participated in the planning of the "Restoration of Zhang Xun".

However, at this time, the general trend of the Qing Dynasty had gone, so Zhang Xun's restoration was just a farce, and it lasted only twelve days before it died.

The Qing Dynasty was dead, and the Governor of Shaanxi and Gansu was still leading the Qing army to fight, almost laying a foundation for Puyi

After that, ShengYun lived in the Japanese Concession of Tianjin and continued to do his "big dream of restoration". On July 23, 1931, Sheng Yun died of illness in the Tianjin Concession, and Puyi posthumously gave him the nickname "Wen Zhong", which can also be regarded as the last "care" of the Qing court for him!

In general, although Sheng Yun and Zhang Xun are both perverse and contrary to the development of the historical trend, if we look at these things aside, we have to admire their loyalty. What do you think?

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