
When Liu Bang was chased and killed by Xiang Yu, he actually kicked his children out of the car, but his wisdom was superb but he was regarded as ruthless by posterity

If we talk about Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, people who have not understood him in depth feel that Liu Bang is an out-and-out villain and a scoundrel, and lust and selfishness have become his exclusive business cards.

One of them is the most criticized by later generations. As the saying goes: Tiger poison does not eat children. And Liu Bang actually kicked his own son and daughter out of the car repeatedly in an escape, which is a perfect interpretation of Liu Bang's "selfish" nature.

In fact, this is the misunderstanding of posterity for Liu Bang, who resolutely abandoned his children at that time, not only was not selfish, but a great wisdom, and a deep love for children.

When Liu Bang was chased and killed by Xiang Yu, he actually kicked his children out of the car, but his wisdom was superb but he was regarded as ruthless by posterity

Why do you say so, I first sold a pass, made things clear, and understood that Liu Bang's superb wisdom is really not something that most of us can understand.

First, the course of events

In 205 BC, under the banner of "avenging the Righteous Emperor", Liu Bang gathered an allied army of 560,000 princes and killed the Chu state from Hangu Pass. At this time, Xiang Yu was deeply involved in the military-civilian war of the State of Qi, and could not get out for a while, and was picked up by Liu Bang.

Liu Bang led a coalition army and soon attacked the capital of the Chu state, Pengcheng (present-day Xuzhou, Jiangsu), collected Xiang Yu's gold and silver treasures, fragrant car beauties, and held a celebration feast with pride.

When Liu Bang was chased and killed by Xiang Yu, he actually kicked his children out of the car, but his wisdom was superb but he was regarded as ruthless by posterity

Xiang Yu heard that his old nest had been stabbed in the state of Qi, and immediately counted 30,000 elite soldiers, unexpectedly killed them, and directly defeated Liu Bang's main force, and Liu Bang fled into the wilderness.

After this battle, Liu Bang escaped from Pengcheng with only a few dozen people. Thinking that his father, wife and children were still in Pei County, he sent someone to pick up his family while fleeing. Unfortunately, because of the war, the family was scattered and did not receive it.

There was no way, Liu Bang could only run with more than a dozen people, and actually saw his son and daughter on the way, quickly connected to his carriage, and let the driver Xiahou Baby rush to the car quickly.

When Liu Bang was chased and killed by Xiang Yu, he actually kicked his children out of the car, but his wisdom was superb but he was regarded as ruthless by posterity

Not long after receiving it, Xiang Yu's cavalry quickly chased after it.

At this critical moment, Liu Bang directly lifted his feet without saying a word, kicked his son and daughter out of the car, and poor two five- or six-year-old children cried and cried after being kicked down.

Xiahou Baby looked dumbfounded, quickly stopped to pick up the two children, and said to Liu Bang: "Although you can't drive them in a hurry, why abandon them?" This means that the situation is critical now, but these two little dolls do not have much weight, and if they are thrown away, the carriage will not run much faster.

Later, Xiang Yu's cavalry wanted to catch up with Liu Bang several times, and every time they were about to catch up, Liu Bang still didn't say anything, lifted his feet and kicked the two children down, and Xiahou Baby carried the children back to the car each time, let the children sit firmly, and then accelerated to catch the car.

When Liu Bang was chased and killed by Xiang Yu, he actually kicked his children out of the car, but his wisdom was superb but he was regarded as ruthless by posterity

In this process, Liu Bang was very angry, and almost drew his sword several times to kill Xiahou Bao, but as soon as he thought of killing him, no one rushed to the car, and he finished faster and could only endure.

After the incident passed, Liu Bang neither rewarded Xiahou Infant nor punished Xiahou Infant for this matter, as if it had never happened.

Second, the truth of the matter

The overall experience of Liu Bang kicking the child is like this, and there are three points worth carefully tasting:

First of all, when Liu Bang escaped from Pengcheng, his first reaction was to send someone to pick up his family, including his two children, but because he was scattered, he was not found in the end.

Subjectively, Liu Bang has always had his family in his heart.

When Liu Bang was chased and killed by Xiang Yu, he actually kicked his children out of the car, but his wisdom was superb but he was regarded as ruthless by posterity

Secondly, Liu Bang ran away from the road, met two children by chance, and his first reaction was to pick up the car and run together. But when the critical moment, Liu Bang did not say anything, directly kicked down, the historical record originally used "trampling", vividly and vividly reflecting Liu Bang's sharp action.

From the perspective of behavior, Liu Bang's approach is abnormal and impersonal, and it seems that he is absolutely selfish and ruthless.

In the end, Liu Bang did not say a word from beginning to end in the whole process, let alone kicked down to make the carriage run faster, this view is the understanding of the driver Xiahou Baby.

Later generations often evaluated this matter from the perspective of Xiahou Baby, and then formed a misunderstanding of Liu Bang.

This point is very important, involving why Liu Bang did not speak the whole time, and he also wanted to kill Xiahou Baby.

On the surface, as Xiahou Bao said, kicking down is to run faster. In fact, escape is indeed the first.

When Liu Bang was chased and killed by Xiang Yu, he actually kicked his children out of the car, but his wisdom was superb but he was regarded as ruthless by posterity

If you only recognize this, you are a common man.

Liu Bang definitely wanted to run faster, but Xiahou Baby also said that it was not much faster to kick down, which showed that running faster was not Liu Bang's real idea at all.

Liu Bang's real thought was that if he saw that he was caught, if all of them were caught, they were directly caught by Xiang Yu, and they and the child were killed; if they kicked down, even if they were caught, the two children could still escape, or they ran away, and the children were caught, and at most they became hostages, and there would be no danger to their lives.

III. Conclusion

In the situation at that time, Liu Bang's best choice was to kick the two children down, which retained at least half of the hope, which was absolutely incomprehensible to ordinary people, and it was more difficult to do, and this was the reaction of Liu Bang's great man who was not in danger.

When Liu Bang was chased and killed by Xiang Yu, he actually kicked his children out of the car, but his wisdom was superb but he was regarded as ruthless by posterity

Why most people can't succeed, because they lack the ability to stay in danger. The more a person is in a moment of crisis, the more he has to be detached from emotion, the more he must use reason to overcome impulse and make the most favorable decision quickly.

Han Gaozu Liu Bang kicked the children at a critical moment, not ruthlessly, but precisely to protect them, which is the superb wisdom that ordinary people do not have

Reference: History

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