
The fate of the remnants of the Kuomintang army in the Golden Triangle

author:Only for a lifetime

In June 1980, Duan Xiwen, the 69-year-old leader of the remnant army, died suddenly of a heart attack. After Duan Xiwen's death, Lei Yutian, chief of staff of his subordinates, took over as commander-in-chief, and Li Wenhuan remained as deputy commander.

Lei Yutian, a native of Naxi, Yunnan, is Duan Xiwen's old subordinate. This person has a certain military command ability and is familiar with the tactics of the Golden Triangle mountains. His style of work also tried his best to emulate Duan Xiwen and maintain the weal and woe with the officers and men. But he lacks the stomach and foresight, and his ability to win people's hearts is far inferior to Duan Xiwen.

Soon after Lei Yutian took over as commander-in-chief of the remnant army, an urgent order came from the Thai army, and the remnants of the army quickly sent 500 men to Khao Nga Hill to participate in the encirclement and suppression of the anti-government guerrillas.

Khao Nga Hill is a majestic mountain range in Thailand that stretches between the railway between Bangkok and Chiang Mai. The anti-government guerrillas built strong fortifications on the mountain, which could fight and hide, and could attack and defend with ease. They frequently descended the mountains to attack government offices in towns and cities, looted railroad supplies, and claimed to be the Thai mafia. The Kau Nga Mountain Flying Tigers disturbed the area.

The Thai military organized forces to go into the mountains on several occasions to encircle and suppress them, but either they were met with stubborn resistance from the guerrillas and were unable to attack the main peak of Khao Ya Mountain, or they managed to occupy the hilltop positions, and the guerrillas had long since disappeared. In the face of successive defeats in the conquest and suppression, the Thai High Command decided to send its most elite Black Panther Army and the remnants of the anti-riot self-defense force to encircle and suppress the Khao Yashan guerrillas again.

At this time, the Thai army knew that the strength of the remnants was not as good as before, and the main attack task was carried out by the Black Panther Legion, and the anti-riot self-defense force served as the reserve.

The guerrillas in Khao Nga were very arrogant, and with their solid fortifications, they shouted that whoever dared to go to Khao Nga would let him come and go.

Lei Yutian and Li Wenhuan discussed, and each sent 250 people to form a dental assault team. The remnant division commander Chen Maoxiu served as the commander, and the division commander Li Jin served as the deputy commander.

The remnants of 500 officers and men of the Anti-Riot Self-Defense Force were airlifted by the Thai military from Kam Kam Airport to Gusegok.

On February 9, 1981, the remnants of the army joined the main Thai Black Panther Army at the Gushi Valley. The two armies gathered in an open field to listen to the pre-war mobilization of their commanders, in stark contrast to each other. The Black Panther Army was neatly dressed, energetic, and well-equipped, while the remnants of the anti-riot self-defense force were dwarfed, with yellow faces and thin muscles, and many of them were old, weak, sick and disabled, sparsely like a group of mountain people rushing to the market.

The two armies conducted short-term pre-war training in Gushi Valley, and the Black Panther Army almost hit every 100 shots on the shooting range, but the remnants of the army behaved very embarrassingly, some of them did not even know how to use guns, and finally learned to use guns, but the guns and bullets missed the target, and the Thai officers shook their heads and sighed, and could not help but be greatly disappointed in the remnants of the army.

The fate of the remnants of the Kuomintang army in the Golden Triangle
The fate of the remnants of the Kuomintang army in the Golden Triangle

On February 16, 1981, the encirclement and suppression troops reached the foot of Kauaya Mountain and launched a general offensive on the same day. The Black Panthers were able to advance one after another, and in a few days they had triumphantly reached a distance of 10 kilometers from the peak of Khao Ya Mountain. This is the strongest line of defense of the rebel guerrillas, consisting of light and heavy machine guns hidden in bunkers and caves, intertwined to form a dense network of firepower, coupled with the support of 75 recoilless guns and 60 mortars behind the position, so that the Black Panthers are unable to advance even further, although they are all like them.

The Black Panther Army, which stayed where it was and did not dare to move, suffered increasing casualties.

The Thai planes could not enter the guerrilla positions at all, and the bombs dropped could only be used for show, and could not hurt the fur of the guerrillas, and the guns of the Black Panther Army were far away from the mountain, so they could not climb the trail. This was a stalemate between the two sides until 19 February. In the face of the effective resistance of the guerrillas and the minefield in front of the position, the Black Panthers could not advance an inch.

At this time, the Thai High Command ordered the remnants of the riot squad, which served as a reserve, to enter the battle.

The commander of the remnant army, Chen Maoxiu, knew that this was the exhaustion of the Thai army, and in the absence of any way, he asked the remnant army to open the way. If they also attack like the Black Panther Army, they will undoubtedly be sent to death.

Therefore, Chen Maoxiu led his troops to avoid the frontal battlefield, spent ten days, day and night in the high mountains and dense forests, and on March 6, went around to the back of Khao Nga Mountain, and then divided into two roads, and advanced towards the back peak of Khao Nga Mountain. Li Jin first attacked the back mountain all the way and exchanged fire with the mountain guerrillas. The fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce, and after three days and three nights of bloody fighting, it was not until March 8 that the remnants of the army arrived at the 192nd Highland Guerrilla Camp. Although the guerrillas did not build strong fortifications in the back hills, the anti-government guerrillas put up a stubborn resistance, fighting for every inch of land, and they occupied the favorable terrain and held on.

Li Jin, the commander of the remnant army, was red-eyed at this time, and he carried a carbine to fight in the most dangerous place, leading the brothers to a forest and a small beam to advance step by step. After all, they were veterans of many battles, and they were extremely familiar with jungle warfare, and the guerrillas began to be unable to parry and began to retreat.

On the evening of the same day, the remnants of the army took advantage of the victory and captured the main peak of Khao Ya Mountain, where the high headquarters of the anti-government guerrillas was located.

A battle that lasted more than 10 days was over, most of the guerrillas were annihilated, and a small number of people fled into the mountains and forests. The remnants of the army recovered all the lost territory for the Thai government.

Thailand's high command was deeply moved.

When the remnant riot squad returned to Chiang Mai airport by transport plane from Gau Se Valley, General Jianzhai of the Thai side held a grand welcome meeting to express his gratitude to the remnants of the riot squad for helping Thailand quell the rebellion.

Thai newspapers also reported on the deeds of the riot squads, praising the remnants of the riot squad for their contribution to Thailand's tranquility and for quelling a major crisis in Thailand.

The battle of Khao Ya Hill caused the remnants of the army to lose nearly half of their numbers. At this time, this force is already in name only. However, the victory at Khao Ya Hill made Li Jin famous, and he almost became the new hero of the remnant army.

Lei Yutian couldn't stand it, and did everything possible to make things difficult for Li Jin and reprimanded him for being arrogant. Li Jin also did not give in, and went against it, ridiculing Lei Yutian's leadership for not having a way, making the remnants of the army destitute. The contradiction between the two has become increasingly intensified, stirring up panic among the remnants of the army, and the morale of the army is weakened.

One dark night, Lei Yutian decided to get rid of Li Jin. He could no longer tolerate Li Jin's presence, so he sent troops to surround Li Jin's camp. At that time, Li Jin had already taken precautions, and after receiving a secret report from his cronies and friends, he led his troops to quickly flee from Mesle and find another way out.

At this time, it has been more than thirty years since the remnants of the army retreated to the Golden Triangle, and few of those veterans can go into battle. Coupled with internal strife, the force completely collapsed.

The radio and communication networks they had built on both sides of the Salween River, the huge caravan traffickers, and the invincible armed forces were scattered.

Some of these people have taken refuge in the big drug lord Khun Sa, some have set up their own businesses, and some have turned to other businesses, and several of their generals have villas in Thailand. A few years ago, they moved their funds to big cities in Thailand, where they invested and started a legal business. Their children were also sent to study in Thai cities and lived comfortably in wealthy families. However, a large number of people remain in the barren Golden Triangle to cultivate land and live in extreme poverty, intermarrying with local residents and having children. The older generation passed away one after another, leaving behind their children, who seemed to have become people of another country.

In 1989, in order to eradicate the remnants of the armed forces, the Thai Government made a final decision, stipulating that all remaining armed forces of the remnants of the armed forces must surrender all weapons within four years, at a rate of one quarter per year, and by 1993, all the armed forces of the remnants of the armed forces must be surrendered.

At this point, the remnants of the Kuomintang army in the Golden Triangle completely disappeared from the face of the earth.

At the same time, Kunsha's power is growing stronger day by day.

After more than a decade of painstaking operation, Kun Sha controlled most of the drug production and trafficking in the Golden Triangle. In order to transport large quantities of drugs around the world, in June 1967, Khun Sha formed a huge drug trafficking gang. This drug trafficking team, which was later called the "Century Business Brigade," consisted of more than 600 mules and horses and nearly 1,000 armed men.