
Little Red Book successfully registered the old Red Book trademark

author:IT House

IT Home January 14 news, recently, Xiaohongshu Technology Co., Ltd. applied for the registration of the "Old Red Book" trademark successfully registered, the international classification of trademarks involving communication services, registration announcement date is January 7, 2022.

Little Red Book successfully registered the old Red Book trademark

Previously, the enterprise investigation showed that the trademark of the old red book of scientific instruments applied for by Xiaohongshu Company was rejected.

Little Red Book successfully registered the old Red Book trademark

Previously, as soon as the news of Xiaohongshu's application for the old red book trademark came out, some netizens said: Is it convenient to change the name after waiting for the old age.

IT House learned that the lifestyle community Little Red Book was founded in 2013 and has covered many fields such as fashion, beauty, food, travel and so on. According to the data released by the third-party platform Analysys, as of August 2021, Xiaohongshu has about 160 million monthly active users, an increase of 97% over January 2020 (early 2020), and daily active users have increased by 110% year-on-year.

Little Red Book successfully registered the old Red Book trademark

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