
Li Dazhao's son, when he was the secretary of the provincial party committee, he offended his relatives in one year, but the common people called him Li Qingtian

Mr. Li Dazhao is one of the main founders of the Communist Party of China, and he originally met chen Duxiu to plan the establishment of the party in Beijing and Shanghai respectively, and was praised as "Southern Chen and Northern Li, meeting to build the party", which contributed to a good story in the history of China's revolution. Under the influence of Li Dazhao, several of his children are also very good, and his eldest son Li Baohua is a typical example.

Li Dazhao's son, when he was the secretary of the provincial party committee, he offended his relatives in one year, but the common people called him Li Qingtian

On October 2, 1909, Li Baohua was born in Daheitu Village, Laoting County, Hebei Province. In 1913, after graduating from the Beijing Law and Politics School in Tianjin, Li Dazhao entered Waseda University in Japan and began to come into contact with socialist thought and Marxist theory. After returning to China in 1916, he actively participated in the new cultural movement, propagating the spirit of democracy and science, attacking the old etiquette and old morality, and fiercely fighting against the feudal stubborn forces.

In 1918, Li Dazhao was hired by Cai Yuanpei, president of Peking University, to Peking University, where he served as the director and professor of the Peking University library, and became a colleague with Professor Chen Duxiu, who was the dean of liberal arts at Peking University. Li Dazhao's salary at Peking University was high, but he spent all this money on supporting poor students and launching a revolutionary movement.

Li Dazhao's wife, Zhao Shulan, and Li Baohua and several other children did not enjoy any blessings, but were afraid all day long. After the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement in 1919, Li Dazhao was both a supporter and a leader, and on the afternoon of May 4, more than 3,000 college students from Peking University and other universities held a rally and march in front of Tiananmen Square, and Li Dazhao walked at the front of the parade. At that time, when the procession walked to the door of the Beiyang Government and the State Council, they saw that the Beiyang Army was setting up a machine gun inside the iron gate, staring at the student contingent with a tiger's eye, and Li Dazhao, who was walking in the front, angrily rushed out of the student ranks, and Professor Zhao Erkang of Peking University and others saw that the situation was not good, and immediately hugged him to death.

Li Dazhao's son, when he was the secretary of the provincial party committee, he offended his relatives in one year, but the common people called him Li Qingtian

On June 11, after Chen Duxiu's arrest, Li Dazhao was also wanted by the Beiyang government, but Li Dazhao was still worried about Chen Duxiu in a time of crisis, and he told peking university students to pay more attention to Mrs. Chen, and entrusted someone to write a letter to his wife, Zhao Shulan, saying that the Life of the Chen family needed help. After Zhao Shulan got the news, she specially bought fresh green vegetables and sent the eggs and grain from the family to Mrs. Chen together, comforting her not to be anxious and to take good care of the children.

Later, after Chen Duxiu was released, Li Dazhao personally escorted Chen Duxiu to Shanghai, but he himself was unwilling to leave Beijing for the revolutionary cause, and continued to stay in Beijing to organize patriotic students and workers in Beijing to carry out a revolutionary movement. During the May Fourth Movement, Li Dazhao was not only busy with theoretical propaganda, but also personally launched the "Young China Association" and introduced Mao Zedong, who was an assistant to the Peking University Library.

Under the influence of Li Dazhao, his eldest son Li Baohua also gradually studied revolutionary theory and embarked on the revolutionary road, Li Baohua joined the Chinese Communist Youth League in 1925 and actively participated in the patriotic student movement. In Li Baohua's eyes, his father Li Dazhao was a very kind person and never lost his temper with his children. In terms of educating children, Li Dazhao is also relatively democratic, allowing children to develop on their own and never care about homework.

Li Dazhao's son, when he was the secretary of the provincial party committee, he offended his relatives in one year, but the common people called him Li Qingtian

After Li Dazhao returned from the Soviet Union, he never told the children about the Russian Revolution, but put some books on Marxism-Leninism at home and let the children take the initiative to contact themselves. After Li Dazhao was killed in 1927, Li Baohua's situation was also very dangerous, Li Dazhao's Peking University colleague Shen Yinmo hid him in Zhou Zuoren's home, Li Baohua hid in Zhou Zuoren's home for a month, and then with the help of progressives, he crossed east to Japan and entered the Japanese Higher Normal School. In May 1931, Li Baohua joined the Communist Party of China in Tokyo, Japan.

After the September 18 Incident in 1931, Li Baohua returned to Shanghai to participate in the Shanghai Society for Studying In Japan, the Shanghai Anti-Imperialist League association and other organizations to carry out the anti-Japanese patriotic movement. In 1937, Li Baohua served as secretary of the CPC Jin-Cha-Ji Provincial Party Committee and director of the Organization Department, president of the Provincial Party School, member of the Jin-Cha-Ji Central Branch of the CPC, director of the Organization Department and president of the Party School.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as a standing committee member and director of the Organization Department of the Jin-Cha-Ji Central Bureau of the CPC, a political commissar of the Beiyue Military Region, a vice president of the Party School, and a president.

Li Dazhao's son, when he was the secretary of the provincial party committee, he offended his relatives in one year, but the common people called him Li Qingtian

After the founding of New China, Li Baohua served as vice minister of water resources; when New China was first founded, the Ministry of Water Resources was a relatively special department, and the minister of water resources was General Fu Zuoyi, who led the peaceful uprising in Peiping. In the 12 years of the Ministry of Water Resources, whenever a large-scale water conservancy project was built, Li Baohua would personally go to the front line to investigate and work hard for the water conservancy cause for 12 spring and autumn.

In 1962, Li Baohua was appointed secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee. After Li Baohua took office, he immediately set himself a three-no principle, one did not take a car, the second did not bring a secretary, and the third did not bring guards, and often went deep into the city and the countryside alone to investigate. When he went to the grain station to buy oil and noodles, he also appeared completely as an ordinary person, and he never said hello when he went to the countryside to investigate, and went directly to the grass-roots level to investigate.

Li Dazhao's son, when he was the secretary of the provincial party committee, he offended his relatives in one year, but the common people called him Li Qingtian

Once, when Li Baohua was not at home, relatives brought a guest from Xinjiang, who brought a few bags of raisins. At that time, the child had not eaten Xinjiang food, and when he went out to be curious, he took it apart and ate it. After Li Baohua returned home, he taught a child fiercely: "In the future, everything sent by others will not be allowed to eat." Then he personally went to the market to find out the price of the most expensive raisins, and discounted the cash to the guests at the most expensive price.

Another time, a guest from Guizhou brought Li Baohua two bottles of Moutai, and at that time a bottle of Moutai was only three yuan, so the secretary did not think much about it and accepted it. After Li Baohua knew about it, he was furious again and discounted it to the giver at a price of six yuan per bottle, which made the gift giver very embarrassed. As a result, Li Baohua was the secretary of the provincial party committee for a year, and he offended all his relatives, and many relatives were unwilling to come to see him again.

However, Li Baohua's reputation was very high during the reign of Anhui, and once when he went to Shanghai for a meeting, a friend from Anhui called him: "Li Youth." Li Baohua asked, "How can you call me that?" The friend said, "The people in my hometown call you that." Li Baohua hurriedly said: "I haven't done much for the masses, you don't want to listen to people's nonsense." ”

Li Dazhao's son, when he was the secretary of the provincial party committee, he offended his relatives in one year, but the common people called him Li Qingtian

In 1977, Li Baohua was appointed president of the Chinese Bank, and during his tenure as president, Li Baohua often worked all night, planning the blueprint for the development of the financial industry, and promoting the recovery and reform of the financial industry in a planned and step-by-step manner. Although he served as the president of the People's Bank of China for many years, by the time he retired, he still had a family of disciples, and not only did he not have a single celebrity calligraphy and painting in the house, nor did he have any modern decoration and better furniture, only shelves of books.

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