
34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

author:Li Ke

01, tassel whisker shark. That's right, it's a shark with an extremely strange appearance, and you get a creepy feeling when you see this smile from the bottom of the sea.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

02. The true face of live anglerfish in the deep sea:

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

03. A maple leaf as big as a steering wheel

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

04. Red comes out first, can red win?

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

05, it's not easy to mess with!

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

The post-06 and post-80s generations must still remember this TV show, I really felt very relaxed when I watched it, and there were not many people who might call her name. She can be said to be the first person in yoga in China.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

07, ▼ The lights have attracted a lot of flying insects, can this one go back?

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

08. Soar at the meter, and then fall into the sea again, in fact, they don't fly, they just glide at speed.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

09. "Muscle Explosive Dog" can instantly inflate its own muscles and hit opponents

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

10. I didn't catch a fish, but I caught an octopus by mistake.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

11. This is the great blue shark in the English Channel. While the underwater photographer was taking a picture, they approached curiously.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

12. What was found on the wall at home was terrifying, what kind of demonic creature was this?

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

13. The most elegant bear

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

14. A strange-looking Labrador Retriever and a doll based on it, can you tell that the dog's skull has collapsed?

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

15. The opossum mother carries her children on her back, and the opossum mother is very difficult.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

16. Sweat and blood BMW, it must be shining in the sun!

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

17. A large herd of antelopes with long horns is feeding

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

18. The dog brought a knife to the owner, pay attention to its eyes, and it was murderous.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

19. The North African elk antelope was declared extinct in 1923.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

20. This is not a three-eyed monster, the eyes of the plaice originally had one on the top of the head.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

21. Tumor moths, the larvae are like tumors in the head.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

22. Rich people are getting better at playing. Since the breeding of ponies for children to ride, dwarf donkeys have also been launched, and children have more and more playmates.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

23, 19 No one wants to rob your prey, don't look at me with such fierce eyes

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

24. Peggy fruit is produced in Brazil, and the taste is very strong, some people love to eat it, and some people especially hate it.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

25. The scavenger's mouth is terrible.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

26. I think my mother's cat may need an exorcism

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

27. Beavers have a round body and a short tail, and are able to build exquisite nests in the water.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

28. True friendship - the little boy and the chubby wombat hugged each other, and they must have felt incomparable warmth and happiness.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

29. The leopard's arm strength is really strong

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

30. The elephant was hit and killed by a speeding train on the railroad tracks

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

31. The camouflage techniques of these two palace guards are simply ingenious, and they seem to be two dead branches.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

32. The North American queen snake, an unusual snake, is slender and thin, and likes to move in streams and lotus ponds. Other snakes' favorite foods, such as frogs and rats, are not on the recipe of the queen snake. They feed only on crayfish. That's right, they eat crayfish to eat them whole without peeling their shells.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

33. It seems that turtles also like beautiful women

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

34. Nature is so cruel, sometimes, fate is written at birth, carnivores are meant to eat herbivores.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

35. The black frog found by the pond is not known to be poisonous

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

36. The feathers and colors of this bird of paradise are different, and they are the queen of birds.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

37. This is not like the legendary water monster

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

38. Lake Kakola in Australia is different, the water in the lake is different colors, and the black part is like a big tree, so everyone calls the lake the lake the Lake of the Tree of Life. This is because the lake is surrounded by tea trees, and the tea tree oil enters the lake, causing the lake water to change color.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

39. Compared with a male Siberian tiger and an adult, can Wu Song beat this thing?

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

40, what a beautiful little turtle!

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

41. Hello, shark! Come to my mouth! I don't care what kind of fish you are, you can't escape when you get into my mouth.

34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

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34 Strange Creature Pictures: One-eyed, double-pupiled shark: has only one eye, but two pupils

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