
After the revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao bravely became righteous, what was the fate of his five children? The eldest son is at the rank of minister

After the revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao bravely became righteous, what was the fate of his five children? The eldest son is at the rank of minister

If the people of the country are not patriotic, their country will perish forever. —Li Dazhao

As the saying goes, dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and the children of some celebrities and great people have been well received by the outside audience from birth, and they are very curious about whether they can insist on maintaining the extraordinary of their fathers.

Li Dazhao is a famous revolutionary and thinker on the mainland.

It is also one of the great men who are indispensable for China to embark on communism, and China may be another situation without him. Li Dazhao gave his life because of the revolution

His five children have also grown up under the aura of their father, and what is their current situation?

Dedicate yourself to the cause of the revolution

Since the Qing Dynasty closed the country, its strength was far inferior to that of the West, and it was repeatedly invaded by various powers, so China's modern era was full of humiliation. Li Dazhao was born in such an environment, he was born in Daheituo Village, Hujiatuo Township, Hebei Province, because of frequent wars, Li Dazhao's family also survived in the chaotic world.

The upheavals of childhood also made Li Dazhao determined to find a way out for the country.

After the revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao bravely became righteous, what was the fate of his five children? The eldest son is at the rank of minister

Li Dazhao held a grand ideal and obtained the qualification to study in Japan through arduous study. However, in 1915, Japan issued the "Twenty-one Articles" to destroy China, and Li Dazhao was indignant when he learned of it.

Together with other students studying in Japan, he took to the streets to protest the struggle, only to be suppressed and abused by the Japanese police.

Later, he drafted a "Letter of Warning to the Fathers and Elders of the Whole Country" to inform the whole country of Japan's wolf ambitions, and then actively threw himself into the struggle for patriotic salvation.

Li Dazhao has been thinking about what kind of system can make China's future way out, the result

The outbreak of the October Revolution gave Hope to Li Dazhao and others.

In 1920, Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu met together, and after discussion, the two decided to establish a new party with Marxist communism as the core. In order to attract more like-minded people to join,

Li Dazhao also organized China's first Marxist Theory Research Society at Peking University.

He also received international communist representatives many times to discuss how to build the party.

With the efforts of Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu and others, the Communist Party of China was formally established in July 1921, and countless young people with lofty ideals actively threw themselves into the cause of the communist revolution.

Li Dazhao also frequently traveled in all directions, held many talks with Sun Yat-sen and did a great deal of work for the revolutionary cause.

Later, Beijing launched a vast anti-imperialist and anti-feudal anti-warlord activity, and Li Dazhao participated in the activity under extremely dangerous circumstances and actively encouraged everyone to bravely unite against imperialism and the traitorous behavior of the warlords.

The Beiyang warlord was furious when he learned of this and ordered the arrest of Li Dazhao.

After the revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao bravely became righteous, what was the fate of his five children? The eldest son is at the rank of minister

In April 1927,

Li Dazhao and more than 80 other Communist Party members were arrested by Zhang Zuolin

In prison, the warlord tortured Li Dazhao in an attempt to extract party secrets from Li Dazhao's mouth. But Li Dazhao regarded death as a homecoming and was resolute and unyielding. The Beiyang warlords saw that Li Dazhao and other Communists had such courage and understood that they could not ask anything, so on April 28, the Beiyang warlords insisted on openly hanging Li Dazhao and other revolutionaries in the detention center, regardless of public opinion. Before dying, Li Dazhao also shouted: "The reactionaries can hang me but can't hang communism, long live the Communist Party." ”

Li Dazhao was hanged at the behest of the warlord and bravely righteous, when Li Dazhao was only 38 years old.

Eldest son Li Baohua: Official to the rank of minister

When Li Dazhao died, the eldest son, Li Baohua, was only 18 years old

After Li Dazhao's death, Li Dazhao's wife died shortly after suffering from excessive illness, and Li Baohua, who had lost both parents, and the four children in the family became orphans. Li Baohua, as the eldest child in the family, had to bear the burden of caring for the family, so he wanted to drop out of school and go out to work. Fortunately, the party organization did not forget the sacrifices made by Li Dazhao for the revolution and helped Li Dazhao's family in a timely manner.

And paid for Li Baohua to study in Japan.

After the revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao bravely became righteous, what was the fate of his five children? The eldest son is at the rank of minister

Li Baohua was very grateful to the party organization for reaching out in time, and he actively studied knowledge after going to Japan in order to inherit his father's will, so that he could one day return to China to serve the country.

Later, japan invaded China, and countless elite talents returned to China to devote themselves to the cause of the War of Resistance, and Li Baohua was also one of the torrents of this era.

After Li Baohua returned, he joined the Communist Party of China, secretly worked for the party organization, and he participated in dangerous activities without fear of life and death many times, and dedicated his youth to the cause of the War of Resistance.

He was also reused by the party organization as a revolutionary hero in the name of his father.


After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Li Baohua also held important positions, and the official rank was at the ministerial level.

Li Baohua, as the son of Li Dazhao, has also attracted much attention, but he has been respected by the people of the whole country with his outstanding ability and unswerving revolutionary fighting spirit. When Li Baohua died in 2005, the party and the people felt very sorry, and at the same time they would not forget what Li Baohua had done, and passed on the spirit of him and his father Li Dazhao from generation to generation.

Li Guanghua and Li Baohua: a party secretary and a principal

When Li Dazhao died

The second son, Li Guanghua, is only four years old

The eldest brother, Li Baohua, was arranged by the party organization to study in Japan, while the other children were taken care of and raised together.

In 1940, Li Guanghua officially went to Yan'an to carry out revolutionary work there.

And has always kept in mind the party's cultivation and nurturing grace, so it has been working hard to learn to improve their own ability.

After the revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao bravely became righteous, what was the fate of his five children? The eldest son is at the rank of minister

After the victory of the National Liberation Revolution,

Li Guanghua first served as the head of the propaganda department of Laoting County, and then as the party secretary of the Institute of Electronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Occupying an important position did not confuse Li Guanghua's road ahead, and he insisted on fighting for the cause of communism all his life. On the same path as Li Guanghua was Li Dazhao's third son, Li Xinhua, who also followed in the footsteps of his second brother and grew up under the education of the party organization.

Li Xinhua realized the difference between his family from the time of understanding, and under the narration of others, he understood what kind of hero his father Li Dazhao was, and pieced together the image of Li Dazhao in his mind little by little.

Li Xinhua has never forgotten his father's great vendetta and unfinished business

When he grew up, he was arranged to study in Beijing.

If Li Baohua inherits Li Dazhao's cause, then Li Baohua inherits Li Dazhao's thoughts. Li Xinhua felt that in the war years, it was precisely because there were Chinese who actively ran and spoke out like his father Li Dazhao, and only then would he slowly wake up, and if he were to be the guide to awaken the thinking of the Chinese people after the Taiping today? Li Xinhua believed that only excellent education could make the Chinese people ideologically strong, so after graduation

Li Xinhua devoted himself to education and served as the principal of Dayu Middle School in Beijing.

Dedicate your limited energy to the education of your children. Unfortunately, due to overwork, Li Xinhua was in poor health and died in Beijing in 1989.

After the revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao bravely became righteous, what was the fate of his five children? The eldest son is at the rank of minister

Both daughters are devoted to education

In fact, among Li Dazhao's five children, the first to devote themselves to the revolutionary cause was Li Xinghua, the eldest daughter of Li Dazhao.

When Li Dazhao died, she was also captured and imprisoned by the enemy for her revolutionary cause

In prison, she experienced countless times of torture and interrogation, and suffered too much.

As a result, he was not easy to get out of prison but learned the news of his father's sacrifice for the revolution, and he was unable to extricate himself for a while.

After Li Dazhao's death, the family had no financial resources, and his mother was sick in bed.

Li Xinghua had to drop out of school to take care of his family. No

With the help of the party, Li Xinghua did not drop out of school all the time, but returned to school. Li Xinghua graduated in 1937, and after experiencing too much suffering, Li Xinghua did not dare to continue to face the dangerous revolutionary work

Choosing to pursue education and folklore studies, he died of illness in the winter of 1979.

Li Dazhao's

Second daughter Li Yanhua

After learning of his father's death, he also wanted to reduce the burden on the family by not studying, but under the persuasion of everyone, Li Yanhua walked out of the pain of losing his father and decided to live again to turn his grief into strength.

And more actively involved in the study

After the revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao bravely became righteous, what was the fate of his five children? The eldest son is at the rank of minister

In the future work, Li Yanhua and Li Xinhua have the same view, she feels that as a hero's descendants, she should contribute to the country, and what is most needed in peacetime is educational resources. thereupon

After graduation, Li Yanhua first served as the principal of Daheituo Primary School, and later went to Beijing to become a teacher.

Our happy life today is the result of the sacrifice of countless revolutionary martyrs, and the prosperity of the motherland today is inseparable from the struggle and efforts of countless people with lofty ideals. It is with their existence that the country has an infinite future,

We should continue to inherit their spirit and will, develop ourselves and improve ourselves, so that we can be worthy of their efforts and struggles.

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