
Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

author:Zen says movies

On March 12, 2021, "Avatar" was re-released in Chinese mainland, and the pre-sale box office once again set a miracle;

Eleven years ago, on January 4, 2010, it was first released in Chinese mainland, setting multiple records;

What's more interesting is that in 2016, the politics of the third year of high school even came up with such a multiple choice question:

Avatar grossed $2.63 billion worldwide, the highest on record.

The success of "Avatar" is not only due to its extraordinary imagination and advanced technology, but also to the influence and appeal of the universal values promoted by the film. "Avatar" is a Sanskrit word meaning the incarnation of a god descending on earth, indicating that Avatar absorbs the essence of Indian culture. The animism and the unity of heaven and man advocated by the film are the essence of traditional Chinese culture. More importantly, ecological environmental protection, respect for life, respect for nature and even love for heterogeneous animals and plants convey universal values in the era of globalization. Because of this, Indians, Chinese, Europeans and Americans will have strong resonance when watching Avatar.

This reflects:

A Cultural diversity is an important driving force for the progress of human civilization

B Cultural diversity is an important foundation for cultural innovation

C National culture is the spiritual foundation of national civilization and development

D Film is an important way for culture to spread

(Can you answer this high school politics question?) The correct answer is at the end of the article)

When "Avatar" is released again, Zen said that the film will serialize the dialogue with Teacher Liu Feng and discuss with everyone: Is our body "Avatar"? How do I apply "avatars" to fulfill myself?

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Liu Feng

Holographic life-ecology-culture

System integration advocates communicators

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Su said

Zen speaks the film founder

Su said: This re-screening of "Avatar" reminds me of the first time I watched "Avatar", seeing that the disabled body of the male protagonist as a soldier can be reborn in the way of the Nearian, and the spirit and mind are still the same, I couldn't help but look at my own body, I can move, talk, eat, feel cold or hot when eating and drinking, feel soft or hard when touching, and so on.

But is this body really "me"? Could it be like the "Avatar" in the film, a displaced body?

Liu Feng: Avatar, its Sanskrit meaning is "a divine soul descending on the mortal world."

The so-called "mortal" is the state of existence of low-dimensional space, just like the projection screen, my hand projects on it, and that moment is Avatar, which is the relationship between the projection source and the projection.

We all have a sense of substance in the existence of everything in three-dimensional space, but this sense of substance is actually an interaction relationship of the energy projected from within us, and the projection source is the cognition of life.

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Su said: Recently, I read the book "Open World" by cognitive scientist Ah Xun and experienced his VR brain. Interestingly, in the "space" experience, Teacher Ah Xun designed a link, allowing the experiencer to experience the unity of mountains and rivers with himself like the historical record of Gautama, and experience everything within himself, thus changing some of our inherent cognition and breaking the attachment to this body.

Liu Feng: We often think that this body of ourselves is the only existence. In fact, every one of us here is actually an "avatar", which is projected from a high dimension. The existence of these "phases" projected in reality actually depends on the energy structure constructed in our projection source, which is formed by the superposition resonance of energy waves. In the projection source, you and I have the resonance of energy, so we will project this "phase" of today's dialogue.

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

(Dialogue Scene)

Su said: The projection source and the projected "phase", which makes me think of the Dharma body, the incarnation, the avatar that the Buddhists talk about, can avatars be seen as an "avatar"?

Liu Feng: The Dharma, retribution, and incarnation that the Buddhists talk about are actually talking about a form of existence in the entire cosmic space.

The Dharma-body, the simplest and most essential existence of which is this Dharma-body, which is spread throughout the N-dimensional cosmic space (N tends to infinity), is the overall energy relationship of the overall cosmic space, which is the Dharma-body.

The body is an expression that exists in this space-time space with certain characteristics of the energy attribute, which we call the body.

Avatar is a manifestation projection of this energy attribute in a specific space, called avatar.

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

For an individual life, his "body" carries the same certain life attribute, that is, when we project from the N dimension, the different cognitive combinations that we cling to, which constitute our information system, which has its information characteristics, and this information feature is actually its body system. What is projected in our real world is our concrete belief cognitive system in real life, that is, the things in the subconscious of this person.

Su said: Then how does the "reincarnation" present the "avatar"?

Liu Feng: When a person does not have those obstacles in the middle, he can be presented in any kind of energy structure at will, that is, his body can fully present the overall cosmic energy, and the avatars he projects can be endless, so it is called "hundreds of billions of incarnations".

Su said: In the movie, not only the male protagonist Jack Sally, but also the female scientist Grace, as well as another male scientist, can be said to have such an "avatar" as the Neville people. But Cameron was the only one who allowed Jack — a soldier who hadn't trained for a day and was a disabled veteran with a poor mindset — to win the trust of the Nevilles. What does this give us something to think about?

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Liu Feng: In the movie we just watched together, there is a detail that after the male protagonist Jack was rescued for the first time by the female protagonist, that is, the daughter of the female Nawei clan leader, he was asked a question: "Why save me?" ”

Su said: Yes, at this time, the heroine gave two points:

The first point is to say: because you are brave, fearless, like a warrior;

And the other point is to say, but you are stupid, like an ignorant child.

These two points seem contradictory, but there is no doubt that it is these two seemingly contradictory qualities that make Jack selected.

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?
Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Liu Feng: In the cultural system of the Nea people in the film, advocating bravery is a very important measure for them, so "bravery" is their simplest and most basic quality, which is the quality they really advocate, and obviously Jack, as a soldier, has this quality.

So why "ignorant"? Because different knowledge systems are built in different systems, like the knowledge systems that we humans have built, in another space system, it may be that he is building another system, and the switch between these two systems is often difficult to understand, which requires us to put down the old system.

You see the state of life of the Na'vi people presented in the film, it is built in the state of integration with nature, their entire knowledge and information system is a "system close to nature", and our human distance from nature, so that we establish a set of "materialized, built by human consciousness system", this system and pure natural system are two different systems, although it intersects, but the gap is still very large, so in the eyes of the Na'vi people, some of their simplest "common sense", We as an earthlings cannot accept and understand, and this is the difference between the two information systems.

Su said: That's why the female leader of the Navi tribe said after seeing Jack: "We want to cure your disorder", it seems that we are all "abnormal", huh.

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Liu Feng: There is a saying in Taoism called "Dao fa nature", and Dao Fa is naturally one, so let's think about it, what is the antonym of "nature"?

Many people say it's "unnatural.".

In fact, the antonym of "nature" is "man-made", and a "person" plus a "for" is getting farther and farther away from nature.

Compared with the Na'vi, in our civilized world, this "man-made" factor accounts for a much larger proportion, it is an unnatural, deviate from the natural cosmic avenue of the Tao. Therefore, the Nea people, who are defined by the earthlings as backward, are in line with the Taoist nature, they are "normal", and we are "abnormal".

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Su said: Yes, Cameron once said in an interview that the scene of the life of the Na'vi in Avatar borrows some of the early Indian cultures, but who can say that these cultures are backward? We often use our "knowledge" to give a definition and a judgment, and such definitions and judgments are often too subjective.

Therefore, there is a word in Buddhism called "obstacle of knowing", and we use our own knowledge to hinder ourselves.

Looking back at Jack, the heroine said that he was "ignorant like a child", and it was precisely this "empty" state that gave him an advantage over those scientists, because he did not have so many "knowledge" labels, and at the same time he maintained the quality of "bravery and persistence", and gradually became recognized and accepted by the Neville people.

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Liu Feng: For the concept of "emptiness", it should be noted that in the Eastern wisdom system it does not mean "nothing", it means "all things", which is what Taoists say about "nothing".

"Emptiness" is not attached to everything that is limited, all "beings" have their own manifested energy attributes, and when you cling to this "being," you reject other "beings," which is what Eastern wisdom emphasizes as "all things," "beings, beings," being born of nothingness, being born of that kind of "all-being."

Su said: In this way, now we often say a word - "empty", in fact, what should really be "empty"?

Liu Feng: What is empty is some "obsession". When you are obsessed with two dimensions you cannot see the three dimensions, when you take it away, it is to empty the two-dimensional state, in fact you let go of the two-dimensional obsession, this time you have three-dimensional wisdom, when you let go of your inner three-dimensional cognition, you have four-dimensional wisdom. Therefore, all cultivation is for us to distract and obsess.

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Su said: "Empty" after the obsession, in order to return to "all things".

Okay, back to the film, in fact, why does this heroine save the male protagonist, in addition to her own perception of the male protagonist, there is another piece, that is, the female protagonist saw a revelation, saw the holy seed landed on the arrow she was about to shoot out, and then descended on the male protagonist's whole body, the female protagonist said that the goddess Ava gave her the enlightenment.

When he saw this, there was a question: Jack was eventually chosen to take him to the Nea people, learn their "common sense", and eventually became the leader of the Na'vi tribe. Who chose him, the female lead, or the "natural choice"?

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Liu Feng: There are some unique expressions in each ethnic cultural system, when the female protagonist shoots him with an arrow, a holy seed falls on the arrow, and this revelation really saves the life of the male protagonist.

And this revelation actually has a deeper meaning, in the consciousness of the Nawe people, they see these holy seeds as the "Holy Spirit", which represents a holy message, an expression of a message in a higher realm.

This message expression chose Jack at that moment, which meant that there was an inevitable connection between the male protagonist's inner energy and divine energy.

This also paved the way for the later, and later it was indeed the male protagonist who led their entire clan to victory.

Here is an expression of the film, but to know that each of us has a high-dimensional consciousness within us, and whenever we encounter a choice, that high-dimensional consciousness will come out and enlighten us, but when we cling to that low level, can we be aware of it?

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Su said: I thought of a word - inspiration.

Liu Feng: Yes, we usually call this kind of revelation "inspiration", and the moment we directly express this inspiration, it is his consciousness that projects the manifestation of this high-dimensional consciousness in the three-dimensional space-time of reality, this manifestation, it can be presented in various forms.

Su said: This is a kind of information from the "high dimension", but in real life, it is often difficult for us to capture the inspiration from the high dimension. I always feel that I chose this lover, did I choose this job, should I resign, should I divorce... It seems that "I" are all choosing, and it seems that it is difficult for us to believe in the so-called "intuition", the so-called "inspiration".

At our tea break last night, some students asked: How do you judge the "big me" and the "small me"? How do you tell if an idea comes from the "mind" or the "inspiration"?

Liu Feng: When you don't understand the entire life energy field, do you think your judgment is blind?

Su said: Blindness is completely following one's own karmic habits.

Liu Feng: If you had a complete understanding of the entire human space-time energy field and had a foundation, would you still feel blind?

Su said: It will be clearer, this is called "lattice" in "University", right?

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Liu Feng: When you know that the existence of all cosmic energies has its own internal energy laws, this is called "lattice objects";

When understanding the combination of various information in which these energies are located, and when the various information is related, this is called "knowledge";

If you can integrate all your life into the inner energy fusion and the inner energy ascension, the meaning of life is gradually clear, this is called "sincerity";

You wholeheartedly unite your life with your own inner growth, and the ultimate goal of life has always been to march impartially toward that goal, which is called "right mind."

Su said: If there is no "understanding of the whole life energy field" as a basis, will all our inspiration and intuition still happen?

Liu Feng: It will happen, but it happens randomly and will be ignored by yourself.

But when you have the will of "right mind" and "great wishes", when you have a clear goal of life, and after you have a basic understanding of the system of the universe, then your inspiration and intuition will be encountered when you ascend vertically.

When you encounter it, it is actually cognition that creates a door, whether you open it, or a step, whether you can go up, if you don't step up, it has an obstacle, this door is closed;

If you step up, you open this door, you go in, this is "borrowing falsehood to cultivate the truth", and you enter the channel of vertical ascension of life.

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Su said: Therefore, "inspiration" and "intuition" are a door, and whether we can improve them with this precondition is our inner "right mind" and "great wishes".

Liu Feng: The premise is that do you believe that you are "self-sufficient"? Do you believe that "the ultimate goal of life is in the highest realm"? If you really "believe", all the intuitions and inspirations you encounter at this time are your own life lessons, all your opportunities for improvement, and it looks like "obstacles" in front of you, but you step on them is a "ladder".

Su said: Defilements are bodhichitta.

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

Liu Feng: Yes, at this time, you can use your "intuition" to make any choice, without using the "knowledge" you have.

Because our knowledge is built in a horizontal energy system, all constructed in the same dimension, you judge in this dimension, you cannot judge the "existence of a higher dimension", you will take "the existence of a higher dimension in this space" as a goal to pursue, then you will not be promoted, and you will never get the joy of the present ascension.

When you are able to continue to make decisions from the heart and your intuition, you have determined the direction of upward ascension, then all the problems you encounter are for your ascension.

Su said: At this time, if I complete this topic, I am actually verifying my "self-sufficiency" and proving that my inner being can transcend all obstacles, so what if I don't complete it?

Liu Feng: Not finishing, it means that you have not surpassed, that is to remind yourself, let you find out what this obstacle is, and then you subvert it, and you have another improvement.

So this is also when we do things in reality, if you believe in your intuition, your inspiration, when you do anything with your intuition and inspiration, when you make judgments, when you make decisions, you do it right, it helps you verify that you are self-sufficient, you are not doing it right, it is to help you perceive your inner problem, that is, what is your obstacle in life, you subvert this cognition, and you improve.

Su said: So to borrow a phrase you often say: doing it right is called "success", and not doing it right is called "growing".

Liu Feng: Oh, people in reality pay too much attention to our results in this reality, and often ignore what the real meaning of life's topic is for our lives. So we choose inspiration and intuition based on the premise:

First, whether you have truly established your "true faith," whether you believe that you are "self-sufficient," that everything is really seeking inwards, not outwards; second, whether you have the ultimate "great wish" to serve as a continuous guide. With these two, you can safely face this reality according to your inspiration and intuition, which kills two birds with one stone.

Su said: So divorce or not divorce, resignation or not resignation, whether to the left or to the right, let us hesitate and tangle, often afraid of that fruit, afraid of that effect is not satisfactory, this is also "bodhisattva fear of causes, sentient beings fear of results."

But looking back, if you don't care about that "effect" and see any process that happens as a "growth", if it is "becoming aware of the inner opportunity of the self", then isn't everything the best arrangement?

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

In this movie, in addition to the side that Jack represents, there are two other important forces that represent the different directions of our earthlings, namely: rich investors and powerful militaries, in fact, these two parties are also making choices that they think are "right", and their choices bring to the earth civilization and what they bring to themselves? Now, which side do we actually stand on? Let's take a look at the next movie.

Stay tuned for the next conversation:

Avatar 2: Ask again the way out for human beings and the way out for the self in an audiovisual feast

College entrance examination question answers:

(A and B fit the theme, Avatar absorbs the essence of Indian culture.) The animism and the unity of heaven and man advocated by the film are the essence of traditional Chinese culture. More importantly, ecological environmental protection, respect for life, respect for nature and even love for heterogeneous animals and plants convey universal values in the era of globalization. Because of this, Indians, Chinese, Europeans and Americans will have strong resonance when watching "Avatar", which reflects that cultural diversity is an important driving force for the progress of human civilization, and cultural diversity is an important foundation for cultural innovation. )

Avatar 1: Released again after 11 years, a generation of gods to continue to write legends?

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#阿凡达重夺全球票房冠军 #

Author: Su Shuo Zen Film Founder, Author of "Movie Viewing Law".

Former producer of Jiangsu Satellite TV, now an independent self-media person. Published books such as "Happiness is Like a Palm", "High-dimensional Wisdom To Watch Movies", "Movie Watching Law", etc., and the number of articles read on the whole platform exceeded 10 million. Public account: Zen Talk Movie (ID: chanshuodianying)

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