
Wang Zhengzhu: He left home at the age of 15, became a major general at the age of 40, returned home to pick up his mother, and only then did he realize that he had died of illness for half a year

The old mother was one hundred years old and often read eighty.

In September 1949, Wang Shusheng, who was then the commander of the Eyu-Anhui Border Bandit Command, completely annihilated the Remnants of the Kuomintang in Dabie Mountain and liberated his hometown of Macheng, Hubei Province.

Wang Zhengzhu: He left home at the age of 15, became a major general at the age of 40, returned home to pick up his mother, and only then did he realize that he had died of illness for half a year

Wang Zhengzhu, real name Wang Zhengzhu, Hubei Macheng Yinshuwan people, from a poor peasant family, in 1927, Wang Shusheng and Cai Jihuan, Liu Wenwei, Deng Tiantian and others led the Macheng rebellion, the fire of revolution ignited in Macheng, soon after the jute uprising broke out, although Wang Zhengzhu was only 12 years old at the time, he still joined the Red Children's League and contributed his strength to the poor.

In 1930, the 15-year-old Wang Zhengzhu officially became a member of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and it was also in this year that he bid farewell to his mother, followed the Red Army out of his hometown, and conquered the north and south.

After Wang Zhengzhu left his hometown, Macheng was shrouded in white terror, and in desperation, his mother could only leave her hometown with her young son and beg in Henan for 3 years, until the wind passed, and then returned to her hometown.

In 1932, the 17-year-old Wang Zhengzhu became a member of the Political Department and Organization Section of the Red Tenth Division, and in 1935, the 20-year-old Wang Zhengzhu became a staff officer of the General Headquarters of the Red Fourth Army.

Wang Zhengzhu: He left home at the age of 15, became a major general at the age of 40, returned home to pick up his mother, and only then did he realize that he had died of illness for half a year

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wang Zhengzhu successively served as a staff officer of the General Operations Department of the Eighth Route Army, chief of the Operations Section, and other positions, in 1943, Wang Zhengzhu was transferred back to Yan'an, and it was also in this year that Wang Zhengzhu met his wife Luo Jian, and under the auspices of Zhu Laozong and Kang Keqing, the two had 3 children.

After the Liberation War began, Wang Zhengzhu also participated in the command and planning of more than 40 major battles in the northwestern battlefield, such as Qinghua, Yangmahe, Panlong, Shajiadian, Yichuan, Fumei, and Lanzhou, and rose all the way to the post of deputy chief of staff of the First Field Army.

At the time of the liberation of Macheng, Wang Zhengzhu also received the news that his mother was alive, and he was overjoyed, but the northwest was not completely liberated at that time, and he could only bury this joy deep in his heart as a staff officer.

In September 1950, the 35-year-old Wang Zhengzhu finally had time to spare, so he returned to his hometown with his wife and children, planning to take the old mother to his side to enjoy the blessings, but when Wang Zhengzhu returned to his hometown with his wife and children, he heard a bad news, his mother had died of illness half a year ago, and Wang Zhengzhu was crying bitterly.

Wang Zhengzhu: He left home at the age of 15, became a major general at the age of 40, returned home to pick up his mother, and only then did he realize that he had died of illness for half a year

It turned out that after learning the news that Wang Zhengzhu was alive, her mother looked forward to her son's return to meet her day and night, and in November 1949, she saw that there was a People's Liberation Army on the other side of the river, thinking that her son had returned, so she waded through the cold and bone-chilling river to see what was going on.

The old man was old, and then he was attacked by the cold, and he could not afford to be sick, and finally he did not wait for his son to die at the age of 72.

Wang Zhengzhu joined the army at the age of 15, and once he left, he was 20 years old, leaving his mother with only fear and fear, but he failed to perform a day of filial piety around his mother, which became a major regret in Wang Zhengzhu's life.

In May 1951, Wang Zhengzhu went to the Korean battlefield to serve as deputy chief of staff of the headquarters and director of the Secrecy Committee, and in 1955, he was awarded the rank of major general, this year, Wang Zhengzhu was 40 years old.

Wang Zhengzhu: He left home at the age of 15, became a major general at the age of 40, returned home to pick up his mother, and only then did he realize that he had died of illness for half a year

After that, Wang Zhengzhu successively served as deputy commander, commander, and director of the Navy Logistics Department of the PLA Naval Base until his departure in 1987.

In 2001, Wang Zhengzhu completed the road of life at the age of 86.

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