
Lin Chong, who claims to command 800,000 forbidden troops, what official position is he in now? No wonder Gao Li was not afraid of him

In "Water Margin", Lin Chong can be said to be the most tragic character, his skills are superb, and people who can share the autumn color with him can count on one finger, but as a top fighting force, whether in Beijing or Liangshan, Lin Chong is always the most tragic one.

He originally had a happy family, but because of Gao Li's design to frame, and sent to Cangzhou, was betrayed by his friends, suffered a lot, the family's wife, was forced to commit suicide by Gao Yanei, but he did not have the opportunity to take revenge, it was difficult to arrest Gao Li on Liangshan, but he watched Song Jiang let him go, and finally Lin Chong died of illness on the way to conquest Fang La.

Lin Chong, who claims to command 800,000 forbidden troops, what official position is he in now? No wonder Gao Li was not afraid of him

It can be said that his life has never had a happy day, but we analyze from another level, the identity of Lin Chong when he first appeared on the scene was the head of the eight hundred thousand forbidden army, when Gao Yunei flirted with his wife, Lin Chong rushed to dissuade him, and everyone also pointed out his identity, but the father and son of the Gao family did not seem to feel afraid at all, which also made people curious, what kind of official position is Lin Chong, who is known as the head of the eight hundred thousand forbidden army, what kind of official position is it now?

Lin Chong, who claims to command 800,000 forbidden troops, what official position is he in now? No wonder Gao Li was not afraid of him

To understand this situation, let's first look at what the concept of "800,000 forbidden troops" is. During the Song Dynasty, with the release of Zhao Kuangyin's cup of wine, the centralization of power was further strengthened, and the forbidden army was originally intended to guard the troops of the royal division and the court, but in the Song Dynasty, it became the most formal regular army, selected from the van soldiers and township soldiers from all over the country.

So is there really an 800,000 in number? The answer is also yes, the Song Dynasty has a strong economy and can afford to support so many people, the number of forbidden troops during the Song Taizu period was only about 200,000, but by the time of Song Taizong increased to 350,000, and during the Song Renzong period, the forbidden army quickly swelled to 826,000.

Lin Chong, who claims to command 800,000 forbidden troops, what official position is he in now? No wonder Gao Li was not afraid of him

This also brought a great burden to the Song Dynasty, after Fan Zhongyan and Wang Anshi successively changed the law and reduced redundant officials and redundant troops, the number of troops fell back to about 500,000, and Lin Chong happened to be in this era.

What is the position of the head of the church? The Song Shi Zhi 145 Bing Vi records that in November of the second year (1079 AD), the "Law of the Great Protector of the FuJie Sect" was established, with zhao xuan envoys entering the inner province to serve the deputy capital of the province, Wang Zhongzheng, and the envoy of the DongshangGe Gate, Di Chen, and the envoy of the Eastern Pavilion Sect, who also raised the fujie sect baojia dabaochang, with a total of twenty-two counties as eleven teaching grounds, and the great baochang was 2,825 people, and every ten people were one color and one art, and the first of the teachings. All the forbidden army teaches two hundred and seventy heads, and all teach the head thirty and the envoys ten.

Lin Chong, who claims to command 800,000 forbidden troops, what official position is he in now? No wonder Gao Li was not afraid of him

In the above personnel changes and statistics, we found that more than 200 religious leaders were arranged in one breath, although it is not a bad street, but the "eight hundred thousand forbidden army religious leaders" are not rare animals. Today, it is equivalent to a tactical instructor or coach. Entered the category of civil servants.

Among the head of the sect, there are many kinds, such as the head of the teaching archery, the head of the horse riding and the head of the formation, as well as the golden gunner Xu Ning, this unique master, in contrast, Lin Chong is also very ordinary, he also has to go to the army every day, listen to the dispatch, and also pay attention to explain his status. The leader of the forbidden army does not have much power, and adding "eight hundred thousand" in front of it is just good to hear.

Lin Chong, who claims to command 800,000 forbidden troops, what official position is he in now? No wonder Gao Li was not afraid of him

And by the time of Emperor Huizong of Song, Tai Wei had become the highest military commander of the Song Dynasty, so Gao Chong was also considered to be Lin Chong's superior, and another forbidden army sect leader, Wang Jin, was forced to go away to fly away in the opening chapter, because he offended Gao Qi, it was no wonder that Gao Li would not be afraid of Lin Chong, if Lin Chong had the same eyesight as Wang Jin after a conflict with Gao Yunei, he fled the capital in time with his wife, and perhaps he could get the peaceful ending he wanted.

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