
When Cixi fled, there were people to help her, and she was killed all the way through the pass, and the Eight Kingdoms Army could not stop it

Today we talk about some small historical stories during the Qing Dynasty, we all know that in the late Qing Dynasty, China was notoriously corrupt and backward, and all kinds of treaties that lost power and humiliated the country were overwhelming, and China also entered a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society from then on, and then later, the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China, killing and looting along the way, and because of the weakness of the Qing government and the inaction of Empress Dowager Cixi, the invaders used this to promote arrogance and even more to carry out aggression, and in the end, Empress Dowager Cixi was forced to leave the palace and flee abroad.

Text/Ancient History New Talk

When Cixi fled, there were people to help her, and she was killed all the way through the pass, and the Eight Kingdoms Army could not stop it

What we are talking about today is related to the experience of Empress Dowager Cixi's escape. We all know that the emperors of the ancient dynasties of our country will have a forbidden army of the imperial palace following them when they travel, so as to avoid unexpected situations and protect the safety of the emperor, and the forbidden army of a dynasty should be the strongest military force of the whole country at that time, but when Cixi fled, he did not take this forbidden army with the strongest military strength to flee with him, but instead selected a group of people as her escort, and this group of guards is the theme of our discussion today.

When Cixi fled, there were people to help her, and she was killed all the way through the pass, and the Eight Kingdoms Army could not stop it

First of all, let's talk about why Cixi did not choose the Forbidden Army as his fleeing guard, but chose other forces alone. The first point to be explained is that during the reign of Empress Dowager Cixi, the imperial court was excessively corrupt and the military expenditure was embezzled in large quantities, which led to a sharp decline in the strength of the Korean and Chinese armies, and the forbidden army was no exception, coupled with the infringement of opium, a large part of the forbidden army in the palace became addicts, and the so-called forbidden army could almost be said to have little combat effectiveness.

When Cixi fled, there were people to help her, and she was killed all the way through the pass, and the Eight Kingdoms Army could not stop it

In addition, there is another point to explain, although there is a forbidden army escort, it will be higher in momentum, but there is a little bad, that is, it is easy to be exposed to the enemy, if in peacetime, Cixi with the forbidden army travel is no problem, but at that time Cixi was being hunted down by the Eight-Nation Alliance, the target of the forbidden army was too large, if exposed, this is not a good sign. Moreover, Cixi was fleeing at that time, and if he fled with the forbidden army, it would inevitably be too eye-catching, and to let the people know this picture of Cixi, Cixi was definitely unwilling.

When Cixi fled, there were people to help her, and she was killed all the way through the pass, and the Eight Kingdoms Army could not stop it

Therefore, in order to ensure the strength of the guards, but also to take into account the principle of concealment, Empress Dowager Cixi chose to ask the Li Family Dart Bureau to provide escorts for her escape. Legend has it that in the whole road and under the road, no one has successfully robbed the dart they are protecting. After Cixi had the protection of the Li Family Dart Bureau, she successfully evaded the Eight-Nation Alliance and finally escaped safely to Xi'an, which if it was replaced by the Forbidden Army of the Imperial Palace, I am afraid that it would be robbed halfway.

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