
After Princess Taiping used it, she recommended Zhang Changzong to Wu Zetian, and later why did she personally eliminate him

For Princess Taiping, Wu Zetian's evaluation is "like me", one is that Princess Taiping is "Fang Er Guangyi", and the other is that Princess Taiping is "more conspiratorial", so Wu Zetian likes her very much.

It is precisely because of this love that Wu Zetian will gradually let Princess Taiping participate in the government.

After Princess Taiping used it, she recommended Zhang Changzong to Wu Zetian, and later why did she personally eliminate him

Wu Zetian's evaluation of her is also very accurate, she not only looks like Wu Zetian, she is not only as smart and calculating as Wu Zetian, she is also as power-hungry as Wu Zetian.

Therefore, in order to please Wu Zetian and let Wu Zetian give her more power, she painstakingly found a male pet with excellent talent and sent him to the palace and gave it to Wu Zetian.

The reason why Princess Taiping gave Zhang Changzong to Wu Zetian, in addition to pleasing Wu Zetian, in the final analysis, Princess Taiping also hoped that Zhang Zongchang could act as her internal response, observe Wu Zetian's every move, every word and deed in the palace, and be able to blow pillow wind to Wu Zetian when necessary.

After Princess Taiping used it, she recommended Zhang Changzong to Wu Zetian, and later why did she personally eliminate him

However, Zhang Changzong is not a simple role, can he be willing to be the eyes and ears of Princess Taiping?

Obviously not reconciled.

Zhang Changzong was not only handsome in appearance, but also young and strong, so as soon as he entered the palace, he easily received the favor of Wu Zetian.

In order to be able to take care of himself in the palace, he also recommended his brother Zhang Yizhi to Empress Wu, saying that Zhang Yizhi's talent was higher than his own, and he also knew how to refine Dan Medicine. Wu Hou listened to it and came to the strength, Zhang Changzong was born so handsome, his brother would not be bad if he wanted to come, not to mention that he would also refine Dan Medicine, it was really versatile!

When Zhang Yizhi entered the palace, Wu Zetian saw it, and sure enough, he fell in love with it again, and could not wait to appoint Zhang Changzong as the general of Yunlu and Zhang Yizhi as the siwei shaoqing.

After a few more days, Wu Zetian became more and more fond of Zhang Changzong, so he was promoted to an official, and countless people in the DPRK and China competed to marry the Zhang family brothers, which was very beautiful.

In this way, Zhang Changzong still had to continue to listen to Princess Taiping's words? Do you still need to continue to be the eyes and ears of princess Taiping? Obviously, princess Taiping will have to pay respectful tribute when she sees him!

After Princess Taiping used it, she recommended Zhang Changzong to Wu Zetian, and later why did she personally eliminate him

In order to share the favor, Zhang Changzong also recommended his brother Zhang Yizhi to Emperor Wu, claiming that his brother was proficient in kung fu and proficient in the way of alchemy and medicine, which could help Emperor Wu prolong his life and live forever. Emperor Wu was overjoyed when he heard this, and summoned Zhang Yizhi into the palace overnight to serve.

Erzhang was well versed in emperor Wu's thoughts, and served her with physical and mental pleasure and satisfaction, and with the emperor's grace, she was mighty on all sides, like the sun in the sky, and people who came to flatter and flattery flocked to her. The courtiers and magnates even tabooed their names, and they were both referred to as "Goro and Rokuro" in the open and in the dark.

Emperor Wu was addicted to male sex and could not extricate himself, and gradually ignored government affairs, and the power of the imperial court fell by the wayside, and Erzhang took the opportunity to interfere in the affairs of the dynasty and play with power in an attempt to suppress the Li and Wu imperial families.

After Princess Taiping used it, she recommended Zhang Changzong to Wu Zetian, and later why did she personally eliminate him

Once, the emperor's grandson Li Chongrunzheng, his sister Li Xianhui, the lord of Yongtai County, and his sister-in-law Wu Yanji secretly discussed the absurd rhymes of Emperor Wu and Erzhang, and the news went away and was learned by Erzhang.

Li Chongrun and Li Xianhui were the children of the crown prince Li Xianhe and his wife Wei Xiang'er, and Wu Yanji was the eldest son of Wu Chengsi and the nephew of Emperor Wu, all of whom were blood relatives of Emperor Wu. But even so, Erzhang still added fuel to the fire and complained to Emperor Wu about this matter, accusing them of discussing private affairs of the court. Emperor Wu became angry and ordered the execution of three people.

Emperor Wu shocked the government and the opposition in one fell swoop, and the members of the royal family began to fear Erzhang, fearing that offending would lead to the disaster of killing. Crown Prince Li Xian, Xiang Wang Li Dan, and Taiping all dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, so they had to swallow their anger and wait for the opportunity to move.

After Princess Taiping used it, she recommended Zhang Changzong to Wu Zetian, and later why did she personally eliminate him

Breakup: Slander and accusation against the Taiping lover, the former master and servant were cut off twice

The situation between Erzhang and the imperial family is the same as the water and fire, and they have long regarded each other as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh, and they are eager to borrow the power of Emperor Wu to get rid of them quickly. Taiping also had to let them three points, so he joined forces with Li Dan and Li Xian to play the title of King of Erzhang to appease Emperor Wu.' This move was in line with Emperor Wu's wishes, and she made Zhang Changzong the Duke of Yiguo and Zhang Yizhi the Duke of Hengguo, each holding three hundred households.

How can the narrow-minded Erzhang give up? At that time, the crown prince Li Xian was in a high position of power, and Li Dan acted in a low-key and rigorous manner, and only the inferior Princess Taiping had a handle to grasp. Therefore, within a year, Erzhang pointed the finger at the benefactor Princess Taiping, who promoted them.

After Princess Taiping used it, she recommended Zhang Changzong to Wu Zetian, and later why did she personally eliminate him

At that time, Princess Taiping was fighting with Si Li Cheng Gao Jian fiercely, and Gao Jiansu was in close contact with Wei Yuanzhong, the imperial master. Therefore, Erzhang blew a "pillow wind" to Emperor Wu, rumored that Wei Yuanzhong and Gao Jian were plotting a rebellion, and secretly supported the crown prince's ascension to the throne. Emperor Wu was furious, Wei and Gao were imprisoned, Li Xian was scolded, and Taiping lost his lover, which can be described as killing four eagles with one stone.

Soon, Gao Jian inexplicably died in prison. Taiping was devastated and completely broke with Erzhang. Erzhang's murder of her close relatives had made her quite dissatisfied; but instead of the slightest restraint, the two of them had to go in and persecute her lover. It's tolerable, it's intolerable!

After Princess Taiping used it, she recommended Zhang Changzong to Wu Zetian, and later why did she personally eliminate him

Hostility: Holding the Son of Heaven hostage and threatening the princes, offending the wrath of the people and dying without a corpse

If you want to destroy it first, you must first make it crazy. If you want to eliminate Erzhang, the strength of Li Xian, Li Dan, and Taiping alone is far from enough. Erzhang Feiyang has been on the move for a long time, and has long made many enemies in the DPRK and China, and has been pointed out by thousands of people, and it is only a matter of time before he falls and loses power.

Emperor Wu was seriously ill, and Ju Yingxian Palace was bedridden, not allowing others to visit, leaving only two to serve by his side. Zhang Changzong, fearing that Emperor Wu would lose his dependency after his death, conspired with Zhang Yizhi to falsely pass on the Holy Will and depose Li Xian's crown prince, and the two established themselves as kings. However, Li Xian, Taiping, and others had long been clear about it, and planned to launch a military coup and break the net with Erzhang Dou.

After Princess Taiping used it, she recommended Zhang Changzong to Wu Zetian, and later why did she personally eliminate him

In the first year of shenlong, with the support of Zhang Kamzhi, Cui Xuanwei and others, the Yulin army quickly surrounded the Yingxian Palace, beheaded Zhang Changzong and Zhang Yizhi on the spot, and forced Emperor Wu to give way to Li Xian.

Wu Zetian was dying, only to understand the absurdity and mediocrity of his old age, and returned to the Li family, and died a few months later. This fight finally ended with the great victory of the Li Tang royal family.

After Princess Taiping used it, she recommended Zhang Changzong to Wu Zetian, and later why did she personally eliminate him

Zhang Changzong, the "first male favorite", can be said to be peaceful in success and peace in defeat. He was insatiable and ungrateful, and he bit back at the benefactor, and he deserved to be cut off by the door. What's more, what he offended was the fierce and scheming Princess Taiping of Zhenguo, and presumably there was only one way to die.

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