
The best domestic car logo in the hearts of the Chinese people, BYD is stunning, and the last one is deserved

Domestic cars have been criticized in terms of design, and this situation has not improved until recent years. Now many independent brands have changed designers, and some car companies have hired designers of top luxury cars, and their appearance has reached a new level. And in the past two years, many independent brands have also changed new car logos, some car logos have been unanimously recognized by netizens, we feel that these car labels are more beautiful than many joint venture brand car logos, today we will take stock of several Chinese people's hearts to get the most beautiful domestic car labels.

The best domestic car logo in the hearts of the Chinese people, BYD is stunning, and the last one is deserved

The first, Hongqi Cars

Hongqi is China's national car, the previous red flag logo is a golden sunflower, every time you see this logo, everyone will be in awe. In the stage of Hongqi's use of golden sunflower car logos, Hongqi Automobile is an official car, and ordinary consumers do not have a channel to buy Hongqi Automobile. Later, Hongqi changed its development strategy and began to open up to ordinary consumers.

The best domestic car logo in the hearts of the Chinese people, BYD is stunning, and the last one is deserved

In order to apply the new identity, Hongqi also replaced the new logo. Now the logo of the red flag has become a "dinghai god needle", and the elements of the longitude and latitude lines have been added to the inside, representing the spirit of the red flag to strive upwards. Many people feel that no matter what era, Hongqi's car logo is the most beautiful.

The best domestic car logo in the hearts of the Chinese people, BYD is stunning, and the last one is deserved

The second, BYD Cars

Among all the independent brands, BYD's car logo should be the most miserable one. BYD's car logo is composed of the first letter of Hanyu Pinyin, and the combination of THE three letters of BYD will make people think of some not-so-good words, and it feels like swearing when read.

The best domestic car logo in the hearts of the Chinese people, BYD is stunning, and the last one is deserved

PreviousLY, BYD's logo had no sense of design, adding an oval circle to the outside of the three letters. Now BYD hired a new designer, in the new car shape continues to upgrade at the moment, BYD also changed the new logo, although it is still BYD three letters, but it canceled the outer circle, and added some design on the basis of the original, now the new logo appears more fashionable.

The best domestic car logo in the hearts of the Chinese people, BYD is stunning, and the last one is deserved

Moreover, BYD launched a dynasty series, and models such as Qin, Song, Tang, and Yuan used Chinese character car logos, which also highlighted BYD's determination to promote Chinese character culture.

The best domestic car logo in the hearts of the Chinese people, BYD is stunning, and the last one is deserved

The third, Roewe Cars

SAIC Roewe's car logo is relatively successful in domestic independent brands, and its car logo has a British atmosphere. Because saic motor Roewe's predecessor was Rover Motors, Rover Motors is a classic British car brand. Inside Roewe's logo are two golden male lions, holding a Chinese watch, and the male lion's feet are the abbreviations of the Roewe English alphabet.

The best domestic car logo in the hearts of the Chinese people, BYD is stunning, and the last one is deserved

Now Roewe has also upgraded the car logo, the new car logo still uses formal elements, but the color of the car logo is no longer the color of red, black and gold, it keeps pace with the times and becomes a fashionable young taro purple.

The best domestic car logo in the hearts of the Chinese people, BYD is stunning, and the last one is deserved

The fourth, Wuling Hongguang

Speaking of Wuling Hongguang, many people will think of Wuling Hongguang van. The van is a tool car, the price is only tens of thousands of pieces, some people may think that the price of Wuling Hongguang is very cheap, and the car logo is definitely relatively low. In fact, Wuling's ruby logo is still quite eye-catching, the flying wing shape is also very atmospheric, and many owners of luxury cars will also buy a Wuling Hongguang car logo to paste on their cars.

The best domestic car logo in the hearts of the Chinese people, BYD is stunning, and the last one is deserved


Car logo is the logo of the car brand, a car brand culture is also reflected in the car logo, the car logo is not good to look at the car brand also has a great impact, domestic car companies have changed the label is also to leave a good impression on consumers, we think these 4 domestic brands Whose car logo is the best looking?

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